"Avi, I think you might want to see this." Kevin told him, turning up the tv.
Walking out of the bathroom, he sat down on his bed, looking at the tv. Good Morning America was doing a report on him.
He furrowed his brows, listening to one of the hosts speaking.
"It has recently been reported that Avi Kaplan, the bass singer from the A Capella group Pentatonix, and Kirstie Maldonado, former Pentatonix band member, has had a child together. The couple has not came out publicly with the news, but hopefully we will hear something soon."
Avi's mouth hung open as he attempted to process what the woman had said. He had no idea who told the media, but he was certain that he nor Kirstie had mentioned it.
Kevin cleared his throat, snapping him out of his thoughts. "What are you going to do?"
"Right now, I need to talk to Kirstie." He said, leaving the room.
Just as he dialed her number, his phone began to ring; Kirstie was calling him. He answered, not sure what to say.
"Did you tell them?" Kirstie said on edge.
"No. I haven't said anything to anyone." He told her.
Kirstie groaned, "Someone had to have known. Are you positive you didn't say anything?"
"Yes, Kirst. I'm pos-" Realization hit him like a brick. He sighed, rubbing his face.
"Esther and Nina. They're the only ones besides the guys that know. I know for a fact that the guys would have kept quiet about it. As for Nina, I'm not sure, but Esther is angry that I got her fired. She is probably trying to do everything to get back at me." Avi explained.
Kirstie stayed quiet for a moment.
"What are we supposed to do?" She asked.
"Honestly? I have no idea.. I mean, we could just come clean, but I have no idea how that would affect people's view of us." He told her.
"Let's do it." Kirstie said, taking a deep breath.
"Wait, what?" He asked.
"Let's just tell them. They won't stop asking if we don't say anything. They would have found out eventually." She trailed off.
"Kirstie, are you sure?" Avi asked her, not wanting her to feel like she had to let the world in on her private life.
Her breath hitched, "I'm sure.... I don't think the fans will have a problem."
"Okay then, I'm coming over." He told her.
"Alright. I'll see you in a bit. Bye Av."
"Bye, Kirst." He replied, hanging up the phone.
Running his hands through his hair, Avi let out a tense breath.
"Um, Kev? I gotta go." He quickly told his best friend as he poked his head around the corner.
"Okay, man. Good luck." Kevin said.
* * *
"Do you want to do a livestream, post it on twitter, or what?" Avi asked, sitting down on the couch.
"Uh, livestream sounds fine." Kirstie told him, fidgeting with her fingers.
Avi moved closer to her, grabbing her hand, "Hey, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to." He explained.
"I want to, but I'm just nervous.." She told him, staring at their hands.
"About what?" He asked.
She shrugged, "I don't know... What if they don't like me anymore? What if they give you hate? I don't want to be the reason you or the band gets negative feedback..."
"Even if we do get negative feedback, it's not like we don't see that kind of stuff everyday. I mean, you remember when I got my ears pierced a few years ago?"
Kirstie nodded, looking up at him.
"Well, I received so many rude comments and DM's from fans telling me that they were going to stop listening to our music because I was supposedly a bad influence on their children. It went on for months until I finally stopped wearing earrings and my holes closed up." He shook his head, remembering the time.
"It was so stupid and I regret listening to those people, but now, I'm thinking about getting them pierced again." He rambled, "Anyways, what I'm trying say is, people are going to get mad regardless. They simply have nothing better to do in their free time. At the end of the day, their opinion doesn't matter. You can only worry about yourself and do what you think is best for you." He told her.
"And if you do change your mind about it, we don't have to send anything out. I am completely fine either way." He finished.
"I want to do it. I've kept it a secret long enough, it's time that they know the truth." She told him.
Avi nodded, smiling, "Okay, then let's do this thing."
She laughed softly, shaking her head at him.
"So, who's social do you want to do it on?" Avi asked her.
"Can we do it on yours? I don't even remember the passwords to my main accounts anymore." She confessed.
"Yeah, sure. Instagram, Facebook, or Youtube?" He grabbed his phone.
"Uh, Instagram." She chose randomly, not caring which one.
Setting up his phone on the coffee table, he positioned it so that they were both in the frame clearly.
Kirstie took a deep breath, fixing her hair in the camera. She was terrified to be telling this to the world. Avi noticed her nervousness and grabbed her hand, rubbing the back of it comfortingly. She smiled, her anxiety subsiding.
"I'll let you do the honors." He told her, referring to pressing the live button.
She nodded, hesitantly reaching towards the screen. Pressing the button, she watched as the livestream counted down.
Once they were finally live, Avi waited until there were a good amount of viewers before looking to Kirstie.
She nodded at him, silently telling him that he could go ahead and tell everyone.
Avi cleared his throat. "Hi guys! We're so glad that you guys could come and join us." He smiled, watching the comments flood in. "So, we actually have some important news that we wanted to share with you guys." He continued.
Kirstie read the comments, her heart pounding in her chest.
pentaholix Hi Kirstie!!!
dabmywetties is Kirstie joining the group again?
"As you may have heard, there are many rumors revolving around Kirstie and I." Avi looked over at her, "And um, we just wanted to come on here and clear up which ones are true."
Kirstie, taking a deep breath, started to speak, "GMA recently reported that they had gotten word that Avi and I had had a child together. Now, we can't say that we know who told them this information, but what we can say is.."
mitchyscotty what??!?!!1!1!1?2
avikaplqn WE NEED TO KNOW SIS!
allpentatonix get married
Kirstie giggled at the comments, covering her mouth with the hand that wasn't entangled with Avi's. All of her nerves melted away.
"Anyways, so the answer you have all been waiting for is.." She started drumming on her thighs, making Avi laugh.
"We do have a daughter. Her name is Adeline and she is the cutest little girl ever." Avi finally said.
Kirstie read the comments, relieved that they were mostly positive. She listened as Avi talked about how happy Adi made him and smiled.
He was the best dad to Adeline.. She never expected that she would be saying that seeing as he hadn't been in her life until recently, but it was the only thing she wanted to call him from now on.
'Well... that's not true..' She thought to herself.
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