As the zeta tube announced the early arrival of the authorized guest, Nightwing, and Batgirl. The team scrambled to get to the zeta tube room since some of them weren't anywhere near there. Then the team stood in a line as the bright light coming from the zeta tube momentarily blinded them. Even though most of them were used to it aside from the few that rarely used to zeta tube. A tall male who seemed to be in his late twenties walks out of the zeta tube followed by Nightwing and Batgirl a few seconds later. Both of them having a quick and very quiet conversation with Batman, who had already been in the room waiting, about something. After their very short conversation which was unknown to everyone, including those who have super hearing. Batman turns toward the team as the male stands next to Batman in his hero suit just like everyone else. Meanwhile Nightwing and Batgirl go to stand with their team members on either end of the line.
Even with the mask on it was easy for them to tell that the male had been through a lot in his life. He didn't seem all to pleased with being here at the mountain either. Almost as if he had come here because of someone else's request and not because he had wanted to. The male stayed silent for quite a while as he starts to glance around the room at everyone. Noticing that Wally and Alison didn't seem all to happy about something so he assumed it was most likely because of him. With that little bit of assumed information rolling around inside of his head the male didn't really want to introduce himself all that much either. His past wasn't exactly the best topic for conversation and hearing about his parents would make anyone hate him. His own thoughts seemed to cause the male tense up as he waits for someone to make the introductions. Cause he really wasn't planning on making the introductions himself.
After all he has next to nothing to use in order to start a conversation efficiently without being to vague about his past. Doing that would cause to many questions and he honestly was not up to answering the team's unnecessary questions. Batman glanced at the male, making the conclusion that the male did not want to introduce himself to the team. So he decided to do it for the male in order to get rid of the ever growing awkward silence and tension that had filled the room once he had stopped talking. The male watched as Batman clears his throat slightly, quickly drawing the teams attention away from the male and to the dark knight himself. Even though he was inevitably going to put the attention right back onto the tense male that was next to him. After all that would defeat the purpose of introducing someone to people if they didn't want attention to be drawn to them by having said people know them by their birth name. Besides the team would find out the males name eventually, most likely due to Jeopardy since the older female was his sister. Though that information was unknown to everyone other than a select few members of the Justice League.
"This is Justin Sanchez, hero alias: Warp. He will be joining your team effective immediately in order to help with this speedster threat." Batman explained as he points at the male now introduced as Justin Sanchez.
"And what exactly does he know that will help with catching this speedster murderer? Last I checked she's faster than me, Wally, and Grandpa which is so not crash." Bart said from his place next to Jaime, a small frown on the otherwise happy and optimistic speedster from the future.
"Plus she has also been able to keep herself from getting captured while outsmarting even you Batman, we just can't seem to keep track of her." Robin stated, remembering how they got a lead but then it slipped away from them. Which made the young bat child even more unhappy about the situation.
"Batman reached out to me quite a while ago with this situation and from the information I've gathered this speedster seems to target men more so than women. About 70% of her victims are males over the age of 19, while the last 30% consists of females that are also over the age of 19. Now that doesn't say much but it means that she targets a certain age group and prefers to go after men." Justin said as he pulls up all of his data onto the holo computer. Knowing it wouldn't do much to ease the teams nerves.
"Your right that doesn't tell us much, so what exactly are we supposed to do? Monitor every man in the world that fits that certain age category and hope we catch her?" Alison asked sarcastically as she crosses her arms, an indifferent facial expression settling on her face despite her hatred for this day.
"Uh not exactly, you see this speedster is definitely not private when it comes to the end results of her psychotic fun. So we will just have to lure her out with many targets in a single area." Justin said, attempting to ignore Alison's sarcasm as well as her indifferent expression.
"That sounds a little dangerous in my opinion, after all we're supposed to save innocent lives not put them in danger. Besides how do we really know that she is even a she? After all they could just be a really petite man." Wally said with a equally indifferent expression on his face. He was not fond of Justin's plan, his gender assumptions for the evil speedster, or this day either.
"I know it doesn't sound like the best plan Wally but every other attempt to catch this speedster has ultimately failed. Batman as well as Jeopardy are already on board with the plan and frankly so am I." Nightwing said coming to Justin's defense while also explaining how they knew that the speedster was a female. He had already known that some of the team members would not accept the new team member right away.
"Fine, that still doesn't answer my question as to how you all know that she is a female." Wally grumbled out, still not happy about any of this but he really didn't want to argue with his best friend at the moment despite his sour mood.
"Well Wally with the footage from street cameras we were able to figure out her gender. When the footage frames are slowed down enough we could see that the blur was in fact a female." Robin explains in order to tie up the loose ends when it came to the corrupt speedsters gender. He also did this to get Wally off of Justin's back when it came to the information.
"Anyways as I was saying, we simply lure her out into one area with as many targets as possible. We will also be there undercover in order to blend in and if we see anything suspicious we will act upon it before another victim is claimed." Justin stated causing most of the team to nod in understanding. Knowing that despite the fact that they detest the plan that he had come up with it was the only option that they had at the moment.
"The question is how do you plan to lure her out? A group of people gathering together for no reason would seem very suspicious. Even to someone who kidnaps people for no reason." Batgirl said, speaking what was on everyone's minds since no one else seemed to have the guts to speak their minds infront of Batman.
"Leave that to me, for now go get acquainted with each other. And Justin, Jeopardy will be here shortly to check in on how you are settling in." Batman said as he turns and leaves through the zeta tubes, a plan forming in his head that would require his alter ego Bruce Wayne.
"Wonderful, great....." Justin mumbled to himself sarcastically as he crossed his arms. Already starting to feel the growing tension in the room as Batman left to do whatever he was planning on doing.
The team as well as Justin watch Batman leave. The few who did not know the dark knights identity were curious. What did he mean when he told them to leave finding a place to set a trap for the speedster up to him? As soon as Batman leaves a heavy amount of silence falls over Justin and the team as they all just stand there looking at each other. Not exactly knowing what to do since they honestly hadn't had any actual new members added to the team in ages. Justin was starting to have a bit of inner turmoil as well as the silence grows into awkward silence. He hadn't seen his sister in years and yet she was going to show up to check in on him in a little while. He quietly sighed slightly to himself, knowing he really couldn't avoid it no matter how much he wanted to so he just had to suck it up and face her. As Justin continued to have his inner turmoil one by one the Young Justice members began to go off and do their own thing. Until it was just the founding members of the team and Alison left in the zeta tube room.
Though that did nothing to help with the silence that was floating around in the room. It was almost as if no one could find anything to say in order to break the silence. Justin crossed his arms slightly, internally debating on whether or not he should just leave. This was due to the fact that no one was making an effort to actually be nice and show him around the cave. Though he really should have expected that, after all he was pushing his way into their team. No one really knew him enough to say they want him here either. After all they had gone without a new member being added to the team for four and a half years. So in all honesty they have every right to no accept him as a member of the team. Plus two two of the team members had been really hoping that a certain young West sibling would have been joining the team instead. That is before she had ended up disappearing and was pronounced dead. Of course the young blond joining the team was next to impossible. Due to the fact that no one knew that she had gained super speed the same way that Wally had gained his speed. However they probably never would know since they were starting to assume that she was dead just like everyone else.
"Well um, I guess we should give you a tour." M'gann said, finally breaking the silence that had fallen over them all.
"Yea, I guess you should." Justin said as he looks at the female martian that had finally spoken in the almost half hour that he's been at the cave.
"Please follow me then, right now we are in the zeta tube/mission briefing and debriefing room." M'gann said as she begins floating towards a hallway.
Even though a tour sounded extremely boring to the teleporter he really had no choice but to stick around for it since he didn't know his way around Mt. Justice. Though he could probably just explore on his own later on. Justin sighed slightly again as he breaks out of his own thoughts before following after M'gann. He was soon followed by Wally, Conner, Nightwing, Alison, and Kaldur as well as they walk and or float down the hallway. Justin knew this would be a long boring tour though. Just from looking at the outside of the mountain he could tell that it was just as big on the inside as it was on the outside. This observation made him internally groan at his luck right about now, only he could get stuck with a long boring tour. M'gann would point things out and say what they were from time to time, only getting a nod or a simple okay as an answer out of Justin. Who really wasn't paying that much attention to the tour that was being given to him.
As the tour dragged on for another half hour Conner, Wally, Kaldur, Alison, and Nightwing went off to do their own thing. But some of them were skeptical about Justin and about leaving him alone with M'gann. Though for now they would have to trust him, after all he will be a part of their team and they cannot create problems for the rest of the team by not trusting Justin. No matter how much it killed them to trust someone that they knew absolutely nothing about. After a while M'gann ends the tour at the bedroom that would be Justin's whenever he decides he needs to stay at the cave. Or for when he is just to exhausted to head home to wherever he lives. After all sometimes the mission's always made the team feel to exhausted to leave the cave after getting back. With that M'gann leaves Justin to get settled into his room and to decorate it whatever way he wanted to. Saying that she will come get him when Jeopardy shows up to check on him.
Justin simply walked into the room, what M'gann had said to him had gone in one ear and then immediately went out the other ear. Flopping down on the bed he stares up at the ceiling and pulls off his mask. His life was already hectic as it is, he had no idea as to what he was getting himself into by joining this team. And then taking on this mission since he thought he left the purger life behind ages ago when he stood up to his parents. At that moment he had become an outcast as well as a target. His twin brother never did like him so him rejecting their way of life was just the chance his twin needed to attempt to try and kill him. Not like he ever could though, he was always much better at escaping situations that his twin was. That was probably why their parents favored him more than his brother up until now. At that thought Justin ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Hoping that his past doesn't come back to haunt him at some point in time since he had made it this far without any demons from his past showing up again. Though unbeknownst to him that thought may or may not have jinxed his chances of keeping his past where it should be. In the past and forgotten by everyone other than the select few who were a part of that past.
Millions of miles away from Mount Justice back at the island Tori was down in her's and Tyler's shared purge room. Completing a sail on the few organs she had harvested from the man she had been purging, waiting for her delivery guy to show up. She was honestly getting bored with just selling organs to the highest bidder though. Not many people were out and about at night anymore so she had no way of getting victims to purge in order to satisfy her blood lust and resupply her business. That is normally what she would do but she can't this time since. She basically cut off her supply of purge victims by accidentally letting the news know about her which also cut off the supply of organs as well. Though even if she really wanted to purge she couldn't. There was no way to discreetly take victims when they no longer come out at night.
Which was her only time frame that she could do such a thing without the risk of being caught. Sure she could take them during the day or take them from their homes but that would raises suspicions. No body ever just disappears during the day nor do they disappear inside their own homes. Those facts frustrated Tori to no end and it hurt her business as well. She can't exactly sell organs without restocking her supply in order to fit the demand that many people in the blackmarket had. With a small sigh of frustration she shuts her computer and walks upstairs. Walking over to Tyler who was sitting on the couch sharpening his knife that never leaves his sight.
Tori flops down onto the couch laying her back against Tyler's side and her head on his shoulder. Said man not minding it since she does this quite often when bored. Neither of the two of them said a word yet for they were somewhat enjoying the silence that fell over them. Despite the fact that the boredom was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. This had been there life ever since that news article about the murder of Dustin King and the evil speedster had been published. This caused both purgers to be frustrated beyond comprehension since they had no way of fixing this that they knew of yet. Tori just hoped that their luck would change soon, before she had the whole purging community knocking down her door. Most likely in order to attempt to rip her limb from limb in their state of rage from being unable to purge.
Yay I updated again, and it didn't take me a million gillion years to do it! And third times a charm when it comes to editing and adding more details to the chapters, I have been unpublishing and republishing this book a lot lately. Anyways Justin has finally been introduced to the team, another character has been introduced who has not shown up in Loveless just yet. But back to the topic at hand though, seems Justin has a plan forming around in his head and since I'm that evil you won't know about it till my next update. I hope you enjoyed this update though because I wanted to take my time with it and not rush it. Please give me your thoughts, I enjoy criticism as long as your not a dickhead about it because I will not accept negative comments or criticism. Anyways hopefully this update and cliff hanger will hold you over until I update this book again. I also apologize for the fact that I am slacking on my other updates, I just haven't had ideas for those other books. It's a horrible excuse I know but that's the one that I am giving you so don't judge me. Also the word count for this chapter is 3,182 which brings me to 182 words over my goal of 3,000 words and I'm adding it now since I forgot to the first time I wrote this chapter cause it wasn't that important until now. Once again I am not going all the way to 4,000 since my thumbs would fall off, I might push myself to 4,000 words if I get a computer for Christmas. Anyways I'll stop typing before this note gets longer than the chapter itself which would not be good. Bye for now though!
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