Fifty Seven
"Fuck" taking a few moments as Felix holds my hand as Demetri injects me with more hormones "How many more of these mother fucking shots?" We're freezing my eggs so that if Felix and I want to have a baby we can but after a long time.
"About two more weeks" Ana says "think about the fact that the blood singer can't walk in heels and the pixie girl is forcing her to for her wedding"
I smile at that thought then I start to cry "What's wrong?" Felix asks wiping my tears.
"What if I can't produce any viable eggs?" Crying as Felix brings me into his enrage rubbing my back "or what if the only eggs I produce are evil eggs? Like their currently killing the good eggs and weird eggs, their waiting to be birthed"
"Firstly" he says "you have no evil eggs" Ana and Demetri share a look before running out of the room when Felix growls at them "second your going to be an amazing mom"
"Your going to be the best father ever" I cry hugging him.
"Jasper!" I hear Emmett whisper "get over here and use your powers, I want to grab my phone but I'm afraid Helena might rip my arm off! Make her calm!"
"You don't think I'm calm?" I demand looking over at Emmett who freezes, he looks at me frightened "I am calm! I am the calmest person here!"
"She was calm" Jasper comes over "and you know my power doesn't work on Hela"
"How many more shots will Hela be given?" Bella whispers "I don't think anyone can handle Hela right now"
"Be thankful she isn't pregnant" Edward whispers
I turn my attention to him and Emmett and Jasper quickly run behind a couch as I glare at Edward "Are you saying I can't get pregnant? Ever!" Edward stares at me as I storm over to him grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, when Bella tries to do something I punch her so hard that she is knocked unconscious with a black eye "that I'd be a horrible mother! That I'm nothing more than a barren woman!"
"Uh...I plead the fifth" I scream ripping his arms off, he screams in agony as I toss them aside while Carlisle goes to them. The only reason we are at the Cullens is to make sure Bella is turned when she comes back from her honeymoon. After that Italy here we come.
"When are they going to learn?" Ana asks Demetri and my mate who brings me into his embrace "you don't piss off Helena?"
"They never do" Demetri shakes his head
~Next Day~
I smile as Felix holds me while we watch Bella trying to walk in the high heels Alice gave her. Their very pretty, maybe I'll steal them and keep them for myself. Ana is sitting on the deck railing as Demetri leans against it. Us watching isn't making Bella feel better, nope but worse.
The heels scrape against the stone deck as Bella keeps her focus down and not up, when she is about to stumble she stops to look at Alice who says "You just have to break them in"
"I have been breaking them in" Bella argues "for three days" she then pleads "can't I just go barefoot?"
"No!" Alice exclaims horrified "Absolutely not! It's bad enough your sister and her mate didn't have a huge wedding planned" glaring at us and when I narrow my eyes on her she pales before looking away.
"Why" Ana asks us "does it matter so much? It was your guys's day, not hers"
Shrugging our shoulders "It matters" Alice tells her "because there was no glamorous wedding dress! There weren't hundreds of people! This was a big day and the two threw it away like it was a cheese tray with bad cheese! They wouldn't even let me plan it!"
"We don't like you" Felix says "and even if Hela and I did plan a huge day, why would we have you plan it" or be there. He doesn't add that part.
"Because I" she places a hand on her chest "am a wedding planner" more like crazy person who is trying to live through other people's weddings. Wait! Ha! No wonder Bella is agreeing to a big wedding/ extravagant wedding. Let Alice live her dream through her. Alice looks back at Bella "your wearing heels"
"But don't you think it's a bit much?" She asks "I mean the dress? The shoes?" Looking at the decorations being brought around the place "all of this?"
"No, it's enough" shaking her head "tomorrow will be perfect"
"As long as you don't trip" I say having us be amused at Bella's red face.
"Where do you want them boss?" He is carrying a huge log while Rosalie is carrying a stump.
"On either side of the aisle" she orders
"What aisle?" Rosalie asks
"Does no one have vision?" Alice storms off demanding, Bella takes off her shoes putting on her converse looking at me.
"You know you could at least throw a party for mom and dad" she says "or throw another wedding, this time for mom and dad" I raise my eyebrow at her "you Hela are basically the child of darkness, evil incarnate. It's a miracle you got married since you find the institution of marriage to be stupid"
"Really?" Felix asks
"I said that but also" looking at him "if I ever got married, I must really love the person" he smiles leaning down to kiss me briefly since I turned to Bella demanding "your point?"
"I'm saying you could at least plan a party" she says just as Alice comes over.
"Are they planning a party?" She screeches "ooh! They could"
"No" Felix and I both say having Demetri look away smiling while Ana pressed her lips together smiling.
Alice pouts before ordering Bella "you go home and get plenty of sleep, that's an order" I smile since I have something planned.
"Oh no" Bella pales seeing my smile "what did you do? No, what are you planning?"
"You'll see" rubbing my hands together.
After hours, I got Ana into a party outfit just like me and the girls. I'm planning Bella's bachelorette party and here it is. Bella complains as I have her go onto the party bus, I made her change clothes too. She's wearing a black glitter top with a black skirt and heels while I'm wearing a silver sparkle short dress with black heels.
"Okay" Bella takes off her blind fold as we exclaim "Happy bachelorette party!" Mom is here with Esme, Alice, Rosalie—since Bella would bitch about them needing to be here—Ana, Lauren, Jessica, Angela, Kim, Rachel Black, Rebecca Black and Leah. The Black sisters are here because they know Bella will be so embarrassed and so out of her element tonight that they couldn't miss it. They had an intervention with their brother and father, Rebecca is taking Jacob to Hawaii for the remainder of his high school years since he can't be trusted and being away from La Push and Forks will do him some good she thinks. Kim is here because I like her and this will be fun.
"Oh my god" Bella stares shocked as the bus moves. Looking at me "Helena"
"As your sister" I push her to the back where mom hugs her "where would I be if I didn't give you one last night of freedom!" Us girls whoop but Rosalie, Alice and Esme. Alice wants Bella in bed. Not here. Oh tonight will be fun.
The bus stops and in comes a bunch of hot male and female strippers, we cheer as we start to dance with them while Bella looks so uncomfortable by the two hot naked men dancing next to her. Then two female strippers are next to her and Bella is bright red.
"Oh" Rebecca laughs next to me "you were right, this night will be amazing"
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