Twenty One
"What happened last night?" Jessica asks me when I arrive at school the next day. She and the others look at me "I told them"
"You left with some biker?" Angela asks "why?"
"I needed to forget" I tell them "I'm sorry for worrying you" she nods her head. I get through the day faking being happy and not numb before leaving with Bella to see Jacob Black. Apparently he can fix motorcycles and I found a motorcycle that I want fixed up.
"Why do you want to learn how to drive?" Bella asks
"I want to also learn how to fix" staring out the window.
When we arrive, we get out to see Jacob running towards us "Bella! Hela! Where the hell have you girls been?" Picking Bella up and spinning her around before hugging me not like Bella.
"I" Bella gestures to the covered motorcycles "brought you something, it's a little crazy" she pulls back the tarp and he laughs.
"Wow, scrap metal" he says "you shouldn't have"
"I want to fix this one up" he looks at me as I point to one of the bikes "and learn how to ride it, I'll pay for the parts and fixing even though their probably not worth it but I want to fix this up"
"Same with mine" Bella says "I know they're probably more cost to fix, this sounds crazy but then I thought if I had a mechanic friend to help me out"
"Ah!" Jacob nods his head staring at the bikes "since when are you into motorcycles Bella? Hela I understand since...Johnny"
"It's okay to say his name" I say
"He drove a motorcycle" he says "and you want to learn how to fix it Hela?" Nodding my head "and drive it?" Nodding my head. Shaking his head he looks at it.
"I get it" Bella says "if this is really stupid and reckless"
"If is completely stupid and reckless" he agrees "when do we start?"
"So that's a yes?" He nods his head "now"
"Please" Bella asks
"Alright" he pushes the tarp away
"Careful" Bella says "their heavy" but we see him lift them with ease "Jake your like...buff. How did that happen? Your like sixteen?"
"He's probably been working out a lot" I say not telling her about wolf shifters.
"Age is just a number baby" Jacob says "what are you both? Bella your like forty now? Hela? Thirty?"
"Why is she younger?" Bella asks
"Cause I party more" I tell him
"Feels like being forty sometimes" she says
~Time Skip~
"So crank it like this" Jacob shows me then I do it myself.
"Like that?" I ask
"Yes" it's been a couple days and we have the parts for the motorcycles on the ground and the ones we need to buy that have been shipped, mine was more modern so the parts were easier to find. Now we are rebuilding them from scratch.
Bella turns off the music "That was a good song" Jacob says
"I don't really like music" she says sitting behind us
"Since when?" He asks
"Since Edward" I tell him
"Okay" Jacob nods his head "no more music"
"So I was thinking" Bella says "if we're going to do this everyday and hopefully we will, we need to incorporate homework. I don't want Billy to think we are bad influences"
"You influence me?" He scoffs
"I'm the temptation in this group" I tell them "and Jacob? When's the next bonfire?"
"This Friday" he tells me "you think about coming?"
"Bonfire?" Bella asks
"Down here in La Push" Jacob explains "some people throw bonfires parties but because of the recent attacks not so much. The next one is this Friday"
"And we're older than you" I tell Jacob "so that makes us the influencers and you the influencee"
"No" he laughs shaking his head "doesn't work like that, my size and knowledge base makes me older than both of you because of your general paleness and lack of know how and partying. Hela is the youngest of us"
"We convinced you" I point to him "to build three wheel death machines, teach us both how to drive said machines and yeah...that makes us older. Right Bella?"
"Right" Bella agrees
"Okay" Jacob stops to look at us "so where do we stand?"
"I'm thirty five" Bella says "Helena is twenty four" I scoff at her "and your like thirty two"
"Come on" Jacob scoffs
"Yo Jake" we see Embry and Quil come in "hey Jake"
"It's okay" Jake tells Bella as he stands "their my boys. Guys this is Bella and you know her sister Hela. Bella this is Quil and Embry"
"Yeah" Quil looks at me "we're sorry to hear what happened to your boyfriend"
"I'm coping" I mutter
"I'm Quil Ateara" he eyes my sister just like he did with me last year "So the bike building story is true?"
"Yeah yeah" Bella confirms "taught him everything he knows"
"Even the party where he says your his girlfriend?" Embry asks
"We're friends" Bella says
"Ooh!" Embry exclaims laughing "burn!"
"Actually I said" Jacob points to Bella "she's a girl and my friend"
"Embry?" Quil asks "do you remember him making that distinction?"
"Nope" Embry shakes his head
"So have you two" I ask "finally got girlfriends?"
Jacob laughs "Yeah, Quil is actually taking his cousin to prom"
"Yeah" Quil nods his head unamused as Embry laughs with Jacob "that's still a riot. You know what Black? I'll give you funny" he and Jacob soon start to fight.
"Five bucks on Quil" Embry comes over betting
"Your on" Bella nods her head.
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