Twenty Six
"Bella" Edward asks Bella once he and the other two have jumped down "by any chance was your sister dropped on the head as a baby?"
"Yes" I say "fifteen times" everyone looks at me when I say that.
"I told you" Bella say "last year that my sister is crazy. Why do you think I never piss her off?"
"Come on" Jane orders, we follow her down a hall.
"I thought your sister was just silent" Edward whispers to Bella, because we are all silent and that Bella can't hear that well with whispers we all hear.
"Are you kidding?" Bella exclaims "my sister has a kill list of every person she wants murdered. There's over five hundred people on that list—you, Alice and me are on it"
"What did Edward and I do?" Alice asks
"I don't know" Bella says "what I do know is that I'll face Freddy Kruger any time then piss my sister off" that Jane looks at me but I pay her no mind "Helena barely shows emotion, at first we all thought she bottles them up but now we don't know. Why else did our dad take away her guns?"
"To not kill herself?" Alice asks
"No" Bella exclaims "it's so that she" pretty sure she's pointing at me "doesn't kill anyone. Do you know what happened when Hurricane Katrina hit and killed over a thousand people?" Silence "Helena cheered because all those people died, if she does have a soul"
"Oh Bella" turning around to look at her as she jumps back placing a hand over her heart "don't you know by now? I have no soul" turning back around just as we stop before an elevator.
That big guy shoved open a gate before pressing a button, he and blondie pile into the back and I stand between them. Edward, Bella and Alice are before us and that Jane is before them.
I then think about how this is a regular Tuesday and start to giggle, people look my way and Bella asks "What's funny?"
"You don't want to know" I cover my mouth snorting like a pig now.
"Why are you laughing harder when you look at me?" Bella asks holding onto Edward tighter and I laugh even harder grabbing the wall grabbing my gut. How funny it would be if Edward had to kill Bella.
When I got myself composed and take some breathes, Bella and Edward stare at me and I laugh even more "What is so funny?" Edward demands, after some time I calm down just as the doors open.
"Why was she laughing?" Alice whispers to Bella
"I don't know" Bella says "if I had to guess...she was thinking about how she was making a bunch of babies cry for their mother—like I said, Hela is a wild card"
"Being named after the Norse goddess Hela seems very fitting" Edward whispers
"Who?" Bella asks
"Hela is this Norse goddess" Alice explains "she's the goddess of death and ruler of the underworld. Think of the female version of Hades"
"Can I change my answer?" Bella asks "to that is that Hela" We are then met by a female human receptionist who is probably a snack for these vampires "Is she human?"
"Yes" Edward says
"Does she know?"
"No" turning around walking backwards as I look at my older twin sarcastically saying "she's a bunny and we're in a magical world filled unicorns, rainbows and cotton candy for brains" she gives me a harsh look "that human is obviously going to be a snack, why else is she working here?"
"I don't know" she turns red "maybe she'll be turned"
Rolling my eyes "You stupid naive idiot"
Spinning back around "I'm not stupid or naive or an idiot!" Bella exclaims
"Uh huh"
"Why did Johnny have to die?" Bella demands "he made you nicer, more human" I stop to spin around and punch Bella hard in the face, she cries in pain grabbing her nose stumbling backwards.
"Bella!" Edward and Alice go to her, they look at me as Bella's nose is broken.
"Your broke my nose!" Bella cries
"I'll do much worse" my voice dangerously low "if you dare bring up Johnny's name again" narrowing my eyes on them "you three are the reason he's dead. Do everyone here a favor and shut up, speak when spoken to, and don't piss me even more off" my phone goes off and I see it's from Paul, I just know it is since I don't recognize the number.
"Peccato che stia per morire" Too bad she's going to die blondie says in Italian "Si adatterebbe perfettamente da queste parti, specialmente con te Felix" She'd fit in perfectly around here, especially with you Felix
That Felix is silent as he stares at me, I don't look their way but look at Jane "Well?"
Jane looks at me then to the others, she looks back at me smirking "Maybe the kings will let you join our coven"
"Highly doubtful" I say "given my situation"
"Oh?" She asks "and what situation is that?"
"Aro is waiting for us" Edward cuts me off "Caius is getting antsy" god I hate psychics.
Jane just leads us to another room, pushing open the large double doors to reveal a throne room. There is a circular window in the ceiling that lets in light. Then multiple windows around letting in more light. The room is very light and open, not a lot of art. Very monotone, like an art gallery where the walls are painted white with only the paintings to bring color and design to the room.
"Sister" another teenager with black hair, pale skin and red eyes who looks like Jane praises her. Siblings they are "they send you to get one but come back with two and two halves"
"Two halves make a whole" I correct him
He looks my way while Jane smirks saying in Italian "Spero che i maestri trasformino quella, lei è molto meglio degli altri tre" I hope the masters turn that one, she's much better than the other three
Looking at the three vampire kings who stare at me. One has an angry expression with platinum blonde hair, then the middle one looks like a rat with dark hair, and the older looking one of the two who might actually be younger given vampirism and everything. He has dark hair and looks to be the definition of depression itself. They all have pale white skin and red eyes. Actually all the vampires in this room have pale white skin and red hair with different hair color.
The depressed one looks at me then over then back to me confused "What" the room is silent as many look at him surprised "is that?"
"I'm sorry?" I ask, I have no idea what he's talking about.
The rat looking guy holds out his hand wanting to take the depressed guy's hand but the depressed guy just stands up, I jump when he is instantly before me. He circles around me and I'm really confused "There is this thread" he says "one I have never seen before..." he is before me tilting his head to the side "it looks ready to break. Why?"
"You see a thread" I ask "coming from me?"
"Marcus" rat guy is next to us taking Marcus's hand "has the ability to see bonds between people" tilting his head "and he is right. There is this purple thread around you that is very damaged, ready to break"
Bond. Bond. Bond. Oh! "You must mean the imprint bond" shaking my head "it's this stupid thing" they stare at me "it has to do with wolf shifters"
"Wolf shifters?!" Blondie demands
"Where" turning to look at Bella and the others "are you three going?"
Everyone looks at them as Alice asks me "Do you have eyes in the back of your head?"
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