"You don't need to worry" looking over I see Jasper Cullen by my side "none of us will let the wolves hurt you" right, it's been a few days and I'm going to be talking with the elders and the alpha of the wolves about things here at the Cullens residence since I don't want to be alone when doing this since nothing good has happened since meeting them.
"Easy to say" my leg bounces up and down from nerves as I'm on the couch trying to think "I'm the only one physically injured because of the assholes"
"She's going to be one tough little newborn" Emmett laughs, he is then sent warning looks "what?" What's that about? Newborn?
My phone goes off and it's mom "Hey mom"
"Oh my god! Baby are you alright?" She asks
"Meh" I mean what else should I feel? "I'm wearing a cast"
"Your dad told me" she says "you know Phil and I wouldn't mind you moving in with us, we found this adorable three bedroom home in Jacksonville that you and Bella will love. As soon as your done with the school, you can move down here"
"I actually like Forks" muttering to her
"Is this about that Johnny?" She asks, I'm silent blushing it looking at anyone "I knew it! I heard you met his parents? How did that go? Have you two had sex yet?"
"I met his parents in the ER" explaining to her "getting a cast and it went well, I think" we talked me and the parents and it seemed to go well but I don't know "and me and Johnny haven't"
"You haven't fucked yet?" She exclaims "how else will you know if he can deliver the goods?"
Covering my face with my injured hand wincing a bit, I put my hand down "I don't know...I feel like taking it slow"
"What does he say about it?"
"I haven't talked to him about it" muttering that part, I notice cars come up "I'll call you later mom"
"Remember!" She yells "real men don't wait!" When I put my phone away, I see the vampires staring at me.
"If you need any advice" Esme offers coming to sit next to me "about dating you can always call me"
"Thank you" mouthing to her, yeah from my parents I've never really had good advice be given about dating. Checking my bag I pull out my gun and check to see it's loaded.
"Why" Rosalie asks "do you have a gun?"
"In case any of the wolves pisses me off" I say "now I'm not good with my left hand but I'll make due"
"That" Esme takes the gun from me "won't be necessary" we then see Carlisle come in with the elders who are three old guys, one is in a wheelchair. Why does he seem familiar? Who knows? Then you have Sam Uley here.
"Hello Helena" wheelchair guy man says
"Have we met before?" I ask
He stutters "Yes, the day you arrived" I stare at him "we shook hands" I stare at him confused "I'm a friend of your dad's"
"He's Jacob's father" Edward tells me
"Oh" snapping my good fingers "Bobby? Right?"
"Billy" correcting "we know what has been happening and we'd be more than happy to explain everything in La Push at the pack house"
"No" shaking my head "here, I don't trust you people alone"
"We won't hurt you" Sam says judging me, oh like he has a right to judge?
"Keep up that judgy stare and I'm shoving my heel so far up your ass that you'll need surgery to remove it!" Snapping at him, we glare at one another.
"Why don't" Carlisle cuts the tension "we talk about why your here?"
"Yes" an old guy speaks "hello Helena, you don't remember me but I'm a friend of your dad's. All three of us are. This is Quil Ateara aka Old Quil since he had a grandson named Quil and I'm Harry Clearwater"
"Leah's dad" I say "I met your daughter, we're new friends"
Nodding his head "My daughter speaks highly of you"
"She's a great person" glaring at Sam "just dated an asshole" he growls at me "don't act like your a great person when you aren't, your a jackass for what you did to Leah"
"She ain't my imprint!" He snaps
"And?" I ask "didn't give you a right to do what you did"
"Before" Billy speaks up "we talk more about this, Hela. We want to tell you that Paul is very sorry and"
"And I don't like him" plain and simply I say "since meeting him he has tried to order me around, tried to break my boyfriend and me up and oh yeah! I have a sprained fucking hand!"
"Paul is a good man" Billy says ignoring my outburst, narrowing my eyes on him "he's's hard for him. Your his imprint and your not seeing him and"
"What is the imprint bond even?" I ask
"It means a wolf finding their soulmate" Billy tells me, Harry has another look as do the Cullens.
"What aren't you telling me?" I demand
"We can talk in greater len" his words are cut off when I pull out another gun I brought, yeah I went into Charlie's gun safe.
"Tell me or I shoot" I say
"You won't do anything" Sam says and he screams when I shoot him, many people make noises.
"Right in the balls" Emmett covers one hand with his mouth and his cock with his other hand.
"What am I not being told?" Demanding
"Why did you do that?" Sam demands as Esme takes the second gun away.
"You pissed me off" I say
"Being an imprint" Harry tells me as Sam goes away being checked by Carlisle and Old Quil "means you have three options. A brother sister bond, a friendship bond or a romantic one. Many in your position end up being romantic with one another"
"I don't see Paul like that" I say "I was curious about going on one date but after that" shaking my head "I just felt the way I would towards a friend or a sibling"
"He expected you'd choose romantic" Harry says
"Just because many others choose that doesn't mean I'm them" I snap "I don't think of Paul as anything right now more than a jackass who I don't want around"
"Please" Billy pleads "give Paul a chance"
"He hasn't shown me that I should give any chances" looking at Edward "can you take me home, I'm done here" he nods his head.
As we drive back in silence, Edward breaks it by saying "That was really funny, how you shot Sam Uley"
"He's lucky I didn't kill him" looking out the window seeing a flash of something "is Paul in the woods?"
"Can you make sure he doesn't come near me?" I ask, he nods his head "thank you"
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