"Mom wants you to call her" I tell Bella as she approaches the table. No one really talks to Bella now because of something she said during the field trip.
"I'll call" she promises, ever since the whole Edward Cullen saving me thing Bella and I have gotten into larger arguments. She even said out loud that the van should have killed me and now she's viewed as a pariah.
"Are you going down to La Push?" Eric asks me
"Not that I remember" shaking my head "there another bonfire?"
Shaking their heads no "On Saturday there is this huge swell coming in" Jessica tells me
"What does that mean?" Bella asks "La Push?"
"La Push beach" Mike explains, the guys here still like Bella. I don't know how. Tyler hasn't spoken to Bella or I without having guilt eat at him "down on Quileute Rez, normally we go down there for the bonfires the Rez kids throw but we're all going tomorrow"
"There's a large swell coming in" Jessica says
"And I don't just surf" Eric stands up "the internet"
"Eric you stood up once then fell" Jessica says as Mike gets on his chair standing and pretending to surf "and it was in a foam board" Tyler pulls Mike down.
"Come with us" Angela offers
"Or don't" Lauren whispered, she doesn't like Bella for several reasons. A main one is that Tyler is telling everyone how he's taking Bella to prom.
"La Push, baby" Eric says "La Push" saying it longer and more weirder.
"I'll go" standing up "if you stop saying it like that" going to the salad bar to make a fruit salad made of kiwis, blueberries, blackberries and dragonfruit.
"Edible art?" I jump when Edward is next to me, wow he's really silent. Bella knocked over the apple next to her and Edward catches it with his foot, handing it to her as he looks at me.
"Thanks" Bella says as she moves "you know your mood swings are kind of giving me whip lash"
He doesn't pay her mind but looks at me. Why? I'm not into him and my gut is telling me not to trust him or be friends with him. "That looks good" Edward says
"Should make yourself one" I say moving over, from my peripheral I see him follow me "something I can help you with?"
"Why aren't you like your sister?" He asks
Looking over I raise my eyebrow "Everyone is their own person, I just so happen to be impassive about a lot of things"
"I thought you said you didn't want to be friends" Bella joins in on the conversation coming back over towards us "with us"
"I said that to you" Edward looks at her "actually I said it would be better if we weren't friends, your sister however"
"Why me and not Bella?" I ask as she asks "why her? What do you mean?"
He doesn't say anything "I mean Bella, if you were smart you'd stay away from me" looking at me "I am to be friends with you Hela"
"Okay, well let's say" Bella says as I grab a dragonfruit eating it "for arguments sake that I'm not smart" he focuses his attention on her as I go over to my friends who see Edward talking to Bella.
"Why are they talking?" Jessica asks looking for gossip
"Edward was talking we me" I tell them "Bella wants to be friends"
"You don't?" Tyler asks
Shrugging my shoulders "Not sure how I feel about it"
~La Push Beach~
"You surf?" Jessica asks Johnny as he zips me up in my wet suit, today he's teaching me how to surf or try to since I've never done this before.
"Yeah" he nods his head "we could count this as our second date, me teaching you how to surf"
Nodding my head "I'd like that"
"Come on" Taking my hand we go to the beach and into the cold water.
"Oh fuck" jumping as we are in the water "it's cold"
"You said you love the cold" Johnny reminds me
"I said I don't mind it" correcting him "so, surfing...I've seen YouTube videos but"
"Get on the board" I do and he holds onto it "start to paddle, use your hands to pull you to shore" nodding my head I do that for some time before he says "now hold on" I do as he pushes me and I screech falling off when a small wave hits.
Coming up, I look at Johnny as he laughs "Oh, are you were a pro?" Splashing him in the face, he splashes me back. We soon get into a water splashing argument.
When we are done, I look around "Are you sure there aren't any sharks nearby?"
He shakes his head no "I'm confident that there are no sharks, now...want to try to surf again?" Looking at the board, I nod my head.
After some time, Johnny and I head back to shore shivering and laughing. "Your cold" we see Paul before us with Jared and Sam behind him.
"Paul" Sam lowly warns
"It's cold out" Paul looks at me "you shouldn't be surfing in the cold"
"First off I'm fine" I tell him "and second why do you care?" He's silent "Come on Johnny"
"Don't be friends with the Cullens" Jared says
"I'm sorry?" Looking at them
"Their not good people" Paul says "quit your job with Dr. Cullen, there's a position down here in La Push Hospital"
"Maybe offer it to someone else" I suggest "I'm not going to quit because you have a problem with someone or an entire family"
"Come on" Johnny pulls me away from them
"What's their deal?" I ask
"It has to do with their legends" he tells me when we are back by my car, we took my jeep separately from the others. Grabbing some towels we dry off before sitting in the trunk with a large blanket that Johnny brought to wrap around us both "I did this history assignment last year, my assignment was on the Quileute history. So I asked around and when it came to the legends they told me to fuck of essentially, so I did until I found this book on all their legends. Supposedly the Quileute's are descended from wolves"
"Wolves?" I ask "as in like wolf shifters? Werewolves?"
"Didn't say" he said "but what the book I found said was that they only turn into wolves around the cold ones"
"Cold ones?"
"Vampires" I let out a laugh "I know, very weird but it's what their legends are about. How their wolves and their enemies to vampires which I think is a metaphor to—I'm not trying to be racist or seem racist but it sounds like their thinking vampire as cold ones asks pale ones. White people. And wolves to their warm ones and Native Americans" feeling eyes on me, I look over to see the three from Sam's cult look at me intently. Weird.
"Do you think" I ask "if I can borrow that book?"
"It's a myth" he reminds me
"I'm in the Mythology Club" reminding him "I like to learn about new myths or legends"
Nodding his head "Alright,'but I checked it out from the library so we'll have to go tomorrow?" I nod my head. We are silent leaning in close, closing my eyes our lips touch softly before becoming harder.
We pull away when we hear a camera go off, looking over we see Angela with her camera "can you send me a photo of that?" I ask, memories.
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