Twenty Eight
I'm in Anubis House with the rest of the Sibuna gang along with Mara, Mick, Willow, Mr. Sweet and Trudy. We are waiting for Victor to come down the stairs, it's his last day in Anubis House and was going to leave during our graduation party but we aren't letting him go without a proper goodbye. He may have been strict but that's his personality and he's grown on all of us.
As he comes downstairs he has his suitcase along with Corbiere the bird. He tries to remain strong but it's hard for him as we can see. I wipe some tears away, it's hard since this is an emotional time. It shows how one chapter is ending and another is just beginning. We know Victor wanted to leave while we were all at the school partying, but we're here for him in our amazing dresses. I'm wearing a black dress with a plunging neckline, black heels, soft eyeshadow with red lipstick, soft waves with a silver necklace, silver earrings and silver rings.
I take a few photos before waiting as Victor holds the pin up and I take a photo of that. When he drops it, we all clap for him and cheer. "Miscreants" he comments picking up the pin before leaving.
I wipe a few tears laughing "So" Patricia asks "this is it?"
"The place is still standing" I say "so that's progress"
"Despite our best efforts" Eddie says and we laugh
"We did good, didn't we?" Fabian asks
"Now" Amber says "it's time for the next chapter in our lives" she begins to cry and I soon cry, we hug each other as we all cry.
"Hey" Jerome waves his hands in a jazz manner "there's a party back their with our name on it"
"Yeah" Nina nods her head "let's go!" Cheering we soon head back to the party and dance.
"What's in store for you now?" Nina asks me when Amber and I sit down, the girls all looking at me.
"Amber and I are going to Forks" I tell them "visit Bella, see whether she'll die or not"
"After that we're going to travel through Europe" Amber tells them nodding her head "we're taking a year off school"
"What about the kids?" Joy asks
"Zephyr is going to be watching over them" I tell them. See ever since the Cullens left Bella human, she's been in this zombie coma like state refusing to be human since she wants nothing more than immortality "after we visit Forks, of course" tears come down my face.
"What's wrong?" Mara asks
"This is the last time we're all here together" pulling out my camera "I need some photos" my friends and I take photos together, we cry as it's coming upon us how we are going our separate ways.
"Hi Mr. Swan" Amber greets as I greet "hi Charlie" after a few more days with our friends, a crying goodbye at an airport, a two day flight, and four hours in a cab did we make it to Forks.
"Hi Amber, Lera" he looks down to the kids "five" yeah, he doesn't know how he missed another pregnancy but it's thanks to Zephyr. He visited earlier. The triplets are about three months but look six months old, it's crazy how fast they grow.
"I know" I say "sometimes even I can't believe it" pushing the stroller as Amber holds the twins hands.
"Whose who?" He asks "I know I should know but..."
"This one is Orion" I motion to each baby "this is River and lastly this one is Winter—if you don't mind dad, we're really tired"
"Of course" he motions "the girls rooms are the same and there are cribs in your girls room" nodding our heads we go upstairs and soon sleep.
By the time we wake up we hear screaming, the screaming wakes the babies up "There there" Zephyr is with Winter as Amber and I take the boys to try to calm them down.
"I'm going downstairs" I all but growl, handing Orion to Zephyr who is pissed off. Zephyr must have arrived some time ago while we were sleeping, Amber and I don't mind anymore since he's watched us both sleep for long times.
Storming into the kitchen I demand "What is with the yelling? You woke up my children"
"Aren't your kids five or something?" Bella asks
Shaking my head "I meant the triplets and my daughters are four" their actually three or something, it's hard to keep up with the lying. This is why Zephyr keeps count since after the hectic few years someone's age is so far back in your mind they it's hard. I feel like a terrible mom since I don't remember right now. God I'm really tired. "Now why are you yelling?"
"Bella" Charlie scolds "I told you earlier that Lera was coming back to visit with her children, the child's father and Amber. Why did you yell?"
"There not bears" shaking her head, right the bear attacks Charlie warned me, Amber and Zephyr about. Zephyr told us that it's Victoria the mateless vampire that wants revenge and to kill Bella, but the wolf shifters keep interfering "their wolves" motioning with her hand "like huge wolves"
"Aren't all wolves huge?" I ask
Shaking her head "these wolves were much bigger than your average wolf"
"Wolves?" Harry Clearwater who I just noticed is here, I got him to give up his fried fish recipe since it's really good "Are you sure?"
Nodding her head "I just saw them, they" she stutters "were after something"
"Wolves? You saw them?" Charlie repeats. She nods her head "Alright...well, Harry? Feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" This Harry looks nervous.
"Why" Zephyr is behind me demanding "were you shouting?" Bella jumps back startled and fearful "the triplets just went back to sleep, this better be important"
"Bella saw wolves" I tell him "also I just remembered" I slap Bella across the face hard that she lands on the floor, she looks up at me with tears as there is a bruise on her cheek "wake my children up the way you did again or some other way and you're dead" Zephyr and I head back upstairs, he goes to the twins to watch over them as I go back to Amber and the triplets.
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