Part 22
the episode starts with swara taking sanskar with her and she makes him sit on a bench nearby.
Swara eyes him with a fainted smile and takes his one tear in her finger and says eying it : oh , see sanskar you are wasting these beautiful pearls now , stop now or else the collage will be flooded with pearls.
Sanskar eyed her and saw that she still had tears in her eyes , he understood that she wanted to divert his mind and wiped his tears and said : i really don't want any thing else swara but just rageshwari's happiness and i know she herself is sad by all this , so by being her friend i just want to make her happy....
Swara (sarcastically ): pakka , only friend na????
Sanskar eyed her with a smile and said : yaa............ only friends..........
Swara smiled and said : but i want something else.......
Sanskar questionably : what????
Swara hugged him and said : only you can keep my rago happy buddu...............
Sanskar breaked the hug and said : so you are my friend????
Swara eyed him with an angry look and said : no......not at all..... i am mad , i hug strangers publically........
Sanskar bit his tongue , holded his ears and said : sorry ???
He said it with such a cute face that swara smiled.
Swara then said in her usual bossy way : so , if my rago ever cries again, so you are gone yuvraj sanskar.
Sanskar smiled and nodded his head.
Swara questionably : so have you planned something for her ...............
Sanskar : yaa , i bought a cushion.................
Swara listening the word cushion interrupted him and said : oh god, what i said before forget it.............. cushion............ seriously ........ are you mad or what ............... bring a bedsheet also for her na...................... means seriously ................................ i can't believe it.............. harsh is better then you....................
She was continuously speaking when sanskar kept a finger on her mouth and said : a heart cushion with sorry written on it...............
Swara was shocked , she lowered her head while sanskar laughed and said : ha......ha swara i'll gift you a cushion and a bed sheet but everything should be perfect for my rageshwari..............
Swara lifted her head and said : ok listen......... she has already suffered a lot so please take care of my rago............ and never even think to gift her a cushion.................
She stressed the last word.
Sanskar smiled and then asked her : what do you mean by suffered , what happened ............. i am already very confused...........
Swara is shocked and says : you don't know???
Sanskar nods in no and swara explains him everything about chote raja and choti rani.
Sanskar is shocked and says : she had to suffer so much................
He stops and a drop of tear escapes his left eye.
Swara again eyes his tear and says : yaar.............. again you started wasting pearls.................
Sanskar eyes swara and says : but she suffered so much...........
Swara cuts in between saying : now you are there na to fill her life with happiness.......... ( and now teasing) are you..................
Sanskar : of course .......... i am swara...........
The scene shifts to ragini and raj walking in corridor .
Raj irritated : what the ............... yaar......... waste lecture ............. why i went in............
Ragini who was lost in her thought said : seriously .......... you are correct raj.........
Raj eyed her shocked and said : what you said can you repeat.............
Ragini still lost : seriously................... you are correct raj...............
Raj dramatically : wah.............. i made the padakku (studious) ragini also to hate lectures ......... i am great...
Saying this he tried to raise the collar of his shirt while ragini gets out of her thought and said : nothing like that raj ................. i was just thinking that i left swara alone..................
Raj lost in swara's thought :yaa......... we should not have left her alone na....................
Ragini eyed him and then slapped him a little at his head and said : why don't you propose her?????
Raj first blushed in his usual funny manner and then said : tum bhi na( you ...) if she doesn't agree then i'll loose her as a friend also..............
Ragini eyed him and as they were walking she stopped him and said : raj......................... if you don't try then how will you know?????
Raj eyed ragini seriously and said : i have seen in her eyes ragini, she doesn't love me..............
Saying this he tried to stop himself from crying while ragini eyed him and said : raj....................... please............ just understand me.......................ok i admit.................she doesn't love you.............but i even know that she doesn't love anybody else too so whats the problem......... there are so many things like love at first sight............... you had that but maybe swara will gradually start falling for you................. raj........... for me love is a mixture of various emotions like care, trust, passion and doing something unconditionally .............and i know you both have these whats the problem................ just confess it to her and then leave it upon her................please raj.................
Raj eyed her and then to change the serious atmosphere said : ragini, i guess you know much about love.................i know childhood experience with sanskar jiju.............
Ragini eyed him tensed and said : what are you saying raj........ seriously .............jiju??? i mean , the feeling which i told you we both don't share anything like that so please just suppress your random thoughts and think about your love.................
Raj nodded but still he had a mischievous smile on his face which ragini could easily indentify.
She was about to say something but she left it and started walking with raj thinking about his sanskar jiju.
She suddenly eyed him with a mischievous smile and said : yaa raj, you can call sanskar jiju...............i'll tell him and swara to be together , then he'll be your jiju na.............
Raj eyed her shocked and then ran behind her , she also ran and they both started fighting in the corridor itself.
Ragini was running eying raj who was at her back and she suddenly hits someone.
She then composes herself and eyes the person who is actually harsh.
Ragini eying raj in a little anger look: sorry harsh....
Harsh was about to say something when raj said : sorry , but why are you in our collage harsh ji...
And now in ragini's ears : ju....
Ragini starred at him angrily and whispered in his ears : oh really, then leave sanskar , i'll make swara with..............
She was saying this when raj joined his hand and said : please leave my swara yaar...........
Ragini laughed while harsh who just listened raj's last words says : why............. what has rageshwari done to her..............
Ragini eyed him and then raj smiling and said : nothing.... but yaa why did you come to collage???
Harsh smiled and said : oh , don't you know i joined your collage.....
Ragini smiled : as a professor or what????
Harsh : as a student...
Ragini smiled and said : oh really , as if i don't know you mr bcom and b com is only for three years na then,....... (and now slowly) have you failed???
Harsh smiled and said : you remember...
Ragini nodded in yes while harsh says : yaar........... dadisa.............. continuously asking for her rageshwari............. and so she sent me here to take you home..................
Ragini gets worried and says : oh i'll meet dadisa today but thanks for doing so much for me......................
Harsh smiles and holds her cheeks saying : don't be tensed yaar......i know what sanskar did was wrong but forget him........... for my sake...............
(isn't he too selfish but still he loves ragini)
Ragini smiles at his act and says : you are so good.......... but sorry i am not goona forgive him...
Harsh a little seriously: as you wish ragini............... ok i am leaving...
He turns to go while raj eyes him confused and thinks : why i always feel that something is fishy with him???? Always giving me negative vibes............
Ragini eyes him angrily and says : oh propose her or people will think you mad who always gets lost in her thoughts in the middle of serious discussions.
Raj smiles at her and they proceed.
The scene shifts to swasan still sitting there making plans when swara's phone rings.
She sees the caller and it is written "ma"
She picks the phone angrily and says in one go : don't wanna talk ....i am busy...
Sumi says worriedly ; please my princess, just put your phone to video call for once , please....
Swara angrily ; no.........................don't disturb me..............
Shekhar takes the phone from sumi's hand and says :its a surprise beta.... think if you don't put your phone on speaker then we all will come there with the surprise...............
Swara irritated: papa please................
Shekhar interrupts in between : please..............
Swara irritated : ok...............
Sanskar smiled at swara's varied actions and thought : angry young women....
He laughs while swara eyes him angrily and says : you na.... help me.... talk with these people .... i don't wanna talk....
Sanskar smiled and said : ok ....i'll tell them i am your boyfriend talking.....
Swara angrily : sanskar......
Sanskar laughed while swara puts her phone video chatting.
From the other side of the phone comes a voice : my shona ......
Sanskar laughed at this and said : oh shona.....
Swara again starred at him angrily and said : stop it.....
The voice : why don't you like your dida that you want her to stop....
Swara's face glowed with happiness , from so many days she didn't even talk to her dida and now she was seeing her face, she was literary about to jump but controlled herself and smilingly said : dida, how are you my sweety????
Dida smiled and said : your sweety is fine my shona....
Sanskar smiled : hii dida....
Dida staring at him from the video camara : who is he????
Sanskar : i can be your boyfriend....
Swara laughed and told sanskar : nice choice haan ... actually i don't know why ,you are just like a donkey but your choice is good.....
Sanskar holds her ear and says sweetly: stop it shona .....
Swara angrily : listen don't call me with that name , i have a reputation.....
Sanska r teasing : i know , your reputation is of lion and your name is like a cat.....
Dida angrily : stop you both ..... shone he your enemy or what and i wanna talk with you but your fight only doesn't end....
Swara and sanskar both keep finger on their mouth .
The episode ends at this...
Precap : sanskar...................................................
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