Twenty Five
~Lera's POV~
I have a black buttoned up long sleeved top with black skinny jeans and black ankle boots when I meet the Cullens. Because I'm having triplets it means I won't be able to get into any of my favorite clothes sooner. So looking like a hot badass comes right now.
Zephyr is driving us to the Cullens in the Range Rover, the girls are in the back with Amber reading some story Amber is telling them. She's amazing with kids. She'll be an amazing mom one day. Amber is wearing a light blue cocktail sleeveless dress with flowers on the bottom of the skirt with white heels.
"You girls ready to meet the Cullens?" I ask the girls as they look around the place silent, I don't know what their thinking and I wish I did and didn't. Ripley is wearing a brown plaid dress with black shoes and Ruby is wearing a red plaid dress with black shoes.
"Cullens drink animal blood" Ruby says "why?"
"Because" Zephyr tells them "they think their right when their wrong"
"So bad vampires?" Ripley asks
"Yes" Amber nods her head as Edward and Bella arrive.
"Why does Aunt Doggy" Ripley asks "always dress terribly?"
"That's a box you don't want opened" I tell my girls "come on, let's meet the new people"
Zephyr picks up the girls as Edward opens the door to us, we go inside and take off our jackets. "This is incredible" Bella tells him
"Where are the dead animal bodies?" Amber asks "I assumed you'd have them around to show how you hate the earth"
"It's better than killing humans" Bella argues
"It isn't" I say
"This place is so light and open" Bella shakes her head
"What did you expect?" Edward asks "castles? Dungeons? Coffins? Moats?"
"Not the moats" she says
Nodding his head "and you girls?"
"I expected many dead animal skins" Amber says "and rats, I expected rats"
"This is like your on house Zephyr" he and I smirk at the memory of that house, I was traveling with the girls to Iceland and Zephyr has this one house where there are many windows and we saw the northern lights. The girls loved it.
"This is the one place" Edward tells us or Bella as we go up the stairs "where we don't have to hide" I smell food, good. I drank two pints of blood earlier for lunch so I'm ready for food "I told them you'd want takeout"
"Their cooking?" I ask
"Oh!" We watch Amber bring out her lucky pair of red heels, she has her necklace of garlic and her bedazzled cross.
"Why" Ruby asks "does Auntie Amber have that?"
"I don't know" shaking our heads
When we enter the room, we see food and who I'm guessing is Esme Cullen comes over. She has ole skin, brown hair and golden eyes. She has a motherly vibe around her. "Hi" she smiles "we're making Italiano for you girls"
"Oh" Bella nods her head
"Is that fine?" Esme asks me "or does the smell or food..."
"I only ever get sick at the smell of eggs" I tell her "pregnancy is a bitch about that, Zephyr has to make half the stuff I want since even cracking an egg makes me sick"
Nodding her head "Bella" Edward introduces us "Amber, Lera, Ripley and Ruby this is Esme my mother for all intents and purposes"
"Why" Emmett asks "do you have red heels, a cross and a necklace of garlic?"
"For protection" she says "duh—you drink animal blood so won't think affect you"
"Not really" Rosalie says
"Oh" Amber pouts putting her things away in her bag.
"You've given us an excuse" Carlisle tells us "to use the kitchen for the first time"
"Can someone"'I ask "explain why Paul Lahote keeps trying to interfere in my life?"
"Only he" Carlisle tells me "can tell you"
"I hope you girls are hungry" Esme says
"Yeah" we nod our heads as Edward says "Bella already ate" Rosalie smashes the glass bowl having the girls jump in Zephyr's arms.
"Perfect" she snarls, her eyes are black as she walked away from the mess.
"Yeah" Bella stutters "it's just...I know...I know you don't eat"
"But Edward did tell you" Amber says "that they'd have lunch or were you not listening?"
"It was very considerate of you" Esme tells her "also congratulations on the triplets"
"Just ignore Rosalie" Edward offers "I do"
"Yeah" Rosalie growls "let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us, like keeping" she stops after a moment, I look to see Zephyr giving her a look that has Emmett block his mate from Zephyr.
"I would never" Bella shakes her head promising "tell anyone anything"
"She knows that" Carlisle assured her
"Yeah well" Emmett says "the problem is, is that you two have gone public now"
"Emmett" Esme warns
"No" Rosalie growls "she should know, the entire family will be implicated if this ends badly"
"Badly" Bella says "as in...we become the meal"
"You will" Amber tells her "Lera, our friends and I are safe"
"Friends?" Carlisle asks "how many of your friends know about us?"
"You don't need to know" I tell them
"And they" Zephyr tells them "are protected by me and if you tell a soul Isabella" leaning down having her turn even whiter if that's possible "I'll do way worse than make you a meal"
"Bad blood" the girls point at Bella "Bad blood!"
We hear footsteps and look over to see Jasper and Alice arrive, Alice smiles "Hi Bella. Lera, Amber, twins—I'm Alice"
"Major! Major!" The twins point to Jasper "Major! Daddy" Ripley claps her hands "it's the Major!"
"Yes" I tell them "it is"
"Hi" Alice hugs Bella them goes to hug us but we step away from her.
"Hi" Bella greets her
"Ooh!" Alice pulls away "you do smell good"
Zephyr sets the girls down and they run to Jasper "Major! Major! Can we meet him?" Ruby asks
Jasper gives out a laugh "I'm afraid not"
"Is it" Ripley asks "because he'll kill Aunt Doggy? Let him know it's okay!"
"Whose Aunt Doggy?" Emmett asks
"She is" we point to Bella
"Why do you r hey call me that?" Bella demands
"What's a female dog called?" I ask. She thinks it over before scoffing and looking at me in anger as Emmett bursts out laughing.
"Don't mind Jasper he's out newest vegetarian" Carlisle says "and twins" they look at him "the Major is a very dangerous vampire who doesn't come out that often"
"Alice?" Edward asks confused
"Don't worry Edward" Alice says "I know me and the girls are going to be best of friends"
"Highly doubtful" Amber and I both say
"I'm going to give Bella a tour of the house" Edward says as the twins come over to me and Zephyr.
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