~Lera's POV~
"Bye mommy" the girls wave their hands to me as Zephyr takes them down to Seattle to go shopping "we love you"
"I love you too" I tell them before going to my Range Rover as Charlie arrived with Bella's pick up truck. As he got out, Bella slipped on ice and fell on her ass.
Charlie goes to her side helping her up "You alright?"
"Yeah" nodding her head "I'm good" Charlie and her wipe the ice off of her "ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated" at least she admits she can't do that, though I do wonder how she manages to have sex sometimes without falling or injuring both her and the men she fucks.
"Yeah" he agrees "that's why I has new tires put on both of your vehicles" I look at my tires "old ones were getting pretty bald"
"Thanks Charlie" he nods his head as Bella doesn't say anything.
Charlie then tells us "I probably will be late for dinner, I'm going down to Masen County a security guard got killed by an animal"
"An animal?" Bella asks
He looks at us when he's by his cruiser "Your not in Phoenix anymore girls, anyway thought I might lend a hand"
"Be careful" I tell him
He offers a smile "Always am" the three of us soon leave, Bella never thanking for the new tires.
Going through the day, I think about the last few days and how I made sure I wouldn't fuck without a condom. I've missed having sex with him, I've missed having sex with someone other than myself in a shower with my shower head or my vibrators or finger fucking myself. So it was an itch I've been meaning to scratch but not without a condom. Good thing I've been using the birth control shot that Zephyr injected into me every three months. But still, I'm going to have a serious conversation with him.
I also need a serious conversation about him about getting the girls a bunny without talking to me. I couldn't say no to the bunny, the girls are already upset about not getting a baby sibling. Not having them throw a tantrum over a bunny. I'm sure the bunny will teach them responsibility or something else.
"Hey Lera" Eric comes over next to me "I'm in charge of the music for prom and was wondering if you could help me come up with a playlist?"
"I could help" Bella says
"Cool" he smiles nodding his head as I put my jacket on the rack. Because it's somewhat damp by not very cold, I'm wearing a turtleneck grey short dress with high knee black boots. I know Bella has been fucking Eric, Mr. Molina, Tyler, Mike, and the Principal "hey Lera? I was wondering if you had a date"
"What up Arizona!" Mike shakes his wet hat over Bella and mine's head, she's loving the attention. I however find it okay "how do you girls like the rain?"
I see Edward Cullen is here, oh great. "Switch seats with me" Bella orders before going over and sitting next to Edward anyway. Shaking my head, I go to Lauren who looks at me confused.
"Did Mr. Molina switch your seats again?" She asks
Shaking my head no "Bella ordered to switch seats and before I said anything she sat down right next to Edward Cullen"
"I" Lauren shakes her head "don't know how you two are siblings"
"I wonder that a lot too" agreeing with her "but I'm channeling my anger onto something else"
"What?" She asks
"Fucking my baby daddy" her eyes widen when I whisper this "you've seen him, he's really hot" looking at Edward and Bella "I swear if those two end up together, then it truly does mean...evil does attract to one another" Lauren and I laugh as I notice Edward look my way.
"Okay everyone" Mr. Molina says "Bella? Lera? Why are you two not in your assigned seats?"
"Bella" I say "wants to be killed I mean seated by the window" Mr. Molina looks at me "so here we are"
Shaking his head "Sorry girls, assigned seats"
Lauren and I frown as Bella and I switch back to our assigned seats. "Hi" Edward says to me "we haven't been introduced properly last week"
Frowning as I think about it "You were gone for a week?" Pretend to be ignorant.
He opens his mouth before nodding his head "I'm Edward Cullen"
"Leralynn" holding my hand out, he shakes it "Lera"
"Onion root cells" Mr. Molina speaks "that's what's on your slides right now, so separate and label them of Mitosis. The first partners to get is right, wins the golden onion"
Grabbing the microscope, I look at each slide before writing them down. "Um" Edward says amused "this is supposed to be a partner thing"
"You can check" offering to him "but I'm right"
Chuckling, he looks before nodding his head "Your right"
Raising my hand, Mr. Molina comes over "Done"
"You both checked it?" He asks, we nod our heads and he checks it before saying "and we have our winners!"
"So" Edward asks me as I'm going to email my friends "you aren't curious as to where I was?"
"Not really" I start with Amber, telling her about the girls and then the my baby daddy "whatever you do during your own shit is your own shit, if I gave a shit that means I actually care and no offense I don't"
He nods his head "are you enjoying the rain?"
"Yeah" nodding my head "unlike Bella I don't have a problem with the cold, she prefers the heat. Do you like the rain?"
"I do" he confirms as I send that email, then I send an email to Patricia. He lets out a laugh "sorry, your just...confusing"
"How am I confusing?" I ask, what makes me confusing?
"Your like a closed book" he says
Looking over at him "And?"
"And I'm curious about you" he says
"You mean why I don't like you" looking at him, he stares at me "let's just say someone I trust very completely tells me stories about you that makes me think your not someone I should get to know"
He looks at me shocked as I quickly finish my remaining emails before the bell rings. Putting my things away, I go to grab my jacket before leaving "Why" Edward is next to me "did your sister and you move to a small town?"
"Mom remarried" we see Bella behind us and I quickly walk off as Bella talks or tries to talk to Edward.
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