✨Humour/Chick-lit Results✨
The wait is over, here are the results!!
First of all, thanks to the amazing Judge!
Third Place with a total of 88/100 goes to...
Rich Famous and Partnerless by Call-Me-Daisy
I like the title. It's both funny and fitting for the story. The cover is a little bland but it serves the purpose and has all three of the main characters on it. The description isn't quite what I would look for as a reader though. You need a little more depth and a better description of the plot. Like, do they meet someone? Do they go somewhere to find a partner?
So, you didn't make a very good first impression, but being the person I am, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I'm kind of glad I did. You've made a few grammatical mistakes throughout what I read, but you've developed your characters well and made them seem very believable.
After the first chapter, I was pretty impressed with your grammar skills. They're not perfect, but then, can anyone ever really have perfect grammar skills? I love your characters and how you make them interact with each other. It's amazingly realistic. I applaud you for that, because I mess stuff like that up at times. No one is perfect, but you've managed to do a great job.
Rich, Famous, and Partnerless shows the difficulty of life in your mid-thirties in a youthful way that can relate to people of most ages. With a bit of proofreading, this book could do really well.
Second Place with an amazing score of 98/100 goes to....
Gentleman Only by user17450679
I love the title and description. You've given me a feel of who Meredith is, and how the title comes into play. Everything about your description is crafty and well-written, including the excerpt from your novel. The cover isn't over-extravagant, but it's super cute and looks pleasing to the eye. Nice.
Your descriptions are AMAZING. Like, seriously, I love it all. I'm not usually one to go for third-person books, but you pull it off. Every chance you get, you craft beautiful descriptions that fit and don't halt the flow of the story. How?!
You don't make any grammatical errors whatsoever, although I saw one punctuation error. 5 chapters, and one error. Ugh, your talent is unfair. Either you know your grammar, or the care you put in during proofreading is immaculate.
In the very first chapter, you can tell something has gone on with our main character, and she's in the type of mind where everything prompts bad memories for her. I felt bad for her, and I'd only gone twelve paragraphs in. You've got some amazing character development going on. I applaud you for that. Meredith's anxiety reminds me of myself, although I didn't go through what she did.
Okay, so I'm glad I got to judge this book. The talent is apparent, and I can't wait to read even more of Meredith's story. You're such an amazing writer, and I can't wait to see what you do.
First place with such a close score of 98.5/100 goes to.........
*Drum rolls*
🎊 Ditch by LeiAndre 🎊
I love the cover so much! All the colors complement each other and work together beautifully. Whoever made it should be very proud, and it certainly would make me click on your book while scrolling through Wattpad. I'll be honest, I was interested to see how the title fit into the story. When I read the description, I realized where it came from good job.
Speaking of description, your description was beautifully written. It's very professional and makes the reader interested without giving too much away. It's written like every successful writer.
I love Ave. She's not your stereotypical heroine where she's quiet, shy, snarky, and wouldn't dare to have a one-night stand. Instead, she's hilarious and isn't afraid to show that she's crazy. She's the exact opposite of most characters. I can't explain how developed this character is, and I applaud you, Lei, for making such a relatable character.
However, I'm a very nit-picky person, and it's not fair if I praise you without pointing out a few errors. Lots of times, I've seen places where you've switched between past and present tense when the whole story is in present. Be careful of those spots. The structure of some sentences doesn't make sense, but it's still pretty easy to understand.
Anyway, I love this book so much. It kept me hooked from the beginning, and Ave's snark and sarcastic view of life is relatable in a way I didn't know was possible.
Congratulations to these amazing people, you obviously deserve it!✨
And to the people who didn't win, don't be discouraged and carry on writing, and don't forget to ask for your review so you can improve!
Remember, if you want your prizes, reviews or score sheets, then PM us!
Thank you so much for joining our awards and we hope you enjoyed it!
-The hosts
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