Chapter 3
Fell invited me to stay at his house when everyone left. But of course, I couldn't turn him down. I sat next to Fell on the couch. He smiled at me. "Blueberry. I'm really glad you were able to come tonight. You threw out everything else just for me. I really appreciate that." He blushed a deep red. I smiled back at him. "Of course, Fell! I wanted to be with you." I replied. Then, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Fell said. He got up and walked to the door. I could hear Fell talking to someone. Fell closed the door and put something on the table. "What's that?" I asked him. He smiled. "Guess." He replied. I thought for awhile. Then, I said, "Pizza?" He sat down next to me. "yep. I ordered pizza for us tonight." He said. He opened the pizza box and took out a slice of pizza. "Sooooooooo... What do you wanna do?" Fell asked me. "Can we watch a movie?" I asked, hesitant that he will say no. But, he smiled and said, "of course. What movie?" I really didn't know what to watch. "Anything you want to watch." I said. Fell turned on a horror movie. I was too scared to watch. I kept my eyes covered the entire movie. When the movie was over, I looked at the time. "Oh! It's 10:00! I need to get home!" I kissed Fell and ran out the door.
Paps was on the couch sleeping when I got home. Did he even eat anything? I wondered. I decided to make something for him. I got out the ingredients to make tacos and started to cook. The smell of tacos filled the air. Paps woke up, smelling the air. " is that tacos?" He asked me. I nodded. He groaned as he got up from the couch. "I figured you needed to eat something so I'm making tacos." I said. "What about you?" He asked me. I shook my head. "I had pizza at Fell's house." I replied. When the tacos were done, I gave one to Paps. He ate it and laid back down on the bed. "It's 10:00, sis. You should get some rest. You don't wanna be late for school tomorrow." Paps said. "Okay." I said. I walked upstairs to my bedroom and laid down on the bed. Tomorrow's going to be a great day. I thought as I slept until morning.
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