Twenty Seven
~Lera's POV~
"Okay" Amber smiles to me as we arrive at the prom, the theme is Monte Carlo and thankfully Bella didn't here. Mom and Phil dragged her back to Jacksonville, Zephyr had used his abilities on them to make sure that they were firm about it while he made sure the Cullens didn't see Bella. Got them to lie saying that they died, Bella was in a rage when she found out "I'm going to get the tickets" we are in our dresses looking very hot, thankfully my dress still fits me even though I've popped a bit but no one knows that. They just think I'm fat "I'll be back"
"Okay" nodding my head, as I wait I feel a tap on my shoulder to see Paul behind me "Paul..."
"I can be a father to your children" he says
"Why" I demand "won't you leave me alone?"
Shaking his head "Because you surround yourself with leeches, they'll kill you"
"Paul leave" I order him "I don't want you in my life"
He snarls "No, you need to listen"
"I am" pulling myself away "and what I'm hearing is how you don't respect boundaries, leave me alone Paul. Don't ever come back" I go to Amber who sprayed pepper spray in his eyes, grabbing his eyes he falls back crying.
"Ready?" She asks. Nodding my head, we go to prom and have our picture taken before going to the dance floor "I can't believe how fast time has flown"
"I know" agreeing with her "let's let tonight just be a few day...Sibuna"
"Sibuna!" She and I put our hand over our eyes before laughing and having the time of our life. The Cullens killed one half of a mated pair, according to Zephyr their dead. If the Volturi won't kill them then he will. From what I know, the Volturi is a bad coven with terrible leaders. I'll do whatever to keep those who I love safe.
~Months Later~
"Oh god" groaning as I'm having another home birth, no drugs. I hate this so much! The only good thing is that my friends are here by my side, Joy is my midwife since she has gotten into midwifery. She is planning on being a certified midwife because of this.
"You need to push" Joy orders
"Ah!" I scream along with Amber as I hold her hand, Zephyr simply stares at Joy as she is going to catch our child that I'm pushing out.
Oh, I'm back in England going to the Amun Academic Boarding Institution. Zephyr paid for it even though I told him no but he said he wanted our children to be born in England and away from the toxicity that is Forks and Bella. Bella went back to Forks and got back together with Edward. So here I am.
"Another big push" Joy orders. I scream pushing, when we hear the tiny wails of my child she says "a boy"
"Really?" I ask
She nods her head, Patricia carefully takes the baby since we all know from the twins that they will bite. Feeling another wave of pain, I push because I want these babies out of me.
"Ah!" I scream as Amber screams "I'm never having kids!"
Falling back on the bed when I hear more wailings, I see Joy hold up another baby "Another boy" Nodding my head, Nina takes this baby into her arms to clean and bundle up.
"Only one more" Zephyr says
"No" shaking my head to him "no more"
"Of course" nodding his head
When my last baby is here ready to be born, I grab the sheets leaning forward as I scream pushing. Never have children without drugs. Next time I'm having drugs.
I scream and scream until my last child is born "a girl" Joy tells me and I laugh falling back into the bed.
"What are their names?" Amber asks
"Orion" Zephyr tells them since I'm too tired to speak, my babies are placed on my chest and watches carefully over to make sure they don't bite me "is our first child, River is our next son's name. Why River? Ask this one" motioning to me.
"I like the name" I tell them
"And our daughter's name is Winter" he tells them, looking at all three. They have gray eyes, not bright silver like Ripley's but a stormy gray with my hair of dark chocolate brown.
"They are beautiful" Kate tells me
"They are" agreeing with her "their perfect"
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