J u d g i n g C r i t e r i a
First of all:
You're to pm/ post on messenge board of the participant only one time and give them a couple of days reminding to follow you. If they fail, first pm us, we will check and then you're allowed to deduct 10 points from their final score and do mention about it in the final result!
-Please read this carefully!! -
Below is the points you have to keep in mind while judging and same is the format you'll follow to send me the result.
Keep in mind, that you've to write atleast 4-5 lines review on why you gave them that score, it can be regarding the good and the bad points of the book in overall. But, You have to write a bit longer genuine review about a book if it wins first place (highest score) in that genre!
You're to send me the results via email, the email address will be pmed to you as soon as you'll be assigned books.
You guys have to read at least first five chapters (you can read more if you think it's required) and then make the result with the help of the format
here's the format:
❗The italics under the bold headings is just for information on what to look for while judging❗
for poetry!
•Title and Blurb(0/15)
~Does the title sounds good?
~Does it relate to the poetry?
~Is it original and unique?
~Does it makes you want to read the poetry immediately?
•Cover (0/10)
~Was it eye catching?
~Did it fit the title and blurb perfectly?
~Did it fit the poetry genre?
•Attention catching (0/10)
~Did the first stanza or poem of the first chapter caught your attention to make you read more?
•Meaningful (0/20)
~Did the words and poems made sense or was it random?
~Were you able to feel what the author is trying to convey though it?
•Grammer/Vocabulary (0/20)
~Were there many spelling mistakes and punctuation error that it messed up your reading?
~Did the author used enough vocabulary to make you feel the poetry or did it seemed like written by a first grade kid?
•Flow (0/5)
~Did the poetry flow well that you didn't got to know when yoy were at the end of it or was it choppy and unorganized in places, disturbing your whole flow?
•Originality (0/10)
~Did it seem original and written by the author with feelings or did it seem to be copied from some Pinterest posts, i.e very common?
•Impact (0/10)
~what impact did it had on you, did it make you think and feel everything conveyed or you were like 'eh'?
~This is important as if you don't goosebumps or maybe tears while reading a poetry, I guess it's not good enough.
•Total (0/100)
Add up all the points and tell the final score. The minimum can be 0 while the maximum can be 100!
For other genre books!
•Title (0/10)
~Does the title sounds good?
~Does it relate to the story?
~Is it original and unique?
•Cover (0/10)
~Is the cover eye-catching?
~Does it relate to the story?
(Ex. A horror story shouldn't have a romantic cover)
~Is it unique and makes you want to open it right away?
•Description/blurb (0/10)
~Is it interesting without giving too much information?
~Does it makes you read the whole book in a single day?
•Plot (0/15)
~Does it hooks you right from the start?
~Does it relates to it's genre?
~Are you able to follow smoothly it or is it too confusing?
-Do the characters seem real and gradually develop with the plot?
~Is it unique from the other wattpad or non wattpad books of that genre?
•Grammer/ spellings (0/15)
~Are there too many spelling and punctuation mistakes that it hurts to read?
~Does the author describes things well and when required?
~Is the language too basic and lacks good vocabulary or wayy too professional to read?
•Originality (0/15)
~This is important because there's a tons of books, and every one should be original in their own.
~ Does the story flow smoothly with perfect descriptions and good vocabulary or is it too choppy and unorganized?
•Enjoyment (0/15)
~Did you enjoy reading it? And would recommend everyone too? Or you have to skip it because it was that horrible?
~Do you think others will love to read this book just like you did?
•Overall (0/5)
~Overall thoughts, how much does the story blends with everything above, and is the outcome good or bad?
Total: (0/100)
Add up all the points and tell the final score, the minimum can be 0 while the maximum can be 100.
Judges should be harsh, but fair as we want the absolute book to win, so try not to be too lenient.
Each judge will be assigned ten books each, and will be given two weeks to turn in the results.
Hope y'all will be fair and have fun reading all those talented books!!
(I'll let you know when to start judging)
Any queries? Comment here----->
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