Not Okay
The whole flight home was a nightmare. There was nothing Kirstie could do but sit and wait in her thoughts. She tried distracting herself, but her mind always wandered back to Adeline. She hoped that she would be okay; unfortunately, there was always that tiny drop of fear.
Kirstie ran into the hospital, panicking. She had to find Adeline. She went to the front desk, trying not to break into tears.
"Um, do you know what room Adeline Kaplan is in?" She picked at her nails, nervously.
The woman typed Adi's name into the computer, "She is actually in surgery right now. The doctor should come and speak with the family shortly."
Kirstie sighed thanking the woman. She looked around the waiting room, spotting Avi and Taylor, making her way to them.
They both had obviously been crying. Sitting down, she cleared her throat. "What happened?" Her voice was scratchy from crying the whole plane ride.
Taylor glanced at Avi, waiting for him to explain the situation.
Avi took a deep breath, "Um, I was playing outside with Adi this morning and she told me that she wanted to learn how to play soccer. Well, I told her I didn't know how so I suggested that we could just kick the ball to each other instead. At one point, I kicked the ball too hard, making it roll away. I went to get it, but then.." He stopped, choking back his tears.
Kirstie grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently so he could continue. Taylor wiped her eyes, excusing herself from the room, not wanting to hear the story again.
"Sorry... So, the ball rolled onto the street. When she went to get the ball, I yelled at her to stop, but I guess she couldn't hear me. Before I could get to her, car came flying down the road and didn't stop. The impact hit her so hard that she flew in the air, landing a few yards away from where she had been standing. I didn't know what to do, Kirst. I didn't want to move her, because I thought I would hurt her. It took the ambulance 20 minutes to get there. I had to watch her lay there in pain and I couldn't do anything to stop it. This is all my fault.. I should have just took her to the park like she asked.."
Avi broke down into tears as he finished. Kirstie grabbed his face, looking him in the eyes. "Hey, it isn't your fault. She is going to be okay.." She told him with tears in her eyes.
He sobbed as Kirstie pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back gently, trying to be the strong one out of the three.
The doctor stepped into the waiting room. "Adeline Kaplan?" He asked.
Kirstie stood up, pulling away from the hug, walking to the man. "Is Adi alright?"
He cleared his throat, not answering the question, "Would you and your husband come with me please?"
Kirstie's heart raced as he finished his words. It didn't sound like he had good news. She nodded slowly, motioning Avi to come with them.
Once they were in a private room. The doctor asked them to sit down so he could go over Adeline's condition.
"So, Adeline is in recovery right now. You guys should be able to see her in about 45 minutes to an hour. We had to do some work on her back and ribs. The impact from the fall broke 2 of her ribs and fractured her clavicle. She did have some minor head injuries, but nothing more than a few bumps and bruises." He explained.
Kirstie stared at the ground, "What did you do to fix it?"
"Well, as for her ribs, those will heal on their own. We had to put a splint in to fix her broken clavicle bone. She will have to do a few months of physical therapy and will be put on pain relievers. Other than that, she should be fine, but she will be in a lot of pain." He finished.
Kirstie nodded, sighing. "Will she be able to travel or anything?" She asked, knowing that the band left for a concert in a few days.
"It shouldn't be a problem. I would just wait 24 hours to make sure all of the swelling and bruising has went down some." He told her.
"Alright. Thank you." She forced a smiled as she watch the man exit the room.
Avi, who hadn't spoken since being in the waiting room, put his head in his hands.
Kirstie wrapped her arm around his shoulder, "She's going to be okay. She's a tough girl."
"She wouldn't have to be if I would have just done what she wanted." He said, taking a deep breath.
"Avriel Benjamin Kaplan." Kirstie crossed her arms, crouching down in front of him so he would look her in the eyes. "Our daughter is fine. Yes, she may be hurting right now, but she will get better. We will help her until she is perfectly healthy again. Quit beating yourself up over this. Adi is not going to want to see her daddy all sad when she wakes up."
Avi nodded, "You're right..."
"I know I am." She joked, trying to lighten the mood.
He smiled slightly, grabbing her hand. "I'm sorry that I wasn't the one who called you. I guess I was just in shock."
"It's okay. I understand. Now, come on. We gotta find some way to pass the time until she wakes up." She said, leaving the room.
An hour and a half later, a nurse came to the waiting room, informing Kirstie that Adeline was awake and was asking for her and Avi.
Kirstie thanked her and walked to her room with Avi. She opened the door, quietly, not wanting to scare the girl.
As soon as she saw both of her parents, Adeline smiled tiredly.
"Hi, baby. How're you feeling?" Kirstie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Sleepy. I missed you." Adi rasped.
"I bet, hon. I have missed you too." Kirstie said. Avi had been standing behind them, afraid to get close to Adeline.
Kirstie noticed and looked at him with pleading eyes. He sighed quietly and stood beside the bed behind Kirstie.
"Daddy." Adeline smiled, closing her eyes.
"Hey, Adi." He said, staring at the visible scar on her collarbone.
Adeline noticed his pained expression. "Don't worry, Daddy. I am A-okay." She held a thumbs up, trying not to fall asleep.
"I'm glad, honey." He nodded.
Adeline dozed off to sleep before she could say anything else. Avi cleared his throat, "Um, I am going to get something to eat, do you want anything?" He asked.
"Sure. Just get me whatever you get." She told him.
Kirstie was about to make him stay, but decided against it. She knew that it must be hard for him
to see her in this state when he blames himself for causing it.
Her family was okay in this moment and that was all that mattered. She would worry about helping them both through the rough patch later. Now, she could rest.
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