Thirty Four
Sitting with Amber on the side of the pool, our feet dangling in the water. We watch as our mates teach the girls how to swim, Ruby with Demetri and Ripley with Felix. The triplets are inside sleeping, I have the waterproof baby monitor with me—I know it's silly since our mates have vampire hearing but through the baby monitor I can see my babies sleeping.
"How long will those wolves stare?" Amber asks me or more like demands since she's voicing our opinions. The wolf shifters know I'm back and that Zephyr is gone but Demetri and Felix are here, they want to talk but I'm not talking to them and neither is Amber. So their staring at us, judging us.
"I don't know" shrugging my shoulders keeping my gaze on the girls as we watch them look over and scream blood murder.
"Evil dogs!" They begin to cry and our mates look over to the wolf shifters glaring at them "mommy!" They bring my girls over to me and beside us they get out and hug me crying.
"Don't worry" I assure them "they can't come here, they do and Demetri and Felix will murder them"
"What about that one stinky doggy?" Ripley asks
Ruby nods her head keeping her face hidden on the side of my breast "The one who kissed you and wouldn't let you go" they remember that? Ugh! Why do they have to remember that?! I don't like it sometimes where they remember stuff like that.
"What?" Demetri demands in a low voice glaring at the wolves, his eyes black with rage.
"Yeah" Ripley nods her head "he was this big shirtless guy who said he wouldn't leave until mommy saw reason"
"He" Ruby tells them causing Demetri to be even more enraged, Amber whispers to Felix what happened and he shakes his head. Demetri has his hands on my thighs trying to remain calm but it's hard "even had a resorting order because of"
The girls think before both saying "Break in, attempt rape and salting!"
Felix snorts "Resorting order and salting?"
"Their three" Amber says before correcting the girls "girls it's restraining order and assault"
"He scary" Ruby emphasized scary
"Don't worry girls" Demetri assured the girls stroking their hair as I'm rubbing their backs "Felix and I won't let anything bad happen"
"Promise?" Ripley asks
Nodding their heads "Promise"
"Where daddy?" Ripley asks, it becomes silent "he normally here"
"Daddy" I lie "is dealing with some bad people"
"The vermini?" Ruby asks
We are confused "the vermini?" Amber asks "what's that?"
"Evil vampire coven" Ruby says "in Italy"
"Volturi" I correct my girls, our mates former coven "not vermini, Volturi"
"Volt" the girls try to pronounce it for the next few minutes before they both say "Volturi"
"Correct" kissing the top of their heads "oh, I love you girls so much"
"We love you too mommy" both girls say before asking "Auntie Amber? When you and Felix have babies?" Demetri pets her head on my thighs shaking with laughter as Felix stares at them as Amber taps her chin.
"I don't know" Amber shrugs her shoulders "but I do know is that Felix and I will have very beautiful babies" Felix looks at her "what? We would"
Shaking my head I check the baby monitor before gasping "Demetri stop the triplets!"
"Why?" He asks
"Their trying to get out of the cribs!" I show them, he and Felix run out and us girls watch as Demetri catches Winter who managed to get our first and barely missed hitting the floor while Felix picked up the boys when the boys tried to do what their sister did.
Our mates come back out with the triplets "Here" Demetri sits beside me as Felix sits beside Amber handing her River "are our escape artists"
"What's an escape" Ruby asks "artist?"
"It means" Amber tells them "your baby siblings like to get out of hard places"
"Mommy?" Ripley asks "why your belly bigger than before and beating?" She means she and Ruby see how I've popped like before, how they can hear the babies in the past.
"There two" Ruby points to my belly, yeah Demetri found the fertility herbs Zephyr was giving me in secret causing me to have so many babies at once. He wanted his own army.
"Well" I tell the girls "mommy is having two more babies"
They share a look before they both ask "Did you eat them?"
We laugh at them shaking my head "No, daddy put them there"
"How?" They ask
"Well" oh, I know this conversation was something to expect but I'm so not ready "Demetri will tell you"
Felix laughs as Demetri gives me a look "Thanks"
"How did babies" Ruby ask "end up in mommy?"
I take Winter from Demetri as the girls go over to him, I make faces to Winter who giggles "Well" Demetri tells them "babies end up in mommies when daddies and mommies do adult gardening. Daddies have this special water that they use on mommies gardens"
"Mommy has a garden?" Ripley asks looking at me "mommy you hate gardening"
"This is a secret garden" Demetri explains "a garden that mommy has hidden from everyone but me"
"Where's the garden?" Ripley asks "and did daddy see this garden?"
"Unfortunately he did see my secret garden" I tell my girls "but I don't regret it since I have you girls, I love you both very much"
"Do you" Ruby asks "love Winter, River and Orion?"
Nodding my head "I do"
"What about daddy?" Ripley asks "do you love him?"
"No" shaking my head "I don't love your daddy"
"Mommy?" Ruby asks "will you and Demetri have more babies?"
"Not" looking at him "for a very long time"
"If these babies are boys" Ripley points to my belly "then can we ask for baby sisters"
"Ten" Ruby puts up ten fingers
The thought of ten more babies being pushed after the these twins makes my vagina cry in pain remembering the pain. "If" I tell my babies "mommy has that many more babies then Demetri is going to have at least seven of the babies"
"Which is impossible" Demetri says "since only mommies can carry babies"
"She didn't say no to three more babies" Amber screeches next to Felix "Oh! I'm already thinking of the tiny clothes!" Our mates look over all protective. Why?
"The mind reader!" Ruby screams, we look over to see Edward Cullen here with Carlisle who looks at the children then to me.
"What do you want Carlisle?" I demand
"I was hoping to talk to Felix and Demetri" Carlisle says "about our treaty with the wolf shifters"
"That is your treaty" Felix says "not ours"
"We know from Zephyr" Demetri speaks as our mates help us up, motioning for us to go inside "about what specifics are in the treaty and we don't care about the wolves! If I want to turn my mate into a vampire I will!" He brings me into a kiss to emphasize something, I don't know what but he did and I hear a growl.
"Paul isn't happy" Edward tells us, he must be translating for the wolves "he wants Lera and the children with him"
"I don't want him" shaking my head "I want Demetri, he's the only man I've ever wanted"
"Aw" Amber gushes "that was so beautiful! And it goes without saying that Felix is mine and only mine and if anyone tries to take him from me I'll be like those gladiator women who have weapons in their hand and go screaming for her man"
"Anything else Carlisle?" I demand "if not leave our property" I found in Zephyr's will that he left everything to me, all his properties and money.
"You heard my mate" Demetri growls
"Actually" Carlisle says "your children, if they've never been given a check up before"
"No" shaking my head "I won't have you experimenting on my children, you want a hybrid then create your own"
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