There is a knock on the door, groaning I wake up to see Charlie come in with two presents "If your going to sleep over" looking over at Johnny who is in bed. Johnny and I spend a lot of time with each other, sometimes I sleep at his house and sometimes he sleeps here at mine. We haven't had sex yet and tonight since it's my birthday I plan on being intimate with him for the first time "at least sleep in Hela's overgrown beanbag chair"
"Morning Charlie" Johnny greets, yeah Johnny is the only guy that Charlie likes. He hates Edward and Paul, Edward has tried to get into his good graces but it's hard and with Paul? Ugh! Just one more year and then Johnny and I are graduates and we are leaving and not telling anyone where.
"Happy birthday" Charlie hands me two presents, unlike Bella I don't mind my birthday. I still don't call Charlie dad because...it's going to be a while before I can call him dad, I'm not ready ready to call him dad. I don't know why, I just...I'm not ready.
"Thanks" mouthing to him, I see it's a camera and the other present is an empty scrap book "mom and you coordinated?" He nods his head "thank you"
"I can't believe you girls are eighteen" he shakes his head "where did the time go?" Leaving "Happy birthday" he leaves the door open. Good thing I got one of those portable divider walls for changing.
"Happy birthday" Johnny smiles kissing me, I smile kissing him back.
"I have a surprise for you tonight" I tell him
"Oh?" He asks "I thought I'm supposed to surprise you with a gift?"
Tilting my head from side to side "it's a gift for us both"
"I can't wait then" he says "now, we better quickly change then head downstairs since your dad is probably timing us"
"You got that right!" Charlie yells
~Birthday Party~
"You look amazing" Johnny tells me as we walk to the living room of the Cullens place where Alice is throwing Bella and me a birthday party. God I hate Alice, she uses her ability to see the future all the time and it's really fucking annoying. Like today she said I'll love the pink dress she got me to wear tonight but I'm not wearing it. The dress is too bright and loud. So instead I'm wearing a strapless black dress with a black lace skirt that wraps around my short dress creating a small train in ten back. I have a gothic choker necklace with black earrings and I'm wearing black converse. I have on black eyeshadow and black lipstick with my hair down in soft curls.
"Thanks, you look amazing too" later Johnny is taking me someplace that I don't know where but apparently it's someplace where dressing up is optional.
"Happy birthday" Alice is before me all excited, I give her a blank look "Oh come on! Show some enthusiasm for your birthday! You and Bella need to be happier about this day!" I am happy, I'm just not thrilled with your happiness. I swear Alice is sucking the life from me with how happy she is.
"Calm down Alice" Esme says, she and Carlisle give me hugs saying "Happy birthday"
"We tried to reign Alice in" Carlisle says as we look around at the Big Bang.
"It's okay" I whisper waving my hand "besides, Johnny had a surprise for me later today"
"Are you two finally going to fuck?" Emmett makes an inappropriate gesture having Rosalie hit him "ow!" He rubs his side.
"Say cheese" I flinch when Alice is before us taking a photo of me and Johnny together.
"Happy birthday" Rosalie hugs me
"Thanks" I say. Pulling away we see Bella be dragged down by Alice, Johnny pulls me aside and hands me a gift "Johnny"
He stops me by placing his hand over my mouth "Just open it" Unwrapping the gift, my eyes widen on the ring that he got me. It's a blue sapphire ring in black gold "It's not an engagement ring, more of a ring I saw and thought of you. Also here" he hands me a note that reads:
You are an amazing person, there are no words to describe you. With this ring, it will keep you as beautiful and make you and even more rare jewel than you already are.
Weird, but beautiful. Looking at Johnny "Thank you, it's beautiful" kissing Johnny, pulling back when we hear a throat clear.
"Did you propose to her?" Emmett asks
"No" shaking our heads "I got her a ring yes" Johnny says "but it's not an engagement one" I put the ring on my pointer finger.
"Here" Alice hands me a gift "it's from Carlisle and Esme"
"Thanks" I say opening it, revealing two round trip plane tickets to Florida "this is very generous"
"Thought you'd like to see your mom" Carlisle tells us. After half an hour Johnny and I leave since he has his surprise.
"Keep your eyes closed" Johnny orders, nodding my head I do and we are silent for some minutes until the car stops. Johnny leads me somewhere and when he says "open your eyes" I gasp since I see all our friends here and it's a surprise bonfire.
"Happy Birthday!" They all cheer for me
"Oh" I turn to Johnny kissing him, this is amazing.
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