"I'm going to miss you, it seems like I just got you back" mom holds onto me as I'm enjoying the last bit of sun from Phoenix before I spend hours alone on a plane with Bella and the twins, then my twins and I are going to deal with her for the rest of this year and possibly the next. See Bella decided that Phil and mom should go on a honeymoon without telling me, if I had known I would have applied for the scholarship again to be in England with my friends but this year no. Zephyr told me that it would be best to not be in any danger like the last two where there was assembling the Cup of Ankh together—which I have in my possession, hidden of course—and dealing with Senkhara. Senkhara was this evil spirit who nearly killed me, my children, and my friends. This year Zephyr told me to take a year off, that he and the girls will visit. Because of their growth, according to Zephyr they are slower than the average hybrid that takes more after their vampire side. According to Zephyr there are two types of hybrids, the ones where you hear the heartbeat meaning they take a bit more of their human and the ones you don't where the child grows up in seven years fully. My kids lean towards the first. They are almost two years old and they look like three year olds. Zephyr this year as I was here in Arizona, he has the girls also here and slowly molding my mom and stepdads mind. Turns out he can make someone think something, so my mom and stepdad think I had twins when I was fourteen. Now he's doing the same with Charlie. Bella is more suspicious since she doesn't remember me being pregnant but I don't care, she barely noticed me anyway "and I'm going to miss my granddaughters"
"I know" nodding my head "we'll miss you too" we're going to stay with Charlie in Forks. Going over to my girls, I make sure their all warm. Their both wearing a plaid flannel dress with a French beret hat. Ripley is in brown and Ruby is in pink, they have white footed leggings and black shoes. Amber sent over her fashion collection to the girls, says it's her job to make sure they know fashion.
"You girls ready to meet Grandpa Swan?" I ask
"Are you going to be warm" Ruby asks with her European accent—the girls both have accents that are from Greece since they spent more time with their dad as I'm at school and he teaches them "mommy?"
"We see your belly" Ripley points to my belly, I'm wearing a black crop top with a black fishnet underneath the black ripped skinny jeans, black combat boots and a blue jean jacket.
"I'll be fine" getting into the van, I see Bella and mom over a ways away from the house. Bella's going to miss the sun the most "Forks is just like England, but more gloomy"
"Will daddy be there?" Ripley asks
"He will" nodding my head "while mommy is at school you'll be with daddy"
"Like before?" Ruby asks pouting crossing her arms. Ruby looks more like me while Ripley has black hair and silver eyes.
"Not like before" shaking my head "before mommy couldn't have you in her room, under the same roof. This time we'll be under the same roof" they smile at that.
"Come on girls" Phil calls out as he is shutting the trunk "I love you both but we've got to get going!" Going into the driver's seat, he looks at us three "you girls ready?"
We nod our heads, Bella is sitting up front with mom and Phil since the car is like that. Three in the front and three in the middle and three in the back. Once Bella and mom are in the car, mom looks at us "Oh, grandma is going to miss you three so much" The girls nod their heads and go to take their naps, while Phil drives out of the driveway. I see Bella had managed to bundle herself up, very much. Still wearing tight clothes, very bland colors. I don't know how she ever gets men to fuck her.
It takes about seven hours before we get to the terminal of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. "Is that him?" Ruby asks pointing to Charlie who looks just the same as I last remember him but he has facial hair and has aged a bit.
"It is" nodding my head as Bella groans "this is so embarrassing" she means the sign he has with our names on it.
"Come on" I motion, I've got our bags "girls stay where I can see you"
"Yes mommy" they hold hands as I push the cart carrying out bags. Bella who was too lazy to help, went over to Charlie.
"Isabella?" Charlie asks, he then looks at me "Leralynn?"
"Bella" Bella corrects a bit annoyed while I say "Lera" he nods his head looking down at the twins "this" I introduce "are my twins Ripley and Ruby"
"Hello" he waves his hand, they wave their hands back. We are silent before he says "let's get the bags in the car" Bella just goes to the passenger seat while the twins go into the back, I help Charlie with the bags since Bella is a lazy bitch. Going into the back, I sit between the twins as we I hold onto them. There aren't any seatbelts back here. Cop car, Charlie is the Chief of Police.
Complete and utter silence, I have the girls take a nap as I listen to music. After a couple hours we reach Forks, one of the smallest towns in America. Population three thousand one hundred and twenty, make that twenty four now that Bella, the girls and I are here. The thing I hate about small towns is that your business can easily become everyone's business.
"You hair grew out" Charlie tries to make a conversation start.
"I cut it" Bella says
"He hasn't seen us since we were seven" I remind the psychopathic bitch.
"How was England?" Charlie asks me "your mom said you went there on a scholarship?"
"Yeah" nodding my head "decided to spend this year with mom"
"How was it?" He asks
"Great" I answer
"Did you date?" He asks, Bella shakes her head snorting.
"I had a one night stand" I tell him, I would have used protection if Zephyr told me he could impregnate me. I love my girls I do, but it is hard co parenting. Especially when one parent is an immortal vampire who gives you vague answers all the damn time.
When we get to the Swan House, I wake the girls up who are groggy. They can sleep more inside. I look at the house, white two stories and small. "Bella and I can get the bags" Charlie tells me "your sharing a room with Bella, the girls are sharing a room. Your old room" nodding my head, the twins hold my hands as we go up the steps heading inside. Still the same as I remember, well there is a flatscreen.
When I get to a room that has little girl beds, the room is a light grey with floral patterns on the wall. Two begs with a drawer in the middle. "Nap time" the girls go to pick a bed, Ripley by the window and Ruby by the door.
Closing the door to be a crack, I go to help bring in the rest of the luggage. Bella glares at me as I take one of the suitcases, she looks at me demanding "Aren't you going to carry my bag?"
"You don't need my help" I say as I grab another bag, going upstairs to put them down. We see two begs, a purple bed and my bed which has the same comforter as the one I used in England.
"I cleared a shelf" Charlie tells us "in the bathroom for your things"
"Right" Bella nods her head "one bathroom" putting our things away, Bella and I remain silent.
When we hear some voices, we hear Ripley "Whose here?" Looking over the twins are wide awake.
"Couple of people" I tell them, Bella merely pulls her top down adjusting her breasts as I pull my girls aside when Bella was going to ram into them. Bitch. The girls say her blood smells bad. Along with Zephyr "want to meet these people?"
They share a look before nodding their heads, staying by my side we go outside to see two guys here. Father and son by the looks of it. Both have long black hair, tan skin and dark brown eyes. But one of them is in a wheelchair with a hat.
"Lera?" Charlie asks "You remember Billy Black?"
Nodding my head yes "Your a friend of Charlie's right?"
He nods his head smiling "Yeah, hi" he looks at the twins "I'm Billy"
"Do you have a dog?" Ruby asks
"No" shaking his head
"Then why do you smell like a wet dog?" Ripley demands, I cover my mouth laughing.
"Girls" I scold
"It's alright" Billy says "I didn't know I smelled like a wet dog"
"He does too" pointing to the kid
"I do?" He asks sniffing himself
"The girls have good senses" I explain as they look at a truck.
"Okay" nodding their heads "I'm glad you girls are finally here, Charlie wouldn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming"
"Alright" Charlie agrees "keep exaggerating and I'll roll you into the mud" pushing the wheelchair out into the street.
"After I ram you in the ankles!" They do a little fight dance.
"Hi" the teenager comes over "I'm...I'm Jacob, we use to make mud pies when we were little"
"I remember" Bella nods her head, I made the mud pies. Bella acted like a little bitch complaining. There was even an incident where Bella stole Billy's deceased wife's jewelry that she gave to their daughters Rachel and Rebecca, they hate Bella last I checked "Are they always like this?"
"Gets worse with age" he tells us "how old are your daughters?"
"Three" lying "Ripley, Ruby" they look at me "within my line of sight" nodding their heads they go to a tree and whisper.
"So" Charlie comes over "What do you think?"
"About what?" I ask leaning on the reddish orange truck.
"Your homecoming present Bella?" He asks
"This?" She motions to the truck excited
"Just bought it off Billy here" he says
Bella smiles "This is perfect"
"Zephyr?" I look at Charlie "your girls father he sent that" he motions to a black Range Rover.
"I'll tell him thanks" I say, for me and the girls.
"Do you" he asks "know how to drive in America?"
"I know" nodding my head "learned to drive in both England and America—girls! No climbing the tree" the girls look my way as I motion over, they were about to climb the tree but I'm not having them. They come over to me as Bella sees my car looking at me bitterly.
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