Goodbye Arizona weather, sure I might not like warm weather but I'll miss it. Then again Bella is the only one who enjoys truly this, I enjoy the cold and appreciate the warmth "Do you" Phil asks me as he has the passenger side door open "have everything?" Nodding my head as I sigh "here" he hands me a present and I raise an eyebrow, opening it I press my lips together letting out a laugh "with how gloomy Forks is, you might not be able to find the guy's cock" he got me a box of glow in the dark condoms.
"Thanks Phil" putting them in my backpack
He nods his head looking over to see mom and Bella having a moment, Bella wanted to bring a small cactus with her to remind her of Arizona "Come on guys! I love you both but we have a plane to catch!"
Bella and mom soon come over, see their going to drop us off at the airport since we aren't minors. Airplane regulations state that unaccompanied minors are those who are fourteen and under when flying in states and eighteen outside of states. See each airline is different and I don't know why I'm talking about airlines. I got bored after reading the boring long excuse for how old you needed to be. Seriously, just wanted to know the age—not the whole history of it or how in depth it needed to be.
"Are you going to miss the heat Hela?" Mom asks me
"A bit" pulling the sleeves of my jacket down, see Bella and I are going to Forks, Washington because mom recently married Phil. Our stepdad, Phil Dwyer, he's a second league baseball player. "but you know me, I have always loved the cold more than the heat" the reason we are going to Forks is because like I said, mom recently married Phil and us girls are going to live with Charlie since Bella was the one that called.
"Yeah cause your a vampire" Phil jokes and that puts a smile to my face as he and mom laugh. They call me a vampire since I act like that half the time, I don't like going out during the day but at night. The sunlight to too much at times and I'm always in my room in the dark.
"Is that jacket going to be warm enough?" Bella asks me, judging my me a bit since she's in all these layers. I mean she's always worn layers since she's always cold and hates it, but me? I am cold sometimes and don't mind it, but then again I'd probably upset too if I was cold all the time.
"Is yours?" I ask, she nods he head holding her jacket close. Like what I said about layers, Bella likes to cover up and not show anything off. I'm pretty sure she's a virgin. A judgmental virgin. She wears baggy to tight bland clothes all the time and she judges me on what I wear since she takes no time in loving herself, sure judge everyone else for your problems.
While I on the other hand don't mind showing off my body, I love my body. I normally wear lingerie since I love how it makes my body feel except this time I'm wearing a plain black bodysuit, I'm wearing dark blue skinny jeans because I want people to know that I take pride in working out even though I hate it—but I do get amazing results. My butt a few years ago was like Bella's in being nonexistent, while now? I have a heart shaped butt. I'm wearing knee length black high heel boots to show off my legs and wearing heels gives many people this feeling of confidence. Also unlike Bella, I wear makeup while she only wears foundation and concealer. I have some eyeshadow with pink lipstick.
I'll say it right now, Bella and I...we don't have the best relationship. We tolerate one another but deep down we don't like each other.
Grabbing my bag from the conveyer belt, I roll my suitcase outside to wear Charlie is holding up a sign with my and Bella's name on it. Bella makes a small groan when we see this "Oh god" Bella mutters "why have a sign?" I mean I agree with her on some level, we know he's an officer since he has his cop cruiser here. He only drives one car and he's in his uniform with the Forks name on it.
Charlie is like thirty something years old but looks like a middle aged man with dark hair that both Bella and I have gotten, but Bella has some of mom's red hair mixed in her hair while my hair is just dark chocolate brown along with how I have chocolate brown eyes. We barely look like mom, we have more of Charlie's features...well the only thing we have that is similar to mom is our sharp features like our cheekbones. We're also pale, well I have a bit of a tan like mom. Bella is the one who doesn't tan, I don't get it but she burns more easily than mom or me—takes after Charlie in that way.
Going over to him, Charlie looks at the both of us "Isabella? Helena?"
"Hela" I correct as Bella a bit annoyed says "Bella" she shouldn't be angry with him, he didn't know she doesn't like to be called by her full name.
"Right" nodding his head "let's get your bags in?" Opening the trunk, we put my suitcase in first then Bella's. I sit in the uncomfortable back of the cop car since Bella stumbled running to the front to sit in the passenger seat. Goosebumps trail up my spine and over my body as it gets use to the cold weather.
Putting earbuds in my ears, I lean my head against the window using my pillow to help with my neck as I close my eyes going to sleep.
When I wake up, I notice we are come upon a sign that says "Welcome to Forks! Population 3,120" now they should add two since they have two new residents.
"Good nap?" Charlie asks
Shrugging my shoulders "I don't understand" Bella looks at me narrowing her eyes "how you can sleep through the entire flight and most of the car ride"
"Just can" I look at my phone to see the time, I also notice a booty call I have to decline since I'm not in Arizona anymore "how much longer?"
"About ten more minutes" Charlie says, nodding my head I lean back looking out of the window going into my own little world "Your hair grew out, both of yours"
"I cut it" Bella looks at her hair, really? How many times does she need to be told that Charlie hasn't seen us in years.
"Mine grew out" muttering since it's true, Bella doesn't like having long hair. I'm determined to have my hair go to at least my elbows before cutting it. Want to see if I can grow it out that long.
Once we are at the house, we grab our bags and I take a moment to look at the two story light blue house. From what I remember, it's blue. "Come on" Charlie says, we follow him inside to where I remember how small the house is. One small bathroom on the first floor with a living room that connects into the kitchen, this place isn't big enough for a dining room so yeah...
Heading upstairs, we see the four doors. Two closed "this is my room" Charlie points to his "and this door goes to the attic" motioning to the two bedrooms. Both with purple bedding, one with a darker purple. Bella chooses the room closer to the bathroom "I changed this room" Charlie tells me as I'm in this room that is void of near anything "from my home office to a bedroom for you, the Sale's lady picked out the bedding. You like purple?" Nodding my head "I cleared off space in the bathroom for you"
"Mind" I ask "if I buy some paint"
He nods his head, unlike from what I saw from Bella's room this room doesn't have anything and I'd like to charge it "I can give you some cash"
"I already have cash" I cut him off, rather him not spend anymore of his money on me.
"Okay" he nods his head "need anything" nodding my head "you can add or change the room if you want" he leaves soon.
As I unpack, there is a knock on the door. Looking, Bella stands there "There are people here"
"Want to meet them?" She asks, but instead of hearing me say no she grabs my wrist pulling me but stumbles when she does. Bella is a klutz. A major klutz, I often wonder how she isn't dead. Maybe being in Forks will give me the opportunity to finally be an only child.
Once we are outside, I see there is now an old orange red pickup truck that had maintenance recently done to it to make it seem newer. Also there are two guys with tan skin, long black hair but one is in a wheelchair with a cowboy hat and the other is a teenager who smiles at us or more like Bella. Does he have a crush on her?
"Bella, Hela" Charlie leans against the truck pointing to the old man in the chair "you both remember Billy Black?"
He smiles to us, I simply cross my arms as Bella offers a smile nodding her head "Yeah, your looking good" shaking their hands.
They look at me and I shake my head no, I don't like shaking hands. So I simply wave my hand once in a small gesture. Billy cuts the silence by saying "I'm still dancing, I'm glad you both are finally here. Charlie here" looking at Charlie "hasn't shut up about it since he told me you both were coming"
"Alright" Charlie goes to push Billy into the street as the teenager smiles showing his teeth laughing "keep exaggerating and I'll roll you into the mud"
Bella let's our a laugh as I'm silent showing no emotion, especially when Billy says "after I ram you in your ankles" the two then have a dance fight in the street.
"Hi" the teenager comes over "I'm Jacob, we use to make mud pies together"
Bella nods her head "No, I remember"
"Are they always like that?" I ask Jacob
He nods his head "Gets worse with age"
Charlie and Billy soon come back "So, what do you girls think?" He pats the truck leaning against it as he looks at us.
"Need to be more specific" I say as Bella asks "What?"
"Your homecoming present" he says
"This?!" Bella asks excited, I zone out with Bella since how do I put this? Phil gave me cash to buy a car since I have been talking with him and mom about it.
"What do you think?" Charlie asks me as Bella and Jacob go into the truck.
Pressing my lips together "Didn't mom tell you?" He is silent "Phil gave me a" waving my hand "car"
He rubs the back of his neck embarrassed "Oh? I...didn't"
"Bella loves the truck" I offer before heading inside. Fuck, talk about awkward.
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