New Job
"I have to ask you something." Kirstie said.
Avi, who had been washing dishes, turned off the water and gave Kirstie his full attention. "Okay. What's up?" He asked.
"How is this going to work once the shows start back up?" She questioned.
There were only 11 days until the band went to their next show spot. That meant that they would leave Mississippi; Avi would leave Kirstie and Adeline.
Avi sighed. "Honestly, I didn't even think about it." He told her, walking to the kitchen table.
"This is going to break Adi's heart." Kirstie put her face in her hands, "I shouldn't have even came to the concert. I knew it was a mistake." She said.
"Hey, we will figure something out." He told her, putting his hand on her shoulder.
She shook her head, "I really don't think we will, Avi."
He took her hands from her face into his own, looking her in the eyes. "I will do whatever I can to keep us together. You aren't getting rid of me that easily. Not now." He told her.
She sighed, nodding. "Okay..."
Avi smiled, "Okay." He rubbed the back of her hand momentarily, before getting up from the table.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"To finish the dishes. You know you can help if you want." He held out a towel towards her.
"You know, I suddenly feel so tired." She fake yawned, quickly running upstairs.
Avi laughed, shaking his head as he returned to the beloved dishes.
* * *
Scott was confused as to why Avi called a band meeting on such short notice. They all met up at the local coffee shop rather than the hotel, seeing as Esther was there.
Once they were all present, Avi cleared his throat, preparing for what he was going to say.
"Sorry for planning this so quickly, but I may have found a solution to our problem." He told them.
Scott furrowed his brows, "Um, okay. Go on."
"I was thinking, if you guys are also okay with it, instead of the label finding us a new tour manager, why don't we just let Kirstie do it?" He asked.
The group went silent as they thought about the suggestion.
"I actually don't think it's a bad idea." Kevin mentioned, "I mean, she basically knows how to do everything anyways just because she was in the band. And the job isn't that hard."
"Does everyone agree?" Scott said.
"I do." Mitch chimed in. That just left Nina.
They all looked at her, waiting for her response.
She shrugged, "Sure whatever." She mumbled, returning to her phone.
Avi rolled his eyes, "Okay, good. I'm glad we're all on the same page."
"I will call the label tonight. Hopefully they won't still have something against her." Scott said.
"I completely forgot about that." Avi said, closing his eyes.
"I'm sure it will be fine. We have Ben there to vouch for her." Scott told him.
"I hope so." Avi sighed. "Well, I have to go and ask her now that you guys are okay with it. I'll text you her answer." He told Scott.
* * *
Opening the door to the house, Avi was immediately greeted by his daughter running towards him.
He bent down, catching her before picking her up. She giggled, smiling widely. "Hi, daddy!"
"Hi, honey!" He smiled, "I missed youuu!" He spun around, making her squeal.
Kirstie snapped a photo of the pair, smiling at their bond. Putting her phone away, she walked over to them, "Hey! I wanna have fun too." She pouted, jokingly.
Avi raised his eyebrow, putting Adeline down and made his way over to Kirstie. She knew what he was going to do, so she tried to run away.
He caught her by the arm before she got away and spun her towards him, picking her up just as he did to Adi.
Kirstie laughed, hitting him on the shoulder. "Put me down you goof!"
"What was that?" He asked, pretending not to hear her.
"She said to put her down, daddy. You need some hearing aids. You're old." Adeline told him.
Avi laughed, shaking his head as he put Kirstie down. "I'm not old."
"That's what all old people say." Kirstie whispered to Adeline, making her laugh.
Avi super-frowned, crossing his arms over over his chest, "Words can hurt."
Kirstie looked at her watch, realizing how late it was getting. "Okay, enough fun. It's your past your bedtime, Missy." She told Adeline.
The girl pouted, not wanting to go to sleep. "Don't worry, Ad. We will have fun tomorrow. Maybe we will get some ice cream." Avi said.
Adeline quickly said goodnight to her parents and ran upstairs to go to bed. The ice cream was a deal breaker.
The mood in the area swiftly changed as the girl went to her room. "Uh, I may have come up with an idea." Avi told her.
"What is it?" She asked.
"So, you know how Esther is getting taken off the tour team?" He questioned.
"Yeah?" Kirstie was confused.
"Well, I had a meeting with the guys earlier and we decided that we want you to be our new tour manager." He told her, nervously.
"Really?" She asked.
Avi nodded, waiting for her to give an answer. Kirstie thought for a moment, debating the decision in her head.
Minutes later, she spoke up. "I mean, that would be perfect. Adeline could come with us too. I don't think she would be a problem. But what about the label? What if they don't think I am good enough?" She played with her fingers.
"Ben is there. He will help us. He knows you and how you work, there should be no problem." He told her.
Even though he didn't completely believe what he had said, he didn't want to worry Kirstie about it.
"Then, okay." She answered.
"Really?" He asked.
She nodded. Avi smiled, hugging her. "I'm so glad you said yes. I didn't have anything else."
Kirstie laughed, hugging him back. As the two pulled away from the hug, Avi grabbed his phone.
"I gotta go tell Scott. He is supposed to get in contact with the label sometime soon. He also said that you might have to go in for an interview." He told her.
"All the way in L.A.?" Her eyes widened, "I won't have anyone to watch Adi while I'm there."
"Why can't Taylor watch her?" He asked.
"She just got engaged. Her and her fiancé are taking a 3 week honeymoon." She explained.
"We can figure it out when we find out when the interview is." Avi said.
Kirstie nodded, running her fingers through her hair.
"Go to sleep, Kirst. Don't worry yourself about all of this tonight." He told her
Kirstie being her stubborn self, didn't want to, but knew she should. She said goodnight to Avi and made her way to her bedroom. Weirdly enough, she didn't feel tired, but as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out.
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