Twenty Two
~A Month Later~
It's been a month and Jacob and I managed to fix the bikes, now we are going to this place to learn how to drive them. Word got to Paul and he ordered me not to drive any motorcycles. I'm not listening to him since he's a jackass like always "If I told you" Jacob asks "I couldn't fix these bikes? What would you both have said?"
"Could you still teach me how to drive one?" I ask him as Bella asks "Are you doubting your mad skills" she's still into Edward, she's going to wait for him and she's pulling Jacob along. Messing with the body feelings.
"No" Jacob scoffs "they'll run fine. It's just us...maybe" he mutters something that I can't hear even though he's next to me, between me and Bella.
"We'd have found something else to do" Bella says "since it's too bad if you couldn't fix the bikes" she then sees Sam Uley "Is that Sam Uley?"
"Yup" Jacob confirms "him and his cult"
Bella soon pulls over seeing some people cliff dive "oh my god!"
"That's cliff diving?" I ask "right?"
He nods his head as we get out "Yeah" going over to Bella "they're not really fighting Bella" he laughs leaning against the truck "their cliff diving. Scary as hell, but total rush"
"A rush?" She asks as I ask "Do you cliff dive?"
"Yeah" he nods his head "many of us dive from the lower cliffs, leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples"
Bella comes back over "Got some kind of beef with them or something?"
"Yeah" nodding my head "why else did I shoot Sam?"
They look at me "You shot Sam?!" Jacob and Bella exclaim.
Nodding my head "Used Charlie's gun and shot Sam when he tried to convince me to go out with Paul and dump Johnny...this was after I sprained my hand punching Paul in the face. They think they know what's best, it drives me insane and you know what to do when I go insane Bella"
She nods her head "Run, hide and pray you find chocolate to calm you down" Jacob scoffs amused "it's not funny Jake, never piss Helena off. She's impassive about many things. But when she's not, when she's upset you run and hide and pray"
"Sam lost a ball sac" I tell them
Jacob shakes his head "I agree with you Hela, they think they know what's best for everyone. Embry use to call them hall monitors on steroids" I see that figure dive before Sam. Sam looks over at us and I life both my hands flipping him off.
"That's Embry?" Bella asks when Embry jumps into the water "what happened?" He's a wolf shifter.
"Missed some school" Jacob says "now he's started following Sam around like a lost puppy. Same with Paul and Jared. Sam keeps giving me this look like he's waiting for me, starting to freak me out"
"You should try to avoid him" Bella says
"It's hard" they look at me "right Jacob?"
"Yeah" nodding his head "does he give you looks?"
"Yeah" nodding my head "they think because Johnny is gone that I'll go to Paul" glaring at Sam "that me and Paul will live happily ever after and make a dozen babies, it's why I don't see your dad"
"My dad?" Jacob asks shocked as Bella asks "Billy?"
"Yeah" nodding my head "just know this" they look at me "Sam is a jackass, so is Paul. Jared he's an okay guy, he's nicer than the other two" Jared actually understands that I don't want a romantic relationship with Paul, he says I have the option to hand a sibling or friendship with Paul. He's honestly surprised that I'm fine since I barely spend time with Paul. Harry believes that it's because I haven't spent time with Paul, that our lack of communication causes the imprint bond to be near broken.
When we are at this marsh type place, Jacob shows me first how to use the motorcycle. With paint my bike is this black with purple on it. "Breaks" Jacob says "accelerator" he shows me, nodding my head "it's all about balance" I turn in the bike before taking off and I go through the place before going to Jacob who laughs at me "your a natural"
"Thanks" smiling to him "hey, I'll meet with you both later. I'm going to visit a friend" they nod their heads and I go see Embry and I know exactly where he'll be.
After twenty minutes, I make it to the pack house. Getting off the motorcycle taking the helmet I bought off, I see the wolf shifters arrive and they look at me "Helena" Sam says "so...your finally here to see Paul"
"I'm here to see Embry" Paul looks at Embry angry as Embry is shocked "Embry is my friend, he was long before he shifted"
"Hey Hela" he comes over to me with Paul by my side.
"Piss off Paul" pulling away from him "I trust Embry"
"You don't trust me?" He exclaims in outrage
"No, I don't" I say
"So you trust those leeches but me?" He demands
"Those 'leeches' as you put it" using air quotes "I don't see any differently about anything, I judge people by who they are. Not what their are. They only people here I'll talk to is Jared, Kim and Embry! No one else!"
"They're dead!" Paul yells "they feed off blood to survive!"
"I don't care!" Yelling at him "do you know how many rapists are out there? Murderers? Thieves? I'm certain that whoever dies by a vampires hand probably deserves it!" Looking at Embry "how are you doing?"
"Fine" he looks at my bike "I see you fixed the bikes" nodding my head "did you drive it just now?"
"And I told you" Paul growls "not to drive these things!"
"Fuck off!" I snap at him
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