Thirty Eight
I'm at the Cullens house with my mate, Felix is back home with the kids and our friends to keep them safe and answer any questions they have. Emily is here a vampire now, she is dry crying about being a vampire now. We're waiting for the elders, Sam and Jared. "How could you do this to me?" Emily looks at Demetri demanding in anger "I was going to start a family with Sam!"
"Blame your husband" I argue with her, she snaps her gaze to me "we warned him countless times not to provoke us and leave us be but he didn't, I made it perfectly clear that I wanted nothing to do with the pack yet he kept interfering"
"Paul is an amazing living person" she argued "he would have been amazing for your children, he would have been more of a father than this vampire"
"Careful newborn" Demetri warns "you don't want to provoke me"
The door is knocked on and we hear Sam yell "Emily!" Demetri holds onto me as the wolf shifters come in with the elders. Sam goes to Emily hugging her and Emily is stiff since she hasn't drunk human blood and only animal but barely, Sam is still very much human or it could be the stench of the wolf that has her stiff.
"How could you turn her?" Billy demands
"We made it very clear" I look at the elders "not to provoke us yet you can't seem to get it through your thick skulls that I want nothing to do with you, I'm this close to castrating you all and I'm not above hurting a man in a wheelchair to get my point across but I doubt even then you'll listen"
Jared shakes his head "I told you so"
Sam growls as Billy warns "Jared"
"No!" He yells "I'm not having Kim be turned or put in danger because you all can't see that Leralynn made her choice!l I'm speaking for the rest of the pack minus Paul and Jacob! Leralynn made her choice and none of us blame her for how you all have been acting! This Victoria isn't after her but only Bella Swan!" Yeah I told Jared in private and told him that he shouldn't worry about me or my family but worry on his pack, he's the only decent wolf that I've met "all of our problems are because of Bella Swan! You all are the cause of Emily being a vampire! We are done!"
"What are you talking about?" Sam demands "as part of the pack"
"I'm starting my own pack!" Jared yells at him "the others are following me because you are one of the worst pack leaders ever! You kept ignoring their warnings!"
Sam looks at us in fury "your dead for turning Emily" he went to attack but I grabbed his face and he fell in agony, everyone watched as his body started to age faster while Demetri held Emily back. When I make Sam look like an eighty year old man do I let go, Emily goes to his side as he lays on the ground groaning.
"What are you?" Sue gasps covering her mouth
Crossing my arms smirking "I'm the descendant of Isis, you know? The Egyptian Goddess Isis?" They all stare at me "attempt to hurt my family or friends and your dead" looking at Sam who is finally standing but with Carlisle's help since Emily broke his arm when she tried to help him up.
~Time Skip~
"So you both are getting married?" Charlie asks looking between me and Demetri his rifle next to him and loaded, we realized we needed to tell him about the engagement "What about Zephyr?"
"Died in a fire a couple weeks ago" I lie "Demetri and I met last year, we've been pen pals for some time now and dated a couple months ago and he proposed a couple days ago"
"Then congratulations" Charlie offers "when is the wedding?"
"Sometime after the twins are born" I tell him
"Does your mother know?" He asks
Shaking our heads no "Apologies Chief Swan" Demetri apologized "for not telling you sooner or asking for your permission but when you know who you want to spend eternity with you know"
"Eternity?" Charlie asks
Demetri looks down at me "You learn so much about a person when your emailing or sending letters to one another, I know she's my soulmate"
"We're planning on telling mom" I tell Charlie "this summer when we visit her" we're also going to visit Demetri's venom father and his old coven. The Egyptian Coven.
"Then congratulations" he says "you have my approval"
"Thank you Chief Swan" Demetri thanks "it means a lot having your approval to marry your daughter" we hear yelling and go outside to see Bella yelling at Jacob who is in a glaring contest with Edward.
"Hey guys" Charlie gets between them "easy, easy—let's take it down a notch" Demetri holds me as he asks "what's going on?"
"I kissed Bella" of course, wolves and their brains in their cocks "and she broke her hand punching my face. Total misunderstanding" was it? Bella gives off mixed signals all the time. Maybe she fucked him in the past.
"Well" I say "since we're sharing news" I show them my finger "Demetri and I are enraged and having twins" the three look at us.
"Do you" Bella asks "not know what the word condom means?"
"Pot calling the kettle black" I argue "why don't you tell Charlie how your pregnant"
"What?" Charlie demands as Bella glares at me "you bitch" Demetri and Felix told us how they hear a second heartbeat come from Bella. Also at least I want my children, Bella doesn't. She hates the idea of children. Before she had three abortions and had to get medication since she got sti's five different times. All because she didn't know what the word condom means.
"Your pregnant?" Charlie demands
"No" she stutters
"You could always have Carlisle check" I offer "since he is a doctor" we soon leave to the Cullens house, Carlisle is going to tell Charlie since Charlie needed to know. We're here to see Bella's face when Carlisle calls Charlie.
I'm sitting on an armchair in the Cullens living room while Demetri is kneeling next to me rubbing my belly and kisses it, the babies kick showing that they love the attention their receiving.
"You just sprained your hand" Carlisle tells her "it should heal fairly quickly"
"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again Bella?" Emmett comes in asking
"Punched a werewolf in the face" Bella tells her
"Wolf shifter" Demetri corrects "not a werewolf"
Emily who was here storms out, yeah Jared made it clear that Emily cannot come onto La Push. She's like any other newborn. Bloodlust, she's not allowed to leave the Cullen house unless it's to hunt with a Cullen. She's decided to be an animal feeder.
The door shatters as Emily is outside staring out into the woods "Your going to be one tough little newborn" Emmett tells her
"Tough enough to take you on?" Bella asks
Rosalie slams her paper down leaving to go be by Emily "If you sprained your hand punching a wolf shifter" Demetri says "you won't be that strong as a newborn" she scowls leaving to talk to Rosalie. Dumb bitch.
The others leave to talk to Jasper "Go blather to someone else about the joys of becoming a newborn"
"Rosalie..." Demetri and I listen in to see if Bella will be killed by one of the two "I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much"
"Your mere presence" Emily snaps "is probably why she hates you"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Your sister" Rosalie looks towards Demetri and envious thinking we aren't looking at her "is given an opportunity that many of us could hope for, she was able to turn Aro into a human. I wish I was her, I picture myself pregnant sometimes with Emmett doting on me how Demetri is with Leralynn"
"Because of you" Emily snarls "I can't see my family anymore, I can't see my friends anymore because of you. I need blood to simply survive. Sam and I had plans to make a family, I started making baby clothes—I understand that Leralynn and Demetri would one day meet but they would have been far away from La Push and Forks if you didn't bring your drama in. I hate you Isabella Swan, I hope that Victoria ends you or that you'll live a miserable immortal life" she storms away from Bella who cries a bit. It is true a bit, we're here to make sure Bella is turned aka saves our mates friends the time to come here.
"You don't understand Bella" Rosalie shakes her head at her "I would give anything to be human again, to grow old with Emmett, have children, grandchildren. Your mere presence and how you and carelessness for your human life if why I hate you so much. If you want to become immortal and apart of this coven, don't ever come near me or I'll kill you myself"
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