Applying the eyeshadow, mom picks up the phone "Hello?"
"Oh thank god!" She exclaims right away "your alright! How are you? No broken bones? No dementia?" Dementia is a psychological illness not a physical one.
"No" grabbing the pink lipstick "I'm actually he getting ready for a date"
"A date?!" She exclaims happily "oh Helena! I know you don't like people using your whole name but...this is amazing! Tell me everything!"
"His name is Johnny" holding up the jacket, you know what I'll ditch the jacket tonight "he's in my biology class, he's known as the resident bad boy tortured artist"
"Ooh!" Mom says "tell me more"
"He's white, had light brown hair that reaches to his shoulders" I say as I smooth out my black lace long sleeved dress "and he drives a motorcycle"
"Charlie must be going crazy" mom laughs
"Surprisingly no" I say "no, he had a problem with the first guy I dated"
"First guy?!" Mom exclaims "young lady tell me everything!"
Hearing a knock on the door "I've got to go, Johnny is here"
"Tell me everything later" mom orders
"Alright" hanging up as I grab my crossbody bag. Looking in the mirror at my attire, I chose black ankle boots with my hair down in soft curls with black smokey eyes and pink lipstick.
Heading downstairs, I'm shocked to see Paul Lahote here and he looks at me relieved "Paul?" Once at the bottom steps, he pulls me into his embrace and I look at Charlie confused "Why are you here?" Paul is like really warm, warmer than someone should be.
"He wanted to see you" Charlie says
Pulling away, with Charlie's help when Paul wouldn't let me go there is a knock on the door. Opening it I smile seeing Johnny "Hey, come in"
He comes in and sees Paul and Charlie "Chief Swan" Johnny nods his head "Paul Lahote?" Looking at me.
Shrugging my shoulders "Wanted to see if I was alright, ready to go?"
Nodding his head "First" looking at Charlie "Any questions for me sir?"
Charlie has his arms crossed "What will you kids be doing?"
"I'm taking Hela to a restaurant in Port Angeles" he tells Charlie "then at seven we are going to see the new Fast and Furious movie"
"How long do you plan on keeping my daughter out?" He asks "since someone" looking at Paul who is glaring at Johnny "never said anything or let me ask him questions about their date"
"I plan on bringing Hela back before eleven" Johnny tells him "the movie is about two hours and forty five minutes long"
"And your taking my daughter out on your motorcycle?" Charlie asks
He nods his head "I have a helmet for her so that if we get into an accident hoping that we don't, her head is protected"
"Why don't" I open the door "we go?" Taking Johnny's hand we leave, I feel someone glare and look to see Paul glaring at Johnny and me "Is it just me" Paul runs into the woods after a moment "or does Paul give off serial killer vibes?"
"I thought I was the only one" Johnny says
~Next Day~
"I thought you were into older men?" Jessica asks as I meet up with my friends, I don't see Johnny around the parking lot. Today is the field trip and I've been home for a few days with Bella since the accident, now we are back. Bella is staring at Edward and his siblings like a stalker as I'm talking with my friends.
"I am" nodding my head "but...I really like Johnny, our date was great"
"Tell us everything" Lauren orders, their like mom who I went into full length with about my date.
"We went to this Italian restaurant in Port Angeles" I tell them about my date "for an entire hour we got to know each other better. I found out he is the youngest of three older brothers and one sister, his dad works in Law Enforcement like my dad but his job is in Seattle so he rarely sees his dad. His mom is a music teacher who works with elementary kids and two of his brothers work in Law Enforcement, the other brother is a lawyer and his sister is practicing to be a doctor. We talked about my small family—then we talked about what we wanted to be. How he plans on being a chef"
"A chef?" Angela asks
"So he's the black sheep of the family" Jessica nods her head.
"Don't gossip about this Jessica" I say "okay?" She nods her head though I'm guessing Lauren by the look she's giving Jessica is a we will talk late "I told him how I plan on being an editor or work with something related to writing, that or sell the homemade shampoo and conditioner that I make"
"I've been meaning to ask" Jessica says "what is it you put in your hair to make it smell so nice and feel so soft and look amazing"
"My own secret formula" I answer
"Come on people!" Mr. Molina exclaims "we got to go! We got to go! Green is what? Good!" After handing in our slips, I see Johnny and he sees me waving me over.
"Saves you a spot" he says
"Thanks" smiling as I sit down "I had a great time on our date"
"Me too" he agrees "I know this is early but...do you maybe...want to um...go with me to the prom?"
Normally I'd say no but right now I say "Yeah, I'd love to go with you" he smiles and I smile too. At the greenhouse the girls look at me and I say "Johnny and I are going to prom together"
"We need dresses" Lauren declares
"Come on guys" Mr. Molina is next to us "you can chit chat later" walking through the greenhouse, Mr. Molina tells us about greenhouse gases and plants and stops Tyler from drinking compost tea.
"What's in Jacksonville?" I jump when Edward Cullen asks me this.
"I'm sorry?" Asking him as I take off my jacket wrapping it around my waist.
"Bella said your going to Jacksonville" I look at him confused then look over to Bella who is a ways away from us.
"I" looking at him as we walk "don't know what your talking about, but I'm guessing she's talking about our mom and stepdad who are down there"
He nods his head, we are silent before he asks "Your not going to ask me like Bella about how I saved you?"
"I haven't really thought about that" cause it's true, the only thing I'm focusing on is being alive and that the details of how isn't that big of a concern. He saved me, what more is there to know? "do you want me to?"
"No" harshly saying
Nodding my head "Okay then..."
"So you really not wonder?" He asks
"I'm wondering why you keep bringing us back to how you saved me" stopping to look at him "my only concern right now is getting out of the greenhouse, I hate flowers" he snorts when I say that.
"You hate flowers?" He asks, looking around confused and amused "I don't think I've ever heard any girl say that"
"Flowers are beautiful" I tell him "but they live a short life. The only thing their good for is to make things smell nice and to make a place look pretty, I think flowers should be left alone unless your using them to make a place look nice or add to a scent. I normally hate when people give me flowers as a present"
"What about chocolates?" He asks
"What about them?"
"Do you like them?"
"Are you asking me out?" Crossing my arms "cause I'm interested in someone else"
"Right" nodding his head "Paul Lahote"
Making a face "I mean Johnny, I'm not into" shaking my head "Paul. Why? Is he telling people we're a thing cause we aren't...I don't even see him that way"
"Then why go out with him?"
"He's the resident manwhore" I tell him "I was curious, that's all. Besides I find Johnny more hotter than Paul"
"Why aren't you going to Jacksonville to see your mom?" He asks me changing the subject
"How did you know that?" Bella asks coming up beside us
"Why did you tell him we are going to Jacksonville?" I ask Bella
"I didn't" she says looking at him as he narrows his eyes on us "how did you know that?"
"Are you visiting your mom?" He asks
"Your not answering any of my questions" Bella shakes her head "so I'm not answering any of yours, you don't even say hi to me but talk to my sister" I walk away from this drama show.
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