The ending pt 4
Random townslady: Well I'm sorry young man. We all tried.
Tobias: Thank you very much for trying. *Sings.* Well I guess my plan has failed. It's too late to stop King George. It's time to give up.
King George III: Guards bring the guy over here.
*The guards bring Judge Turpin to the center.*
Johanna: *Sings.* We can all stop him. When we're combined. So, I will reject.
King George III: Enough talking. Guards get her.
*The guards grab Johanna.*
Mrs. Lovett, Johanna, Anthony, Adolfo Pirelli, Jonas Fogg, Beadle Bamford, Mrs. Lucy Barker, Kimberly, Melissa, Justine, Jesse: *Sings.* So, we will reject. You are not out king.
*Judge Turpin runs to his friends, the guards let go of Johanna and everyone starts to sing.*
Everyone except King George and Sweeney: *Sings.* You are not our king.
Tobias: *Sings.* So, we all reject. We will find a new king.
*The guards grab King George III and Sweeney.*
Anthony: George and Sweeney you are no longer welcome here.
Johanna: So, what should we do with them?
Anthony: We're gonna send them to an island far far away and they are banned from England forever.
Random townslady: So, who will be our new king?
Mrs. Lovett: We should let Anthony and Johanna be our new king and queen. All in favor who wants Anthony and Johanna to be our new king and queen raise your hand.
*The townspeople raise their hands.*
Mrs. Lovett: Well it looks like you guys will become our new king and queen.
Anthony: Thank you everyone. It's an honor to be your king.
Justine Garcia: Now that everything's ok. Don't we have a wedding to do.
Anthony: Oh yes the wedding. Johanna, do you still want to get married?
Johanna: Of course I do.
In the chapel
Priest: Now I may pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
*Anthony kisses Johanna.*
Priest: Everyone I pronounce you King Anthony Hope and Queen Johanna Hope.
*Everyone claps.*
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