Twenty One
"Hey guys" I go over to the table setting my bag down before getting a salad. I keep wondering who Zephyr was having a conversation with a couple days ago, I mean whoever it was I heard an animalistic growl when Zephyr kissed me. Why? I knew he wasn't talking to my dad because I just talked to him before going out onto the deck. I then listened in or tried to, Zephyr wasn't talking that loudly but the cockiness in his voice. I need to be more wary.
"La Push Lera" Eric tells me "you in?"
"Should either of us know what that means?" Bella asks
"He was talking to Lera" Lauren corrects "not you"
"La Push beach" Mike explains "down in Quileute Rez, we're all going tomorrow"
"Yeah" Jessica adds "there's this huge swell coming in"
"And I" Eric stands up "don't just surf the internet baby"
"Eric you" Lauren says as Mike is on a chair pretending to surf while Tyler laughs when Mike falls "stops up once and it was a foam board"
"There's also whale watching" Angela tells her "you should come, the both of you"
"So you guys kind of I bring the twins and my friend Amber?" I ask
Shaking their heads "Not at all"
"Is this" Lauren asks "the same Amber who is from England?"
"It's La Push baby" Eric says before saying it all weird "Laaa Puuush"
"I'll go" Bella agrees "if you don't say I like that"
"Yeah" nodding my head "I'll be back"
"Yeah Eric" Mike agrees with Bella "it's creepy" unlike Bella who makes edible art, I grabbed some fried chicken and then a salad aka mixed it all up is Edward Cullen behind me.
"What is your fascination with me?" I ask him
"Lera" he says, I watch as he catches the apple she dropped with his foot. The apple rolled off and up into his hand as he hands it to her "Bella"
"Thanks" Bella says "you know your mood swings are kind of giving me whip lash" she moved to the other side of the bar.
"How do you know Zephyr?" Edward asks me
"I'm sorry?" I ask as Bella asks "you know Zephyr?"
"Zephyr is a dangerous man" Edward tells me as I think about adding some carrots or not.
"I thought you didn't want to be friends with us" Bella says when I don't say anything.
"I said it would be better if we weren't friends" he tells her "not that I didn't want to be...Lera? How do you know Zephyr?"
"I've known him for quite a few years" looking at him as Bella tries to talk to him by saying "Okay, for arguments sake let's say I'm not smart, would you tell me the truth?"
Ignoring her, he looks at me sighing annoyed I place my hand on my hip and my other hand against the bar looking at him "What are your theories of how I know Zephyr?" He stares at me and moving my hand on my hip I motion a come on motion "I'm waiting"
"We think you met him sometime while you were in England" he says
"He's her baby daddy" Bella interrupted and I roll my eyes, why did she say that?
"What?" He asks
Nodding my head "Yeah, he's my twins father" taking my tray I go over to the others.
"Was Edward Cullen" Jessica asks jealously "just talking to you?"
"What did he want?" Lauren asks
"I don't know, wasn't paying attention" eating a piece of fried chicken "Bella however is infatuated with him. So what time are you guys going down to La Push?"
"Around noon" Tyler tells me
~La Push~
"Oh my god!" Amber exclaims as she and I get out of my car "I can't believe Zephyr got you a car, maybe I should give him children?" Amber got in last night and she's been staying in my room, my bed is big enough for us both and we don't mind. Shared a room, sometimes the same bed when Amber got really scared.
I chuckle "You don't want to, Zephyr told me that most human women die birthing a cold one hybrid"
"No thank you" shaking her head "ooh! Are those them?" Seeing my friends look over at us as we get the twins out of the backseat.
"Yeah" looking down at my girls "don't wander off girls, stay by mommy and Aunt Amber"
"Okay" they nod their heads as we go over
"Hey guys" smiling at them before introducing them "everyone this is Amber. Amber this Mike, Tyler, Eric, Lauren, Jessica, Angela and you know Bella"
"Hi" Amber waves her hand "it's really nice to meet you all, not you Bella"
"Hi" Jessica waves her hand, we watch as the twins go over to Angela and she wraps a blanket around them.
"So Amber?" Angela asks "are you going to Forks?
Nodding her head "yeah, for the rest of this year. There's this fashion internship in Seattle and I talked with my parents and here I am!"
"Smelly doggies!" The girls exclaim hiding more in the blankets.
"Smelly doggies?" Amber asks
Nodding my head as we see Jacob come over with two people and I whisper "Wolf shifters"
"Oh" nodding her head "gotcha"
"Hey Bella" my kids run over to us with the blanket covering them. I hold my babies to me as they hold onto my legs "Lera, twins"
"Smelly dog" they greet
"Smelly dog?" Mike asks
"I apparently" Jacob tells them "smell like a bad dog to them—whose this?"
"I'm Amber" Amber greets "hello"
"Are you from England?" One of his friends asks
"Guys" Bella introduces "this is Jacob Black"
She nods her head "You guys" Jessica says "should keep Bella company, her date bailed"
"Not a shocker" Amber comments "I mean look at this dull hair and how there's no pop of color" looking at the beach "Ooh! Let's go down to the beach"
"Come on girls" I hand the blanket back to Angela "we'll see you guys later"
As we head down the beach, Amber asks "Wolf shifters?! Oh my god! So do they bay at the moon?"
Shrugging my shoulders "I don't know, but apparently they smell really bad"
"Ugh" shaking her head "apparently they lack proper hygiene but also their total assholes, well two of them"
"We aren't assholes" looking over we see the wolf shifters having the girls gasp in horror before hiding behind me.
"We aren't going to hurt them" Sam Uley tells me
"For what I know your temperamental" I say "that this one barely controls his anger" motioning to Paul "while the one time you let go of control you hurt your whore"
"Emily" Sam growls "is no whore"
Ignoring him I look at who I'm assuming is Jared "this one from what I heard is a decent guy"
"Whose Emily?" Amber asks
"Emily is this wolf shifter's girlfriend" I tell her "ended his engagement with her cousin and the next day got together with her"
She gasps before glaring at Sam "I would hit you but this" motioning to her nails "is a sixty pound manicure, let's go—the girls can't be around these toxic things"
"Wait" Paul grabs my upper arm hard "you can't go back to that thing"
"That thing" Amber says "you speak of has a name and is a good person"
"No he's not" Paul growls
"Let go of my arm" I order trying to remove my arm but it's hard.
"Paul let go" Jared orders "Sam"
"I won't let go" Paul shakes his head "not until she listens"
"I have known Zephyr for years" I try to get out but can't so that Jared helps "as he has nothing but kind and protective"
"She's right" Amber says "if he wanted to hurt us he would have but he hasn't"
"He's not even alive!" Paul snarls
"He's a monster" Sam growls
"The only monster I see" looking at them "are you two, Jared here seems like the only decent one" Jared pulls them away as we bring the girls who are shaking in fear away.
"Mommy" Ruby cries "that was scary"
"I know sweetie" rubbing her back as we carry the girls who just stood frozen into place.
"That one wolf shifter" Amber says "seems okay to be around" she's right.
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