Smiling to myself as I'm here before Anubis House, grabbing my suitcase I go up to the door and ring on the doorbell. Waiting a moment, a man with dark hair and a goatee answers. He has sand colored skin answers the door "hello" smiling to him "I'm Leralynn, Leralynn Swan"
"Come in" he motions "I am Victor Rodenmaar" as I walk inside, I see it's empty but a bit chilly. Goosebumps go over my skin-I'm wearing a black crop top with light blue denim shorts, black ankle boots with a white mesh cardigan "your two weeks late"
Bella hid the letter that was meant for me, we both signed up for this but only I got the scholarship since I don't spread my legs to get good grades. "Jealous sister" is my answer as I look at him "so are you the owner of Anubis House?"
"I'm it's caretaker" he says "but it might as well be mine"
Nodding my head "Victor!" I see two women come downstairs. One my age, sixteen with long dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin with a woman who has brown skin, black hair and dark brown eyes "I hope your being nice to this young lady too" once she's before me "hello, dear. I'm Trudy Rehman, your house mother. Welcome to Anubis House, it's a bit spookier than in the brochure"
"Hi" nodding my head as I pull away "this is a really beautiful house, you rarely find houses like this in Arizona-this place must have a ton of stories"
"Why don't we show you to your room?" Trudy suggests "then we'll give you a tour of the house, right Victor?"
"Of course" nodding his head "this way" I grab my bags as we go upstairs "the girls dormitories are up here as the boys are on the first floor" pointing to a room "this is my room, which needless to say is strictly out of bounds" We get into a room with an empty bed "You'll be sharing this room with a girl named Patricia. We don't want anyone wandering around after nine o'clock and all lights must be out by ten"
"Mr. Rodenmaar?" I ask "are there any places besides your room I shouldn't go to?"
"Yes" nodding his head "the attic and the cellar"
"You can call him Victor, my dear" Trudy tells me "just as you can call me Trudy?"
"Is that alright Mr. Rodenmaar?" I ask the man
Nodding his head "It seems you are much more respectful than the rest of the lot that live in this building" motioning to my stuff "your things have arrived, I shall leave you to unpack"
"Once your done" Trudy says "come find me in the main foyer, I'll show you around"
"Thank you" I say
"Of course" she leaves then as I go to change the bed to my black sheets and have my skull bedding be put on. My bedding is a woman looking in the mirror and her front that is facing the mirror has skulls while there is the word Naughty on her thigh. I also bring out my bean bag chair and after that my books that I make my own little library. I also put up my tapestry of a wolf howling at a blood moon.
"Joy" I hear the door open and look over to see a girl with long black hair, ivory skin and blue eyes with an English accent. You know what? I'm going to assume I'm the only American here "I've been...who are you?" Also by her clothes I'm guessing uniform is what I'll be wearing.
"Leralynn, Lera to most" I introduce myself holding my hand out.
"Who cares!" She snaps, wow she reminds me a bit of Bella "where are Joy's things? What's going on?"
"I don't know a Joy" shaking my head "ask Victor" She goes to my stuff and I stop her "I don't know who you think you are or who this Joy is, but go talk to Victor"
She scoffs "I don't know who you are or where you come from, but you are not my roommate! Joy is! Now where is she?"
"Ask Victor!" I snap at her "I just got here today and I don't like being accused of something you think I did when I didn't do anything!"
"Patricia Williamson" Victor enters the room as she looks at me then to him "what is going on?"
"That's what I'd like to know" she says. Rude much "where's Joy?"
"Joy has left" he tells her
"What do you mean" she demands "she's left?"
"Her parents came to school this afternoon and removed her" he explains
"But" she shakes her head "that's impossible. Why would they do that?" Maybe to spend more time with their kid? Some parents send their kids to boarding school when they have busy jobs and don't really like parenting. Some parents do it for a better education. Like now, the parents might have lost their job. Who knows what happened?
"I have absolutely no idea" Victor tells her
"Joy wouldn't leave" she says "without saying goodbye" she storms off then slamming the door.
"Patricia!" He yells, looking at me "supper will be ready in ten minutes" nodding my head as he leaves. Looking around the place, I bring out my black fuzzy blanket laying it down on the beanbag chair. The blanket has two grim reapers on either side of a large skull holding a swing with a bride.
Once I'm in the foyer, I see Trudy "Hi dear" she smiles "all settled in?"
"Yeah" nodding my head
"Come on" she motions to the kitchen "that's the kitchen" going to this dining area "this is the dining area where supper and breakfast will be" she motions to a bunch of others who look my way "these are your other house mates Fabian, Alfie, Jerome, Amber, Mara and I heard you've met Patricia. This is the living area-everyone this is Leralynn" she looks around "there's one more, Mick but it seems he isn't here yet-I need to go see to supper"
"Just call me Lera" waving my hand
Alfie who has brown skin, dark eyes and short black hair comes forward "Welcome Space Girl" raising my eyebrow at him "or blurp bleep blood as they say in your language" people laugh.
"Supper's ready" Trudy quickly comes in putting out some food. Going over to the table, I see how people take spots and I take the one farthest away from Patricia. I sit between Alfie and Fabian.
As we are eating, Alfie soon eats all disgusting and I laugh as he does this. There is soon a food fight until Patricia pours water in my face as she laughs "Patricia!" People exclaim
Standing up as she says "Oops! Sorry"
"Are you okay?" Fabian asks
Everyone watches as I go over to Patricia before I slap her across the face hard enough that she falls onto the floor "What the hell!" She stands up in outrage.
"I told you" getting in her face that she stumbles back landing on her ass "I don't know anything about your friend, call her yourself you dumb bitch. And if I were you, I'd keep one eye open when you sleep"
"Leralynn" standing up fully to address Victor when he is here "there's a phone call for you...what's going on in here?"
"Patricia is clumsy" I tell him "spilled water everywhere and fell out of her chair starting a food fight" leaving the room, Victor points to a phone. One of those old time phones with the spinning wheel.
Sitting on the green chair I answer "Hello"
"Hey baby" mom answers "how's Harry Potter land?"
"Hi mom" leaning back crossing one leg over the other.
"How's England?" She asks "Tell me everything, what's it like?"
"It's really nice" I tell her
"Oh no" she says "what's going on?"
"Nothing I can't handle" swinging my foot up and down as I sit with one leg over the other "I just met the other people in the boarding house that I'm in. I really love the house, very beautiful"
"That's good" she says
"I better get going" I tell her "it's supper right now"
"Okay" she says "call me when you can" hanging up on her, I wipe away some tears that fell before going upstairs to my room. Before going back to the living room, I put on a light grey crop top with a high waisted buttoned up denim skirt with black converse.
Once I'm in the living room, the two girls Mara and Amber stare at me. I'm guessing their taking Patricia's side, who cares. I'm use to it. Being in Bella's shadow, she is the first person people notice with her tight clothes showing her very thin body. I mean why does my sister wear such tight clothes or barely eat? I've mentioned going to those eating disorder meetings or seeing help but no, hell! She sleeps with nearly all the teachers or their husbands to get by in school.
That last person, Mick is with Amber. Those two are dating from what I've picked up. Patricia soon comes in glaring at me before complaining to her friends "I can't believe that creep won't give me Joy's home number" she sits down "at least she should get her stuff back the day after tomorrow"
"That's good" Mara says as I read my book "you'll be able to ring her then"
"I know" Patrica accuses me, I give her a challenging look. On the inside I'm smiling at how she has a bruise on her cheek from me hitting her "you've got something to do with this newbie and I'm going to find out"
"Right" sarcasm in my voice "or maybe this Joy's parents wanted to spend time with her, no. Don't think, just accuse people. I'm curious" pointing at her "did you spread your legs before or after coming here to get people to like you?" People gasp as this Patricia glared at me "this tough girl act may work on other people but it doesn't work on me"
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