Twenty Two
"This is such a nice day" Amber says as we are outside trying to get a tan with Jessica, Lauren is inside doing something with her art while Angela is off somewhere. Amber is dressed in a black long sleeve turtleneck bodysuit with a blue denim shirt and high knee black boots with her hair in a bun. I'm wearing a a light gray top with a buttoned up denim blue skirt and converse.
"I know" Jessica agrees "we rarely get them in Forks" she then noticed Bella "he's not here"
"What?" Bella asks
"The Cullens" Jessica says "whenever the weather is nice the Cullens disappear"
"What?" She asks "do they just ditch"
"Probably out hunting innocent animals" Amber comments and I give her a look, she shakes her head "I didn't say anything"
She's kind of right about that "Yeah" Jessica confirms "I think Dr and Mrs Cullen take them out hunting but also camping and hiking"
"My parents never" Amber shakes her head "would go for that. Oh! Lera! Remember that one time we camped out in the attic!"
"Oh yeah" nodding my head "how's everything—I forgot to ask. About her?"
"Oh" waving her hand "she's dead"
"Okay" nodding my head
"Who's dead?" Jessica asks
"This evil bitch" Amber tells her "who hated people, she's dead now. Our friend Kate killed her or was it Eddie? One of the two"
"Guys!" Angela exclaims coming over "I'm going to the prom with Eric, you were right. I took control" she and Bella hug.
"I knew you could do it" Bella says
"Are you sure" Angela asks "you have to go out of town?"
"Yeah" Bella nods her head "family thing"
"Oh!" Amber claps her hands together excitedly "this means prom dress shopping!"
"Yeah" Jessica agrees "we should go to Port Angelas soon before all the good dresses get cleaned out"
As the bell rings, we get up as Bella asks "mind if I come along?"
"Not at all" Angela shakes her head. She says that now.
~Port Angelas~
"Mommy" Ripley points to a black dress "this one would look very pretty on you" us girls are trying on dresses, the only one who isn't are the twins and Bella. Bella just keeps staring out the window and saying all the dresses look fine.
"Try this one" Ruby has Jessica look at the pink dress.
"Ooh" Jessica pulls the pink dress
"That one you look very pretty in" Ripley tells Angela meaning the light purple dress.
"Ooh!" Amber exclaims "I love this dress!" She comes out in the fiftieth dress she's found. She comes out in this dark blue velvet mermaid gown that shows off her back.
"That looks amazing" I tell her as the girls clap for Amber.
"You look stunning" I tell her
She smiles "Oh! You should definitely try this one on Lera!" She motions to the dress that Ripley showed me some time ago. I go into the changing room to come out in the black halter gown with a slit in the middle of the dress.
The girls all whistle and clap as I come out "Mommy" the twins are next to me "you look so stunning!"
"Oh my babies" I smile crouching down, Amber takes a photo of us.
"Oh!" Waving over a worker, she comes over "can you take some photos of us?"
"Sure" nodding her head, she takes the camera and takes photos of me with the girls. The only one who thankfully isn't in the photo is Bella.
"Thank you" taking the camera back, we soon pay for our dresses before leaving. When we go to the restaurant, Jessica and Angela look worried.
"Where's Bella?" Angela asks
"Who knows" shaking my head "let's go get something to eat, Bella probably is already from somewhere else"
"Let's leave some messages" Jessica says
"We'll get a table" Amber says
As we ate dinner, Amber and I told Jessica and Angela what it was like living in Anubis House and going to the Amun Academic Boarding School. The girls are their dinner quietly and would say stuff every now and then, like asking to go to the bathroom or something else. Zephyr gives them blood while I'm at school so that's good, he says he'll teach them how to hunt when their older. After dinner, we see Bella and Edward "Come on girls, let's go home"
"We'll see you guys at school" Amber tells Angela and Jessica, once the girls are in their seats they fall asleep "I can't believe it's been three years and they look like four year olds"
"Yeah" I agree with her "time sure does fly by"
"Are you and Zephyr going to try to make more babies?" She asks
"After a long discussion yes" she screeches "but also Zephyr is hiding something"
"What do you mean?" She asks
"I overheard him talking to someone" I tell him "I don't know who but"
"You think it has to do with his plan for revenge?" She asks, nodding my head "Oh my god! Sibuna!"
I smile chuckling as I repeat "Sibuna"
"What's that?" Amber asks
I turn into the police station "That's where Charlie works, something is going on. While I see can you stay in here with the girls?"
"Sure" nodding her head "I'll call Fabian and the others to see if they can find out more about Zephyr or at least find out something related to over ten thousand years ago" so a needle in a haystack.
"Thank you" I say as I go into the building seeing Charlie and Carlisle speaking "what's going on?"
"Waylon" Charlie tells me, Charlie's cousin. Right "he's dead"
"How?" I ask
"Animal attack" Carlisle tells me as people go to collect a body "found in his boat"
The nomads, Zephyr told me that he made sure the nomads know not to hurt me, Amber or the girls. There are three of them, a mated pair and the leader.
"Lera" Charlie motions me over "please" he hands me a pepper spray "for my sanity, I know you have a switch blade but"
"I'm really sorry" I tell him "for your loss"
"Give this to your friend Amber" handing me another can of pepper spray.
"Okay" going to my car as Bella goes over to Charlie, Amber looks my way when I get in "the nomads killed someone close to my Charlie" handing her the pepper spray.
"What's this?" She asks
"Pepper spray" I explain to her "Charlie doesn't want you to be unprotected"
Nodding her head "Okay, but given all we've been through I doubt pepper spray can help"
"You never know" shrugging my shoulders as we leave while Edward and Carlisle talk.
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