The beginning pt 1
*Rooster crows and the townspeople is gathered in the town*
Town Crier: *Holds out scroll and reads. * Today is the day that Mr. Anthony Hope marries Ms. Johanna Barker in the chapel at noon.
Townspeople: *Cheers and then starts to sing* Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Random towns lady: I can't believe that today is finally the day.
Random towns lady #2: I know I feel like I'm going to cry.
Random towns lady: Hey at least Sweeney is dead.
Random towns lady #2: Yeah, that is the best part of it.
Random towns lady: *Sings* Today is the day that Johanna and Anthony get married. The day has gotten here so fast that the moment has finally come.
Townspeople: *Sings* This day has gotten here so fast that the moment has finally come. This day has gotten here so fast. The wedding of Johanna and Anthony.
*Everybody storms off*
Justine Garcia: *peeks right by a wall* Ok the coast is clear come on guys.
*Kimberly, Melissa, Jesse and Toby follow behind Justine into the town*
Tobias: So, what are we getting Jo and Tony?
Melissa Locascio: Why don't we get them both flowers.
Kimberly Zadigian: Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tony would want flowers.
Jesse Angatia: Or why don't we sneak them inside to a castle.
Justine Garcia: And get us all sent to the dungeons.
Kimberly Zadigian: We wouldn't get sent to the dungeons. We would get our heads chopped off.
Justine Garcia: By the king.
Tobias: I don't wanna get my head chopped off. I just wanna have fun at the wedding.
Melissa Locascio: Don't worry little Toby. Jesse was just playing around.
Jesse Angatia: Or why don't we just show up empty handed?
Justine Garcia: No, we're here to get our friends something not show up with nothing.
Kimberly Zadigian: Justine's right. *Points to old beggar lady*. Or why don't we ask that lady if she has something good to sell.
Justine Garcia: Alright.
*They all walk over to the old beggar lady at the stands*
Kimberly Zadigian: Umm excuse me.
Lucy Barker: *Turns around* Who goes there?
Kimberly Zadigian: Hello. We were hoping if-
Justine Garcia: If you were selling anything for a lady and a guy?
Lucy Barker: Why yes, we do. We have bowls, jewelry and shoes.
Kimberly Zadigian: We'll get a necklace and a pair of shoes.
Lucy Barker: *Grabs necklace and pair of shoes* Here you go. *Gives to Kimberly*.
Kimberly Zadigian: Thank you very much.
Lucy Barker: You're welcome.
Kimberly Zadigian: Come on guys let's go.
*Justine, Kimberly, Jesse, Melissa and Toby leaves*
Tobias: *Stops walking and looks behind him*
*Sweeney dashes past and Kimberly, Jesse, Justine and Melissa stops and turns around*
Melissa Locascio: Toby, are you coming?
Tobias: *Turns around* Yes, I'm coming. *Walks to them*
Melissa Locascio: What's wrong Toby? You look like you've seen a ghost. Are you ok?
Tobias: Yes, I'm ok.
Melissa Locascio: Ok. Let us know if you need anything.
*They all walk back to the house*
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