Final Straw
Avi had stayed yet another night in Kirstie's home. This time, she asked him to stay to which he accepted. He wanted to spend as much time with Adeline as he could, for he knew he would be leaving soon.
The next morning, Avi woke up in an unfamiliar room. He panicked momentarily, before remembering where he was. Rubbing his tired eyes, he drug himself out of the bed and downstairs.
He saw Kirstie making breakfast, humming along to the music that had been softly playing on the tv.
"Good morning, bass man." She said, hearing his footsteps. Avi smiled, sitting down at the bar, "Morning."
Looking around, Avi yawned, "Where's Adi?" He asked noticing that her giddy presence was missing from the house.
"Oh, she went to Taylor's house. I asked if she could watch her for a big while we talked." Kirstie told him.
Avi's anxiety skyrocket as the words came out of her mouth. "Uh, talk? About what?" He managed to say.
"Us." She paused for a moment, before clearing her throat. "Esther called me.."
Avi's jaw set with anger, knowing what his sister was trying to do, "What did she say?"
Kirstie stayed silent for a moment, "Um, never mind. It's not important." She quickly said, grabbing their plates and putting them on the bar.
She was just about to get their cups before Avi grabbed her hand, stopping her. "What did she say to you?" He asked a second time.
Taking a deep breath, she said, "Esther told me that if she saw me or Adi with you one more time, she would do everything in her power to make the media and fans hate me. She would show Adeline how bad of a mom that I am. She said I don't deserve to be around you after leaving.. That all I know how to do is make people's lives harder. And that the only reason I didn't tell you that I was pregnant was because I was just jealous that you would have a future and I wouldn't." Kirstie's voice wavered as she repeated Esther's words verbatim.
"She said what?!" Avi said, backing away from her.
"Avi, please don't get mad. I mean I understand where she is coming from-" Kirstie said, quietly.
"No! She doesn't have the right to threaten you, to threaten my family." He said, slamming his hands on the counter.
"You know what? I'm going to put an end to this." He said, grabbing his keys.
"Just stop and think about this." Kirstie said.
"I have. And I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago." He told her, walking out the door.
* * *
Avi had never been so eager to see his sister in his life. Once he had finally made it to the hotel, he went up to Esther's room. Opening the door, he realized that the band was having a meeting.
"Huh, this looks pretty important. Don't you think I should have been told since, you know, I am part of this band?" He said, crossing his arms.
"Oh, I was fixing to text you." Esther said, putting on a fake smile.
"Cut the bull. You were not. Now, do you want to explain to me why you threatened Kirstie or not?" He said, not caring that his bandmates heard.
"Avi, what are you talk about?" Esther said, raising her eyebrow.
"Stop acting innocent. I know what you said to Kirstie. She told me everything." He said, glaring at her.
Esther rolled her eyes, "Guys can you give us a minute?" She asked Scott, Kevin, Mitch, and Nina.
"Actually. I think they should stay." Avi said.
"I don't know what that girl told you, but it isn't true." Esther told him.
"That girl used to be your best friend, and now you're talking to her and about her like she's a dog." Avi said through gritted teeth. "Oh, and why don't you tell everyone how you threatened to kick me out if you saw any pictures of me with the girls. I'm sure they will love that story."
"Esther, what is he talking about?" Kevin chimed in.
"I have no idea." Esther put her hand over her chest, as if she was shocked.
Avi laughed, "That's funny, cause I actually have the messages that you sent me when I sent Adeline's birthday pictures to you. Here, I will read them."
He cleared his throat, "I can't believe you didn't listen to me. Hope that little brat is more important to you than your career. If you miss another rehearsal, I'm cutting you— Shall I continue?" He asked.
Esther was dumbfounded. She laughed nervously, "Come on, guys. You can't actually believe this right?"
"Can I see?" Scott asked, referring to the messages.
Avi handed him the phone, gladly for him to read them. Once he was done, Scott scoffed, eyeing Esther. "It's all here. I don't know how you can fake your way out of this." He told her.
"What do you have to say for yourself? I mean, threatening your own brother just because he wants to spend time with his daughter? That's real low, Esther." Kevin said, shaking his head.
"Are you all really going to believe him over me? I am your best friend. I would do anything for you guys." She said, desperately.
"Yeah if it's to make yourself not look bad." Scott mumbled.
"I hope you know that I can fire you all." Esther said with a smirk.
"I would like to see you try." Scott said, "Last time I checked, you're only the tour manager. You don't have to right to legally fire us yourself. That's why you went to label to get Kirstie kicked out. You have no real authority, Esther."
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You know what? This is so stupid. Come talk to me when you get your panties out of a wad and want to actually do your job." Esther said, storming out of the room with Nina on her tail.
Once they were gone, Scott turned to Avi, "Look, I know she's your sister, but after what just happened, I don't really trust her to be our tour manager anymore."
"I understand. I don't either. Do what you have to do. I have to go." Avi told him.
"Alright. Tell Kirstie I said 'Hi.'" Scott said, patting him on the back.
Avi nodded, saying goodbye to his friends, before grabbing his suitcase, leaving the hotel.
* * *
Avi knocked on Kirstie's front door, waiting for her to open it. All of the lights were off in the house, and he barely heard her footsteps come to the door.
When she had made sure that it was just Avi, she opened the door a little, letting him in. She looked exhausted. Obviously, she had waited for him.
"Kirstie, are you oka-" Before he could finish, she slammed into him, hugging him tightly.
"I didn't think you were going to come back." She said.
Avi hugged her back, "I'll always come back." He told her.
Kirstie sighed, pulling away from the hug. "So what happened?" She asked, turning on the kitchen light.
"Well, it looks like we're going to be finding another tour manager."
"What?" Kirstie asked, her eyes widening.
"Yeah, I called Esther out in front of the guys and when I had evidence to show, they believed me. Scott is going to talk to the label sometime soon to talk tell them." He told her.
"That explains a lot." She ran her fingers through her hair.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"She texted me on and off before you got here. It wasn't anything serious. Just empty insults." She laughed softly.
"Man, she really doesn't know when to stop." He said, shaking his head, smiling.
"She's almost as persistent as you." Kirstie told him.
"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" He laughed.
"Oh, come on. You can't stand there and tell
me you didn't ask me over eight times to go out with you." She pointed her finger at him.
He held his hands up, "Hey, but it worked didn't it?" He asked.
She rolled her eyes, jokingly, "Yeah, sure."
Avi gasped and clenched his heart, dramatically.
Kirstie laughed and shook her head. She was happy. Something she hadn't truly felt in a while. Now, she was glad that her and Avi were finally back to their old selves.
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