Part 33
The episode starts with laksh breaking the hug and and says : maa , i promise...........
Sujata caresses his face and says : i trust you beta.........................i know suwarna will be fine wherever she is and she will get her family back too......
In Mumbai :
Sanskar comes to swaraj while swara is smiling is a naughty way and says : oho.................meh dard seh longa par tumhe kuch nahi hona chahiye (i will take pain but nothing should happen to you)
Raj laughs while sanskar eyes him with an angry look.
Sanskar suddenly spoke : please yaar...............
He actually spoke it a little loud which attracted harsh's attention towards the bushes where they are hiding.
Harsh eyeing ragini shocked : i guess someone is there???
Ragini who didn't heard the noise : no one is are mistaken.....
She holded harsh's hand who was about to go and said all this smiling.
Harsh shouted : who is there............i asked who is there............??
He got his hand free from ragini and said : ragini.................i am sure someone is there.............i am hundred percent sure..........
Ragini eyed him confused .
Swarajsan became alert by harsh's voice and raj grabbed swara's hand and started running out , he indicated sanskar to run towards the other direction.
They both did this while sanskar ran all the way in the waiter's dress while swaraj were holding hands and running (harsh was behind swaraj)
It actually seemed a filmy scene like hero-heroine running and goons following them.
At the end swaraj increased speed and left harsh behind.
Swara-raj stopped at the middle of road while harsh was left behind.
They both were breathing heavily due to the constant running while they eyed each other while still panting and suddenly broke out in laughter.
" it was fun.........." swara remarked laughing.
" true ...." raj instantly agreed to her.
" i know , if you get such a beautiful partner to run with , why will it not be fun........" a voice came from back.
Swaraj turned back and were shocked to see ....................................................................................................................................................................................... don't worry guys its sanskar............
Sanskar eyes them with a childish angry look and says : you both...................
Swara interrupts him and says : ok , so if you want to talk on road only lets call harsh-ragini too............when they will take our class it would be enjoyable.................
Raj laughs while sanskar shakes his head in a hopeless manner.
They all then run to the car.
Harsh has to stop in the way as he couldn't run more and returned back.
" who was there ???" ragini asked harsh with a questioning look.
" i don't know, i couldn't catch them...................." harsh said standing there still in thinking.
" them??? , were they many??" ragini asked harsh while standing up.
" yaa................two for sure.........." harsh replied still in same posture.
" lets move home....... already much time is dadisa would be waiting" ragini said eyeing harsh .
" alright....." harsh said picking up his phone from the table.
They both moved out.
In swarajsan car :
" we would have been caught badly today...........just because of you swara...." sanskar said angrily.
" oh please....................its just because of raj...........why he came here................" swara said defending herself.
" my mistake.........what i both ..........." raj said angrily.
Swasan bursted out laughing at the innocence of raj and said : you na.......................
They again started laughing while raj eyed them with a pout.
" you know sir has planned to propose a girl " swara said giving a hi-fi to sanskar.
Deep inside herself she knew how sad she was feeling with the fact and so to overcome that she tried to make fun of this thing.
" oh really.........amazing raj but guess she rejects you then..........??? sanskar said to raj indicating towards swara.
" i am sure , he'll be second sanskar then , just like you are behind ragini he will be behind that girl ............." swara said still laughing.
" no baba no..............i am very swabhimani , i won't run behind her..........." raj said eyeing sanskar with a mischievous look. (you know he was complimenting sanskar)
" oh , you seem to be too swabhimani , i guess i should keep the name of your child only as swabhiman ............. you know swara would surely like it.........isn't it swara??" sanskar said with a grin.
" why should i like it isn't my child at the end??" swara asked questionably.
Sanskar laughed while raj eyed him with a deadly look.
" ok so we'll name the girl as swara....." sanskar was saying when raj cut in between and said : what.............i am just 19............why is my child being discussed here..............are you both my parents.............." he bursted out.
Swasan again burst into laughter while raj was left with another pout.
" i would na tell ragini everything , about you both....." raj cut in smiling between their laughter 's.
Swasan eyed him with an angry look while swara picked up a cushion kept in the car and started beating raj .
" you na................." swara said still beating him.
" swara leave me ..................please......sorry...leave me " raj said laughing while swara wasn't stopping.
Suddenly raj's phone beeps in his pocket while raj says :
Swara leaves him seating next to him with a pout while raj attends the call.
" wowww amazing................thanks a lot lot sir ..........." raj said smiling on the phone.
While suddenly he said : no sir............what..........................??????
The episode ends at shocked face of raj while swasan are too shocked as he suddenly shouted.
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