Off the coast of Gotham City far out into the sea there was nothing but ocean. Or at least that was what most sailors and plane pilots thought since they could never actually see what was really there. Carefully hidden from the rest of the world was an island, though it's not Themyscira. That island was in a whole different ocean on the other side of the world and was a lot bigger than this island. This island did not show up on any maps or any radar and had been left unknown for practically centuries. That is until someone had been lucky enough to stumble upon it and make it their home. On said carefully hidden island was a huge mansion and it was the only building on that entire island. The rest was trees and grass for as far as the eye could see, though no outsiders would ever be able to see it. In that huge mansion on that unknown island that was millions of miles away from any form or type of civilization was seemingly no one. However screams of agony and complete terror could be heard from the spacious basement of that mansion.
It had been atleast four and a half years since both the public and media announcement of Tori West's death. As well as the sudden unpredictable murder of the man known as Dustin King. That mansions basement had seen a lot of screams from many different people in those four and a half years. The cause of those very audible horrifying screams coming from the basement was none other than Tori West herself. She was drinking everything in like it was the best thing in the entire world as she grabs a lighter. Then she begins to slowly heat up a butter knife she had picked up while standing a few feet away from a table. Her current victim, a sleazy business man in his late thirties, looked at the butter knife that was slowly turning red. Then he begins sobbing loudly while thrashing around irritating his other wounds with blood all over himself and the floor. The man had been tortured by her for hours so the apparent visual information that his suffering would continue made him loose all hope. Especially the hope of possibly getting a death out of mercy from the blonde woman that had been slow mutilating his body for fun.
Soft yet still audible footsteps coming down the stairs could be heard despite the echoing screams coming from Tori's terrified victim. She turned towards the source of the footsteps, coming face to face with her roommate Tyler. They had been living together on this hidden island torturing, or as they like to call it purging, people in the basement. Ever since Tyler had convinced her to take charge of her own life, leave Central City, and to be no one's play thing anymore. With a smirk on her face Tori continues to heat up the butter knife as Tyler approaches her. Paying no attention to the sobbing man that was restrained to a nearby table as he comes to stand next to the small blonde woman. The taller male raises an eyebrow at the knife Tori is holding, recognizing that method of purging. He used it quite often and it was his favorite method out of them all to use on people. Of course Tyler had trained Tori in the art of purging. So he wasn't all that surprised that at the moment she was using one of his more preferred methods of purging. He just wished she wouldn't use it as often as she does. They were starting to run out of usable butter knives for when they needed them in the kitchen. It was such a pain in the ass for him to replace the knives. Especially since the only time either of them left the island was to either get the supplies that they needed or to find their next purge victims.
"You know that's my purging method your using" Tyler motions to the now red hot butter knife that was in her hand as he speaks.
"So? You got a problem with it then come fight me about it mother fucker" Tori replied as she sets down the now turned off lighter once the butter knife was hot enough to cut through skin.
"I would but the fight would be very unfair, plus I'd hate to ruin your fun by interrupting you in the middle of purging" Tyler smirked, slight sarcasm apparent in his voice as he leans against a nearby wall that was close to Tori.
Tori rolled her eyes as she turns towards her victim. Pressing the burning hot butter knife against his exposed stomach she begins cutting diagonally down his stomach. With the butter knife heated up it was fairly easy to cut into the mans skin as well as his abdominal muscles. Though his thrashing around did not make things all that easy for himself. The man was screaming bloody murder the entire time as Tori cut back the skin on his stomach. Revealing his ribs and internal organs for both her and Tyler to see. Tyler was watching these events unfold with a proud facial expression as Tori begins to cut out the mans kidneys. She did this whilst still using the same red hot butter knife she was using before. Blood splattered all over Tori's hands, shirt, and cheek as she takes out the now cut out kidneys. Then she proceeded to drop the now harvested organs into the preservative jars that she had set up before she began to purge.
Her hand was steady, slow, and unflinching despite the blood getting splattered all over her. Though it was well known to both Tyler and Tori that she was hesitant and unable to do this four years ago when she first started purging. The man was loosing so much blood that he was beginning to die as Tori moved on to cutting out the mans liver. A smirk on her face since she actually was enjoying this despite how messy the job itself was. She dropped the liver inside of another preservative jar, taking a minute to clean the blood off of the knife. Then heat it back up again since it was slowly beginning to cool down because of the frigidness of the basement. Once the knife was heated up once again Tori continues to cut out the organs that she can reach without getting a bone saw to cut away the mans ribs. See she sold organs from her victims in order to a little extra cash.
After a short while Tori sets down the butter knife and picks up a bone saw with the intention of cutting away the mans ribs. Pouting slightly when she noticed the man had stop screaming and had finally bled to death as his eyes become dull and lifeless. That put a massive damper on her mood since she was looking forward to removing all of the mans organs. Though it seems as if this man was to weak and pathetic to withstand another minute of being purged as well as disemboweled. Then again not very many purge victims could last through long hours of purging. Then the eventual disembowelment that would come whenever Tori got bored. Then she would finally loose interest in her victim when they don't give her new reactions. Though her actually loosing interest in victims very rarely happens due to the fact that she sometimes likes to take the scientific approach. She does this by writing down date and analyzing the victim's reaction to different types of pain. She also takes the scientific approach due to the fact that her business cannot succeed or thrive without healthy usable organs. Otherwise she cannot continue her business if she accidentally sells someone a organ that is contaminated with a sickness.
"Aw man, he died before I could finish purging him and taking out his organs." Tori pouted and turned towards Tyler as she sets down the bone saw.
"Well they just don't make purging victims like they used to." Tyler replied slightly sarcastic as he matter shifted the man to the body room. Knowing all to well that Tori didn't like it when her victims died mid-purging and mid-disembowelment.
"You know sarcasm is not needed nor wanted." Tori stated as she gave Tyler an unamused look. She picked up a towel and begins to clean the blood off of her hands, arms, and face.
"I know but it's fun to push your buttons." Tyler commented with a smirk as he crossed his arms as he watches Tori clean the blood off of her skin.
"Your lucky I need to clean up this damn room otherwise you'd get a fucking knife to your goddamn dick." Tori growled out causing Tyler to chuckle.
"It's adorable when you attempt to threaten me." Tyler said through his chuckles, no where near threatened or intimidated by his roommate.
Tori didn't respond to his comment as red electricity crackled around her body as she takes a moment to tap into her negative connection to the speed force. Quickly cleaning up the blood from the purge room as well as her purging tools and clothes. All purgers were neat freaks and hated when something or someone was messy or if something was out of place. Tori had quickly picked up on that habit the more she got into purging and formed what most purgers call a bloodlust. After about a millisecond of running around cleaning Tori skids to a halt. Taking a second to quickly stomp her feet on the ground and pat places on her body in order to put out the small fires that were caused by her speed. Tyler simply watched with his arms crossed, not even lifting a finger to help since he knew that Tori was very picky. She had to have the purge room cleaned a certain way otherwise she would refuse to purge until it was cleaned her way. He of course had no objections when it came to Tori's pickiness nor when it came to her method of cleaning.
In the end the purge room was always clean and tidy which took a lot of stress off his shoulders when it came to his OCD. Once Tori has made sure that her shoes and clothes are no longer on fire she pulls her long blonde hair out of its ponytail. Running her fingers through her hair as she looks over at Tyler, eyebrow raised. He usually only decides to interrupts her purging session when he has something very important to tell her. Otherwise he waits upstairs in order to tell her whatever news he has. Tyler tosses a phone to Tori who catches it easily with one hand. Raising her eyebrow even more as she rubs her free hand through her hair in order to detangle it from its messy state of being free from its ponytail. A news article was displayed on the screen of the phone.
It was talking about how a blur that left behind trails of red lightning was abducting people off the streets and that it disappears as quickly as it appears. Tori shuts off the phone with an uninterested look on her face and sets it on the table, after all it was her phone. She was a lot more careful with her phone when it came to handling it unlike Tyler who decides to always tosses it around all the time. He never was all that careful with any inanimate object other than his knife. Which he always has with him and he never lets anyone but himself use it, though on occasion he will let Tori use the knife as well. After all Tyler believed that if he didn't buy it or if it didn't mean something to him then he really had no reason to be careful with it. Since it wasn't money coming out of his pocket to fix it if he ended up breaking it, whether it was on purpose or on accident.
"You've made front page news on every news station and news paper on earth, seems your not as subtle as you would like to be." Tyler said as he crosses his arms across his chest again.
"That was the plan." Tori replied while she stretched slightly causing her joints to audibly pop. She then continues to stretch in order to get rid of her stiffness.
"Wait you wanted to get noticed?" Tyler questioned with a raised eyebrow, wondering if he had heard her right.
"Uh yea, that's what "that was the plan" means Tyler. Get with the program man." Tori leans back against a table as she crosses her arms, acting extremely nonchalant about this whole situation.
"Tori I think you've been smoking a little to much weed, it's fried that brain of yours. You do realize that the Justice League now knows about this little bit of information." Tyler said in a slightly harsh tone, a frown now replacing his smirk.
"Quit your worrying Tyler, I haven't gotten caught yet. The government people are weak compared to meta humans and the League has probably known since the murder of Dustin King." Tori all but hissed out the males name as a dark look comes to her usually smirking face.
"I know Tori, I just want you to be a bit more careful is all. The government and League are not exactly merciful to people in our line of work." Tyler replied, his harsh tone slowly melting away slightly as he looks at the girl that had become his little sister as well as protege.
"I know Tyler, but I already have everything planned out so you have no reason to worry. So, stop being a debby downer and let's go fucking get stoned as all hell." Tori said, her dark look having been replaced with a small grin as she turns and leaves the purge room.
"Tori we've been over this already, the correct term is getting high." Tyler called after Tori as he flips a switch on the wall which shuts off the power in the entire purge room.
"Whatever you say but I still think that saying that your getting stoned rolls off the tongue more so than saying your fucking getting high. Besides you know I'm right so stop whining about it and women up." Tori responded as she glances at Tyler over her shoulder from the top of the stairs.
Tyler simply rolled his eyes at Tori's antics and at her comment to "women up" as he follows her out of the purge room. Knowing she can't exactly get stoned without him using his powers in order to block her speed. Her speedster metabolism burns through everything that she ingests as soon as it enters her system. Though Tyler really didn't really know much about speedsters. He just had to believe the vague information that Tori told him since she didn't know much about speedsters herself. Regardless he never quite understood why she couldn't just use one of the inhibitor collar that they had. Then again he knew all to well that those damned collars were bulky and extremely uncomfortable for someone to wear.
Nevertheless getting stoned did sound like a good idea. They both had been purging quite a lot the entire four years that Tori had been with him and they had not had a chance to relax and unwind in ages. Even though to most purgers they tend to unwind when they are actually purging but things were different for Tori and Tyler. They purged only for fun and not for the purpose of unwinding. After locking up the purge room for the night Tyler follows Tori deeper into the mansion towards where they kept their shared stock. Which consisted of weed, alcohol, and various other drugs in the house. They always got drunk and stoned together, doing it together was always more fun anyways. It was their way of unwinding after spending hours on end purging people just so Tori could get the hang of it.
Hundreds of miles away from the island all the way in Happy Harbor the team was in a buzz. They ran around Mount Justice getting ready for the newest addition to their team that would be arriving at any moment. Though there were two Young Justice members who weren't as enthusiastic about the new member as the rest of the team was. Those members were Wally and Alison. This day was also the day that marked the four and a half year anniversary of Tori's disappearance. This was always a miserable day for the best friend and older brother of the missing West child. Though both Alison and Wally knew that they had to put their feelings aside for now. Helping their team came first before their own feelings, no matter how much they detested this day. However for the sake of the team they would have to push their feelings for this day aside in order to meet the new team member, whoever they maybe. So with heavy hearts and their heads held high they met up with the rest of the team. They stood infront of the zeta tubes as it announces the new addition to the teams hero name.
And cliffhanger! Cause I'm evil like that 😏. Lol anyways here is another chapter to this book, now don't worry I will attempt to update again soon so your not left on a cliffhanger for to long. Until then please bare with me since I am once again going to school again and that takes up most of my time. Until I am able to update again please do not blow up my notifications asking for me to update, though this book is still new so I doubt that many people are reading this book just yet. For those of you who are confused as to why I am republishing these chapters it's because I'm adding onto them and I want the publishing dates to not be scattered around all over the place. I am also editing these chapters in order to add more details and fix some mistakes that I had made when I first wrote the chapters. Also the final word count for this book is 3,167 and I'm adding it now because it was not all that important the first time that I had done this chapter. This chapter is now perfect and no longer needs anymore updates despite the fact that it is only over the 3,000 mark by about 167 words. But that's okay since I am still proud of it nonetheless, the only reason it's around the same length as the prologue word wise, give or take a few words, is because it's late and my thumbs feel like their gonna fall off. Writing these types of chapters might be easier if I had a computer to do this on and not my phone. Anyways bye for now everybody, and sorry about all of the unpublishing and republishing that is happening.
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