A girl...A fun loving girl...full of life....her happiness lied in small small things....she was both selfless ND selfish
Selfish coz she finds her happiness begin selfless
Her world revolves only around her family frndz ND crush
She was surrounded by selfish people but still she find her happiness in them
She have an elder brother who can't even talk to her nicely
Her mom only cared for her(girl's) brother ND herself
But but but all this was happiness of her was fake actually in real she was depressed sad broken hurt
She wanted peace
She got it also but it doesn't last for long but till then Girl was so drowned in her sorrow that she almost committed sucide
What was her age then only 16..... Swara Bose the girl who after all this mess again tried to live her life found peace in music
Music took away all her sorrow precisely Her fav's singer's voice
It worked as an oilment for her broken heart
But who broked it and why
It was broken by a boy whome she loved not from the day he confessed his love for her but from then when she started knowing him after rejecting him almost 10 times
The guy after being rejected by her still stayed with her made her smile
The boy was elder then her and this made her at first made her hasitate but then she couldn't be spared from the guy's charm
He slowly slowly become her reason to live reason to smile reason to become selfish
But as it said nothing last for long they...their happiness being together didn't last for long
Misunderstanding started.... hiding things.... telling lies and most importantly avoiding each other started
Slowly and gradually they had to part away their ways
But we're they happy with it
Nooo not at all they felt incomplete.....
The guy Sanskar Meshwari later on to avoid this feeling of being incomplete of being heart broken found his peace in music
Out of no where he thought of making a career out of it but it was not at all easy for him
He faced many rejection even he was badly criticized which some were worked as a salt for his already broken heart
Both were broken
Both found peace in music
But except this one more thing was common in them
That was hope
Swara almost tried to sucide but y almost ND then couldn't do it as there was a little pinch of hope still left in her broken heart
Sanskar being rejected being criticized still didn't stop why because he too still had a pinch of hope left in his heart
It been a year to their heart break both were not in contact but still perks of being in today's generation they used to stock each other through social media
They both never texted each other but still they knew when the other one is in need
Sanskar soon launched his music single it became hit
In this one year almost after 7-8months of struggle he finally was able to take a step closer to success
Swara with the help of her friends started a small event managing company(SS) which organise events at a small scale
It was the day to celebrate the success of the first album release
The event was organized by SS company
Soon the party started swara was busy checking that no guest gets should disappointed as it was first big Event she was handling
She didn't know this was Sanskar's success party as her friends kept it hidden very cleverly from her
Welcome beautiful ladies ND their respective partners
I Nikil ur today's host's dearest ND supr handsome friend cum bro is here to tell u guys that ur wait is finally over
Here comes ur today's host ND Chief guest
The person for who's success we have gathered here to celebrate have arrived
Hearing this swara went forward to see who it was but when she saw it made her was like she was statue with mixture of emotions
As Sanskar came down form stairs after Nikil's announcement
He stopped in the middle
As if his legs got glued their
His eyes stuck on someone
His eyes too reflected mixed emotions
The eyelock was broken due to loud sound of claps ND hooting made by the guests as Sanskar came
Both were stealing glances of each other
Soon He was requested to sing a song from his album
He went upon the stage
Tuned his gitar
ND started playing
Kyano kacche tui Eli,
jodi abaar chole jaabi,
Bol kyano tahole,
Swopno dekhali,
He said these lines looking straight into his life's eyes
Kyano kacche tui Eli,
jodi abaar chole jaabi,
Bol kyano tahole,
Swopno dekhali,
Ami jani kono Ek din,
kono ek notun bhore,
Dekha hobe amaader abaar,
Ek swopner shohore,
Both remembering how in each n every single wish ND prayer they did they asked for each other's happiness Both remembering how in each n every single wish ND prayer they did they asked for each other's happiness
Ami jani kono Ek din,
kono ek notun bhore,
Dekha hobe amaader abaar,
Ek swopner shohore,
All sleepless nights they spent without each other
Tor sathe chilo baki,
Kawto kawtha bolbe Ek din,
Ekaki nijer saathe,
korechi tor gawlpo saraadin,
Tor kotha
aashe phire phire,
poth haranor sob kobitaye,
Ami toke niye jaabo abbar,
Rupkawthar shei baari te,
Every single moment when they were not with each other physically but mentally ND emotionally they were always connected to each other
Aye phire,
Tears made their way through their eyes....He some how hid it
Ami jani kono Ek din,
kono ek notun bhore,
Dekha hobe amaader abaar,
Ek swopner shohore......
His singing
The words
The tune
The pain in his voice
Made everyone emotional
Swara after listening the song ran outside in the garden where no one was their
Seeing her run her friend also went behind her
Sanskar too saw this
He was fighting his inner turmoil to go behind her or not
Nikhil came he understood his turmoil that's what best friends do after all
He said him to go
As soon as Nikhil said this he run towards her
Swara fell down on her knees and started crying unconsolably
Her friend came and sat beside her
Swara hugged her ND her crying increased
Swara- why uttra why hmesha mere saath hi q hota hai yh phele aisi family who doesn't love me then Sanskar came
He gaved me all the love ND happiness I craved for
But we also broke up due to my stupid insecurities
I led him down
I made him so angry ND frustrated that he had no other option other then leaving me n go
I know nither of us are happy due to it
But now I want him
I can't leave without him
Today seeing him after so long live standing in front of me I couldn't control myself
U only tell me what should I do
ND she busted out crying
Sanskar heard all this
Now he could also not control his tears which beamed out of his eyes
He took small small steps ND moved towards swara
Uttra saw him
He gesture her to leave
She left from their without saying a word as she knows they both will ND only can handle each other
Sanskar went ND kneeled down beside her
He kept his hand on her shoulder
She looked towards him
She instantly hugged him
Both found their solace in each other's arms
No words were spoken
Swara-sanskar I'm sorry due to my stupid insecurities I always doubted on u
Due to my immaturity I hurted u with my words
I know words can't be taken back but I'm very sorry for all those words
Sanskar-No need of saying sorry swara
We both were at fault
After knowing that u never got family's love ND care still I was not able to understand ur insecurities
We both reacted in a implusive way
Which led to our this condition
We both wanted each other but can't say due to our guilt
I'm also sorry
Can't we forget all our past ND start from fresh
Swara-I love you Sanskar
I love you thank you for forgiving me
Thank you for coming back
I promise now I will not let anything come between us
Now I will shine for u ND become ur star
Sanskar-Swara I too love you a lot
ND no need of thanking me as ur my life
The reason for my every single breath
Ur the reason of my existence
ND this time I too promise I will also never leave you and go in my anger
I will rather fight with you
Make you understand but never leave you n go
He then wiped her tears ND she too
ND just through their eyes they said no more tears
Both stood up and again hugged each other
Both felt peace
Both of their hearts were now filled with joy
No more worries
No more insecurities
No more anything can now came between them
Fire works started
Both entangled their hands ND looked up in the sky
Soon a cracker busted up in the sky ND it showed
Together Forever
As if it was the sign for them from God
They went inside
Both of their faces were now glowing with happiness
Sanskar moved towards the stage
Sanskar-Attention ladies ND gentleman u all r here to celebrate my success to give me good wishes
But u all also wanted to know my inspiration behind my song
So here I introduced my inspiration
The love of my life
The reason for my existence
My swara
She was overwhelmed due to Sanskar's this gesture
He forwarded his hand
She holded it
All hooted ND clapped from them
Then Sanskar pulled her closer towards him
There was no space between them not even for air
He kissed upon her forehead
She closed her eyes
A kiss full of love
A kiss of assurance
A kiss of togetherness
A kiss which showed whole world that she belongs to him ND he belongs to her
_________The End________
All tomatoes are excepted if u didn't like my os
Sorry for all Grammer and spelling errors
Total Words-1743
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