Thirty One
"You can kill" this blonde snaps "this Cullen later" Demetri holds me close breathing in my scent, I can tell he's trying to calm down "okay?"
"Just do as she says" Alice tells Bella as the switch blade was removed by Edward.
He closes it handing it to me "This belongs to you" taking it back I put it away. We go down a hall and the big guy shoved a red cloak to the shirtless vampire.
Once he puts it on Amber exclaims "Finally! I can see again! His ugly body was making me go blind!" I laugh at that. The two male vampires who were holding us are behind us as we follow behind the Cullens, Bella and the blonde.
Going down some steps I say "Amber? Doesn't this feel like when we were in Anubis House?"
She gasps "I was just about to say, this reminds me of the time I went blind!"
"What?" The big vampire demands
"Such good times" Amber sighs sadly "now it's all downhill"
"No" I correct "we still have college and if we ever get married"
She gasps "I am so planning our weddings, maybe we could have a double ceremony"
"That would be great" I say and we squeal
Shaking her head "But I'm not having a baby ever or if I do I'm having one of those surrogate agencies" Bella and Alice look her way "you don't get to judge, babies eat your body and it's a miracle Lera looks amazing after two pregnancies"
"You have kids?" Demetri asks
Nodding my head "Five" he stumbles "twins and triplets" looking at Amber "and pregnancy isn't so bad, the only bad thing was never being given drugs"
When we get to a man shaped hole Amber shakes her head "No, I remember this and no thank you"
"What?" The big guy asks as the others go ahead but Edward who holds his hand out.
"No" shaking my head "you and your family are unreliable, also how do we know blades won't appear trying to cut us in half"
"Cause that has happened" Amber says
"What?" Both vampires demand
"Get down here!" The blonde demands
The males pick us up and we scream when we go down the hole, we hold onto the vampires tightly that when we are on the ground we don't let go so the males hold us both.
We go into the elevator—us in the back with the Cullens and Bella before us and Jane up front. "Oh my god!" Amber screams putting her hands on her head making Bella jump since she was closest "I just realized, we're in the vampire government" oh my god, she's right.
"That's why you screamed?" Bella demands
"Excuse you" Amber says "but I never planned on dying in this outfit, is there a bathroom somewhere I need to change"
"Really?" Edward asks "you need to change?"
"If I'm going to die" she says "I need to go out in style, unlike this slut who doesn't care about her appearance I do" she grabs her bag and pulls out her outfit. She is set down and I use my cloak to cover her body as she changed.
"Emmett was wrong" Edward says "she's worse than you Alice"
"Done!" Amber smiles "I'm ready to die now" I laugh covering my mouth as everyone stares at her flabbergasted. She's wearing a short black dress with black heels with gold on the toes.
"You sure?" I ask and it takes her a moment before she cries
"Oh my god" pulling me into a hug "I just realized I'm going to die a virgin"
"Your not dying" the big one says
She looks over at him "What?"
"Your not dying" he assured her
She stares at him "Why didn't you say anything before? I changed into my dress that I was going to die in today!"
"You have more than one outfit?" Edward asks her
She puts her hands on her hips "Of course" shaking her head "if I die in the wrong outfit what will people think?"
"You'd be dead" the blonde tells her "no one would care what you'd be dressed in"
"Wrong!" Amber exclaims pointing her finger at her "People will think she never had any sense in fashion and who would I be then" she whispers loudly pointing at Bella "I'd be like this slut" shaking her head "and that isn't a world I want to live in"
"It wouldn't matter" The blonde says "you'd be dead"
"It matters" nodding her head "I've seen how people die in hospitals and do you want to know what people think when people die in hospitals?"
"I don't know" the blonde shakes her head "they'd be dead"
"Exactly" Amber says "they'd be dead"
"No offense babe" I say "but you lost me"
She sighs shaking her head "What I'm getting at is that it matters what you die in, it matters" nodding her head. The elevator doors open and we leave "Hey Lera? Have you ever thought of a foursome?"
"I'm sorry?" I ask
"A foursome" she repeats "like sex?"
"I've thought about it" I say "why?"
"I realized with how crazy our life is" she says "that we do a bucket list of things"
"You know what I've never done" I say
"What?" She asks
"Kissed a girl"
"Me neither" she says, we stop and look at each other before shrugging our shoulders and press our lips to one another. Pulling away, we stare at one another.
"Did we just kiss one another?" I ask
"We did" she nods her head "we're not going to make this weird are we?"
Shaking my head "No"
"I'm pretty sure it's already weird" Bella mutters
"Are you two done?" The blonde demands "we need to go"
We enter a room and once we're here, we see more vampires until the kings and Amber screams in horror "Ah! There's a rat!" She tries to run away but the big one won't let her so she jumps into his arms "protect me from the rat! Ahh! His face!" I cover my mouth shaking with laughter as Amber insults one of the oldest vampires in history "can't vampires learn how to get Botox? Oh god! I mean I thought Edweirdo's face was a horror to look at but that vampire's! Ahh!" I stand here laughing as that Aro gives her a blank look.
"Only you Amber" I wipe my tears as I control my laughter "would insult one of the oldest vampires"
"Excuse me" she says "but aren't vampires supposed to be hot? And here we have two very ugly vampires—you know what" I lean against Demetri laughing even more as she pulls out some garlic and a cross "go away ugly vampires! In the fashion lord"
"Amber stop" I beg between gasps "I'm going to pee myself if you continue"
Amber just holds the bedazzled cross out and garlic to the one vampire who looks a bit irritated crossing his arms while Marcus and Caius look amused. After a few more minutes of me laughing, I regain composure standing up.
"Are you done laughing?" Aro demands
"Ah!" Amber exclaims "fashion god save us from his voice" I laugh more putting my face in Demetri's chest laughing.
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