New OTPs?!
Lucy POV
And so I found myself with a completely different group of friends yet the same and the only ones that were the same were Natsu and I.
It so frustrating to see them act so different. Juvia acted so Silent and mysterious like Jellal, Aries acted as cold and though as Laxus which was really creepy!, Mirajane acted so cold and indifferent as Gray, Levy was the one who scared me the most she was quiet and calm but as soon as Mira and Natsu started to scream at each other she would get so mad and she just acted like Erza, Erza was scary too, in a way, she acted like Juvia but not over her boyfriend Gajeel instead of that it was over JELLAL!? And she would call him Jellal-sama ::>_<::, Loke acted like Gajeel, he seemed bothered by everything we said it was scary cause he is usually so friendly specially to girls but he only wanted to be with Natsu's sister Aries she reacted the same way to him, Gray was all like 'Jellal and Erza would make such a cute couple' and 'we shall call this ship Jerza' it was very scary specially comming from Gray it's very scary. Also Laxus was happy but he was.... FLIRTING WITH GIRLS?!?! I know he would get lots of them but he used to act so though and mean that no girl got close to him well other than Aries which was pretty shocking. Something that seriously scared me was that Gajeel had no piercings and his hair was brushed. ~T_T~~T_T~ what have I done!! Jellal acted so shy and kept saying sorry for everything like Natsu's sister would.
I feel awful for what I've done. So after school I went to where I found the old lady but I couldn't find her so all I could do was to invite them to over to explain everything. And so I did.
"So why did you invite us" said Levy.
"I need to tell you guys something I did"-Lucy
"So what is it"-Loke
"Remember the day I was late to the reunion Natsu did at his house"-Lucy
"Yeah"- everyone
"Its my house too, ya know"-Aries
"Anyway"- Mira
"So that day I.. how do I say this..... I... -" -lucy
"Just say it already!" -Loke
"WHAT!?!?!?!"- Everyone
"But dont worry it wont kill you at least"-Lucy
"AT LEAST!?" -Everyone
"OK, let me explain"-Lucy
"Yes please!!!!!"-Everyone
"So I told my brother I need to pick up some stuff but the truth is that day I went to look for something that might have helped my relationship with Natsu. I mean like when he went to the hospital it was my fault or at least that how I felt, anyways this lady told me to gave me this 'potion' thingy and told me that it would make the true fillings of a person come out so I decided to try it out but I didn't know how to give it to Natsu in a way that he wouldn't notice but then Aries came and asked me to do the juice and give it to everyone, so when I made it I was only thinking that Natsu would drink it so I put the 5/6 of the bottle in the juice, but I swear I forgot you guys would drink it!"- Lucy
"So you did this so you and Natsu would be happy?" -Gajeel
"Well yeah, but that's not all.... the side effects are change of personality and.... never mind the other aren't important they are just... Silly"-Lucy
"Wait a minute did you say true fillings?!"- Gajeel
"Lucy you do realize Chelia, Wendy, Romeo and Eve where there..."- Gajeel
"WHAT"- Natsu & Aries
"My poor little sister....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, 😂😂 I can't wait to see how she changed or more like with who 😂😂hahahahaha"-Aries
Everyone stared at her while she laughed like she just saw the funniest thing ever she is so mean now it's scary. Anyways then each one of us called one of the four and told them to come. I seriously felt bad when I saw how they acted. Wendy was just like Chelia and Romeo acted like Eve and Eve acted like Wendy and Chelia acted like Romeo, but I gotta say they looked funny specially Wendy and Eve.
Ok so back to the topic. I told them what was going on and now they were informed. After that they all started asking me lots of questions like when was it going to run off, or what did I mean by true fillings. I told them I didn't know because I truly didn't.
Then they left Loke went to his room and I think he might have been mad at me well because.... OK I think they are all mad at me😔 but I guess o deserve it.
Juvia's POV
What am I going to do now. Everyone will find out I like Gray😭 this is so embarrassing! I can't believe it! But I need to find a way to make this position disappear. Just as I was thinking I got a call from Jellal.
"Hello Juvia"
"Yes hello"
"Im sorry Juvia but we need to break up, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
"What.... why.... what?"
"I'm sorry but you see I have feelings for someone else I'm sorry!"
"*sigh* it's ok I like someone else too, go on I don't mind"
"Thank you so much for understanding, we are still friends right? And again I'm so sorry"
"It's OK Jellal don't apologize"
Then he hung up
And I received another call it was GRAY!!??"
"Hello Gray"
"Hey Juvia, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me (^u^) hihihihi"
"*blush* o...k... I guess it is OK... no wait what about Levy?"
"Oh well.... she broke up with me about an hour ago... or so 😁 but I'm totally fine"
"Oh ok then I guess it will be ok sure"
"OK then I'll see you tomorrow"
After that he hung up and I went to bed.
Gray POV
Yes I finally asked her! But now I wonder what our ship name will be.
I got it GRUVIA! I'm a genius. And this time I have the power to make this ship sail. 😆😆
Sorry I haven't updated lately I've been busy but here it is and wait until next episode it's gonna be awesome!
I also thought of something at the end of each chapter from now on I will leave a riddle and who ever answers first will get to tell me one thing that you want to happen in the next chapter.
So here is the first one.
It's a word that weights a lot but backwards is not.
OK leave ur answers in the comments! Bye bye kisses!!!! Love ya!!!!❤❤
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