"Charlie?" I ask when I come down for breakfast before he leaves, I recently got my new car. A twilight silver jeep renegade, I figured cars like a truck or a jeep would be best suited here in Washington so I got one.
"Yeah?" He doesn't look up from his paper, I'm going to buy myself coffee but before I do I'm going to ask.
"When you go hunting" I ask "what kind of animals do you encounter?"
"Deer" he says "the occasional bear maybe a mountain lion, why?"
"When I went running I saw this wolf" he looks up at me "this huge wolf that was five times bigger than the average wolf" actually I think I subconsciously took a picture before running "it was dark silver"
"I'll keep an eye out" he says "I'll call some guys and have them know to keep an eye out for a large wolf" nodding my head, I feel kind of bad for the wolf for some reason "aren't you going to start today at Forks Hospital?" I nod my head, it's why I'm dressed kind of professional right now. I'm wearing a cream long sleeved top with a red skirt, black leggings with black heels. Plus. It to scare anyone, I don't have a lot of makeup on. Some easy eyeshadow with lip gloss "just...keep an open mind about Dr. Cullen, just because he's new doesn't mean he's horrible or anything like what these idiots around here say"
When there is a knock on the door, I go to get it since I have my backpack, black jacket and keys. The door opens, there is this handsome guy with tan skin, short black hair, brown eyes and he's really muscular. I want to say I'm attracted to him that way, I'm not but I feel something for him "Hi" I say. He's wearing a white t shirt with blue Jean shorts and sneakers.
"Hello" he says "I'm Paul. Paul Lahote"
"Hela" answering
"Hela?" He asks "short for anything?"
"Short for Helena" what does he want? He looks hot enough to fuck but for some reason I don't see him like that which is odd since I normally fuck hot guys "can I help you with something?"
"I just wanted to say hi" he says, nodding my head I close the door on my way out "are you single?" Raising my eyebrow to him when I get to my car "I saw you around and wanted to ask you out"
"Um" opening the door "sure"
He smiles "How does tonight at seven sound?"
"Sorry but I'm busy today" shaking my head as I put my bag in the back seat of the jeep "how does tomorrow sound?" I was sent my schedule and I checked between the that and the clubs I've signed up for and I'm good for Tuesday "about five?"
He nods his head smiling, nodding my head I hand him my number that I quickly wrote down before going into my jeep and drive to school. That was weird. I'll ask about him later to someone. This is a small town so he is probably known.
Once I'm at school after getting some coffee, I see my new friends by Tyler Crowley's van "Hey guys" they smile seeing me.
"Wow" Lauren says "you don't look like you want to murder someone, more like very sunshiny"
"Ha ha" she smiles as I look at them "who's Paul Lahote?"
They look my way "Bad news" Mike tells me
"He's the man whore of La Push" Tyler tells me
"Why?" Lauren asks
"About twenty minutes ago he asked me out on a date" they all stare at me like I grew a second head "and I said yes"
"What?!" Jessica exclaims taking my hands "tell me everything!"
"He is bad news, he's also in a cult" Mike says "you should have said no"
"She didn't know" Angela tells him "what happened?"
"He never" Lauren shakes her head "asks women out, he just fucks them. I'm pretty sure that he knocked someone up"
"Uh" shaking my head "I was getting ready for school, talked to Charlie for a bit the door was knocked on. Answered it. Paul Lahote stood there" reciting what happened "he said he was looking for me and asked me out for tonight but because of my new schedule we changed it to tomorrow and after that came here—he's the man whore of La Push?"
They nod their heads "I'll keep that in mind also...I've never gone on a date before" looking at the girls "can you girls help me?" I may have fucked before or gone on double dates or group dates to a movie or an arcade or something but a one on one date? What does one wear?
"Yes!" They nod their heads
~Forks Hospital~
"Hello" shaking Dr. Carlisle Cullen's hand, wow he's really cold "I'm Helena but a lot of people call me Hela"
"Like the Norse goddess?" He asks, I nod my head. First day and I'm meeting Dr. Carlisle Cullen and I've determined to that it's a genetic condition so that means the Cullens are related and...incest? I think I might be sick. Unless their distantly related but still...gross "well, I need some papers that need to be filed and updated" he tells me what to do and I nod my head going to do that.
As I do this, my phone goes off and I see it's from Paul. He's asking what I'm doing and I don't answer but put my phone on silence since I'm working and unless it's an emergency I won't answer.
Once I'm done, I look around the office before seeing a photo of a bunch of men who are most likely dead from the looks of it or near the end with how the picture looked to be taken from the early nineteen hundreds. What catches my eye is a photo of Dr. Cullen "All done?" Dr. Cullen asks coming in
I nod my head "Is this your grandfather?" I ask pointing to the photo.
He stills before coming over and checks "Yes, I was named after him"
Nodding my head "So helping people runs in your family"
He smiles "It does, I hear you ate lunch with my kids?"
"Yeah" nodding my head
"That was nice, no one really does" he says, I'm silent as he says that. Does he want me to feel bad? "I've got nothing else for you to do so, you can go home now" Nodding my head "Have fun on your date" I look his way as I'm out the door "small town, everyone knows everything—a bit of advice, your father hates Paul Lahote and be careful of him. Mr. Lahote has quite the temper"
"Thanks" nodding my head as I leave, temper? What kind of temper? Like hits women? Destroys things?
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