Part 14
The episode starts with sanskar touching his cheek remembering ragini with a smile and thinks : why i am again thinking about that ragini , its limit , now i should stop.
He tries diverting his mind into rajmata and others talk thinking this
Outside the collage :
Swara (angrily ): raj you called us for this lecture?
Raj looks at her irritated and says : swara , i also didn't knew that the collage messaged us to come urgently for this lecture.
(actually they were called in for a lecture on nature and related things)
Ragini(smiling): swaraj , why are yoy both saying like that , the lecture was so good na.
Swaraj look towards her shocked and swara says angrily yet taunting : ragini , if you liked the lecture so much then run.. run fast before rohit sir(the person who gave lecture) goes , just follow him everywhere , wherever he gives lecture listen to it.
Ragini eyes her confused as she got really confused by the words, she revinds everything in her mind and says angrily : swara..
Swara wanted to laugh but stops and says with fake anger : ya tubelight.
Ragini too wanted to laugh but she too stops herself and says angrily : i am not any tubelight , swara don't dare to call me tubelight , i am the princess of raigarh...
Raj is shocked at swaragini's fight while swara says angrily : oh so you are fighting with me haan....
Raj interrupts in between and says loudly and angrily : stop it you guys , are you both mad or what , fighting over such a smaal thing , you both ...
He was saying this when he sees swaragini giving each other a hi-fi laughing and swara saying : waah ragini ! superb haan , we won the bet.
Raj looks on confused while swaragini eye him and ragini says : raj did you said anything?
Raj (angrily but this time not loudly ) wait a second , did you put a bet on me.
Swaragini eye each other like a mischivious kids and raj says : am i a thing to put bet upon?
Swara nods in yes while they both again laugh.
Raj : you.....
He says this while swara starts running and he runs behind her , they both run in the collage corridor and ragini smiles seeing them and thinks : god always keep swara happy...
While she's thinking all this ragini gets to her senses and sees that swara is hiding behind her and raj in raginii's front trying to get hold of swara. Ragini tries protecting swara and says smiling and teasingly : raj , i also was a part of this bet , but you seem more interested in running behind swara haan.
Raj understands her meaning and blushes while swara doesn't pay much heed to what ragini just said.
Ragini smiles seeing him blush while he says through lipsing : pleaseee stop ragini.
Ragini smiles and says : raj now stopthis and forgive us.
Raj smiles and says : only on one condition!
Swara coming in front of raj and with childish anger : which condition haan.
Raj : hey , why are you acting like agundy(goon) i just want to know that what happened and the incident of this bet.
Swara smiles and says ; oh , ok actually when we were coming out of the auditorium after the lecture ragini's pen fell so we stopped to search...
Fb starts with ragini picking a pen while swara is standing there when a girl tells her excitedly: swara , you are so lucky na , raj is a dude yaar , such a sweet person , he can never get angry also. I have fallen for his charm yaar.
Swara 's eyes widen listening this and says : he and a cool????
Ragini stands up taking her pen and says smiling : she 's right swara.
Swara shows her eyes and ragini says : ok , ok , raj can even get angry haan , don't underestimate my swara , swara will make him angry na.
Swara eyes her shocked and ragini bites her tongue saying through lipsing : sorry!!!
The girl says smirking : ok swara, so challenge , if i won then you will have to help me get raj otherwise i'll help you by making your project.
Swara gets an idea and says smiling mischiviously : ok , done!!
The girl goes while swara tells her plan to ragini who agrees instantly as it was her fault.(we all know the plan)
Fb ends.
While raj says smiling mischievously: so my mother Teresa did what she wanted to!!
Swara eyes him confused while raj says : you only told na you'll change ragini and you did it.
Ragin i smiling mischievously : raj , you remember everything that swara says???
Raj says smiling proudly : of course ! i can't even forgive her single thing.
Ragini still smiling : oooOOOOO
Raj eyes her and again says by lipsing : pleaseeeeeeeeee
Ragini nods smiling.
In the rajmahal:
Sanskar 's parents left while rajmata is resting and sanskar, harsh and aniket are sitting in the hall.
Aniket notices the sad expressions on both harsh and sanskar's face while he doesn't know the reason for harsh's sadness , he knows very well that why sanskar is sad so to cheer the hall he says : hey guys lets , go to some bar as we got such a good news after 15 years , to celebrate this.
Sanskar agrees as he feels guilty for scolding aniket while harsh says : you know na , i don't drink.
Sanskar : but you can at least join us.
Harsh smiling : no sanskar , i also have an important meeting here so you guys enjoy.
He leaves saying this while aniket and sanskar think to go to a club as they get to know that the royal bar is closed today due to holi.
In collage :
Swara to raj : ok raj , now lets go to some club.
Raj : yaa great idea.
Ragini : no yaar , i don't want to go.
Swara : who asked you???
Ragini gets shocked and thinks sadly: i thought that you would swara.
Ragini then says angrily : yaa , ok you guys go i am in hostel
She heads to leaves when swara giggles with raj and then holds her hand and takes her.
Ragini while going (shocked): swaara where are you taking me???
Swara smiling : ragini , i said that i didn't asked you because swara gadodia doesn't need to ask anybody , she just takes them.
Ragini smiles and says : but swara , i seriously don't want to go.
Swara (childish anger): oh so you'll not agree to me haan.
Ragini : no swara, its not like that !
Swara(bossy) : then you will have to come.
They all reach car and swara sees harsh coming.
Swara (smiling) : hey harsh , come join us , we are going to club.
Harsh (smiling): no , i just came to meet you guys , you guys carry on.
Swara (insisting): come na , you are totally ragini's friend , just like her!
Harsh laughs and says : ok , i am coming.
Swaragini smile while they all sit in raj's car while raj drives off.
Swara sits beside him while ragini and harsh sit at back seat.
Harsh thinks: this way , i''ll get some time with ragini.
They all reach club while aniket and sanskar too reach the club, they all don't notice each other. The episode end on the screen split up into swaragini smiling , sanskar fake smiling , aniket fake smiling, harsh and raj excited face .
Precap : sanskar spots ragini in the club with harsh and says to aniket (sanskar is drunk): see ragini , with HARSH.
Aniket notices and says tensed: this is the girl who is posing as rageshwari!
Sanskar gets angry and says : taking my rageshwari's place , i'll handle her.
He moves towards ragini saying this.
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