~Lera's POV~
Everyone is asleep, so I go through the corridor and to the staircase. I find the eighth stair, I went back to the painting last night and found in hieroglyphics the eighth stair written behind the painting. So here I am looking for the treasure, I don't know why but I need to find this treasure. It's like something important is going on. I don't know. Looking around, I find a key and grab it before putting the floorboard back. Making sure it's secure so that no one falls. I then go back upstairs only to be caught by Victor who was coming from the girls corridor, there's a bathroom so that's where he probably was.
"Miss Swan" he asks "what are you doing up?"
"Water" I motion to the glass of water, he stares at it "sorry, thirsty and I didn't have any"
"Go back to bed" he orders, I go to bed and before I do "Victor?" He looks my way "as I was coming back upstairs I nearly fell on one of the floorboards" he looks at the staircase "the eighth one, I put it back but just in case"
"I shall look at it in the morning" nodding my head, I quickly head to my room pretending to have a limp before going to bed. After another day goes by, I go back up to the attic and I open the secret passage to find a jewelry box that the key opens. Not sure what this stuff is, I go back to my room and quietly put the things away.
Thinking that this party was going to be like ones I've been to in the past, I'm wearing a long sleeved black lace body suit with red shorts and red pumps with a black choker necklace.
People look my way as I'm at the party, I see many of them are wearing causal clothes and light make up. Not like mine where it's dark eyeshadow and red lipstick.
"Wow" Fabian comes over
"And I'm over dressed" I say, this is Mick and Amber's back together party.
"Lera!" Looking over I see Robert, Kate and Tali here. Going over to them, I mingle with them for some time before dancing. Once the party is over, I head back up to my room with Patricia. Ugh!
I find Amber in here "Hey Amber"
She smiles up at me "Hey Lera, you dance amazingly. Everyone couldn't take their eyes off of you"
"Thanks" taking off my shoes "no offense but shouldn't you be in your room?"
"I am" she says, I stare at her "Mara and I got into a bad fight and we all know that your struggling being roommates with Patricia, so I got us to switch"
"Really?" I ask. She nods her head "Okay, do you need any help moving in?"
Shaking her head no "But I do have one question" waving my hand as I strip naked before her "where do you go at night? I know your going somewhere, I saw you leave your room around midnight the other night"
"The attic" I answer
She gasps covering her mouth "You go up there?!" She whisper shouts that "why?"
"I've been having these weird pulls if you can call it that" I tell her "so far I've found these" I feel like I can trust Amber, she isn't like Patricia "promise not to tell a soul?"
"Promise" she nods her head coming over, she pulls out a cylinder "what's this?"
"That's a photographic cylinder, think of it as a prehistoric tape recorder" explaining what it is to her "remember that old lady I helped?" She nods her head "she told me that there's treasure in this house"
Her eyes widen "Really!"
Nodding my head "at first I thought she was crazy until I started finding these. Do you want to help find this treasure?"
She nods her head screeching in excitement "Oh my god! Yes! Ooh! We should form a club!" She then looks at the weird thing with hieroglyphics "what's this?"
"I don't know" shaking my head "I'm going to ask Fabian since he knows a lot about Egyptian Mythology"
"He could be our third member!" She exclaims in excitement "by the way, your outfit for tonight was fire!"
"It is ten o'clock!" We hear Victor yell "you have five minutes precisely and then I want to hear a pin drop!"
"Let's talk more in the morning" I tell her "we can go up to the attic tomorrow since there's a special recorder that can play the cylinders" she nods her head all excitedly.
When we wake up, Amber is still all excited but we make sure to hide the things I found but the thing with the hieroglyphics on it. When we get downstairs, we eat breakfast and at the table Amber whispers to Fabian "we're forming a secret club and want you to be apart of it"
He looks at us shocked "What?"
"Remember that old lady I helped?" He nods his head "she's the original owners of this house's daughter" his eyes widen. Yeah, I looked up more information about this place and asked Victor. He was curious but didn't mind since I asked him many questions about the history. He's a history nerd, in my experience once you ask a person whose in love with history going they keep going not minding. Well Victor sang like a canary "there's apparently treasure in this house and we need your help and also we want you apart of the club. You in?"
He nods his head smiling "Yeah"
"Eating breakfast Lera?" Trudy asks handing me some hash browns.
Nodding my head "Yeah, I'm starving"
"That's good" she smiles "and I'm very happy to see you having fun, you looked like you were having a blast last night"
"Thanks" I say "oh! By the way that cake you made, it was amazing"
She smiles "Thank you, I'll let you kids eat" she heads off then as Amber and I or me specifically tell him more about what I've found out.
Leaving the house I show him the cylinder "Woah!" He exclaims "I've never seen anything like this...mind if I hold onto it? Try to figure it out?"
"If you think it can get us closer to what this treasure it" I nod my head "but also we need to pick that mind of yours regarding ancient Egypt and its myths"
Nodding his head "This is so exciting! Did you do stuff like this in America?"
Shaking my head no "Never, but either way it's really exciting! We need to come up with a name"
"I'm already on that" Amber tells me "we should also have some sort of initiation, by the way how do you know Robert, Kate and Tali?"
"Their new friends of mine" I tell them "why?"
"Their like the coolest kids" She tells me "the fact that they were at my party last night is huge!"
"Yeah" nodding my head "a few days ago I hung out with them, went to a party"
"Are you serious?" Fabian asks "Wait!" His eyes widen "when you didn't come home you were partying! You were hung over!"
"No fair!" Amber pouts "I want to be hungover!"
"Trust me" shaking my head "you do and don't at the same time—it was a miracle I made it through first class" after a few hours, during lunch Amber is all excited.
"Sibuna" she tells us
"Sibuna?" Fabian and I both ask
"Anubis backwards" she says "and I even have a secret hand thing too" she puts her hand over her eye "Sibuna"
I do the same "Sibuna"
Fabian is next "Sibuna"
"This is fun" I tell them "I've never been in any or created any secret clubs before...wait! Earlier when you both said you've never been to parties like the ones Robert, Tali and Kate go to. Do you mean you've never had alcohol?"
Shaking their heads no "Have you?" Fabian asks
"Since last year" I tell them, I pull out my phone to text Kate.
Me: R there any 🎉 tonight?
Kate: Yeah, want 2 come?
Me: Mind if I bring a couple of friends?
Kate: Not at all, meet me and the others where you first met us after school
"At lunch let's go back to Anubis house and get some different clothes" I tell them
"Why?" Fabian asks
"Because is three" motioning to us three "are going to a rager tonight" their eyes widen in shock.
"Oh my god!" Amber exclaims all excited seeing that we're in an abandoned warehouse with flashing lights everywhere and people dancing amongst each other "this is so cool!"
"Come on" Tali tells them "let's go get some drinks" we go over to the table and get some of the secret punch.
"What makes this secret?" Fabian
"The fact that there are three different types of alcohol in this" I tell them
Amber sips it smiling "It's fruity!"
"Keg stand!" I exclaims "Robert!" He looks my way and I point. He nods his head and I go over putting my hands on either side of the keg stand as Robert holds my thighs as I am upside down.
"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" People cheer chug before in let back down and people cheer.
"Woah!" Fabian exclaims "that's so cool!" This actually tells me a lot.
"Come on" I bring them to the dance floor "let's dance!" As we dance for some time, Fabian and Amber go over to the side to take a moment since their all tired out. I continue to dance, even when someone with large strong hands grabs my waist. But their cold, like really cold. Turning around I see a man who looks to be in his late twenties before me. He has black hair and facial hair with purple eyes and beige skin tone "hi"
"Hello" he says in some sort of European accent "I'm Zephyr"
"Lera" I tell him
He leans down sniffing me "You smell so seductive, it's delicious. Like black raspberries mixed with creamy vanilla and coconuts" He spins me around before pulling me back "Your an amazing dancer"
"Your not too shabby yourself" he chuckles as he throws me into the air before catching me, my arms wrap around his neck. Setting me down as Zephyr leans down to kiss me, I kiss him back. Our tongues tangling tonight, but he's cold. Like ice cold. Why is he so cold?
"Hey Lera" Robert is next to me bringing me out of Zephyr's kiss "We're heading back to the dorms, come with us"
Nodding my head "Nice meeting you Zephyr"
"You as well" Robert pulls me away as Zephyr keeps his eyes trained on me.
"Don't go near him" Robert warns
"Why?" I ask
When we are out of the warehouse, Robert has his jacket around my shoulders "Every time" Robert tells me "I see that man he's with some woman, I don't know why but every time he is here the woman he is with just disappears"
"Disappears?" I ask
He nods his head "They find the woman dead, lord of blood lost but the body terribly mutilated. No one says anything since we don't want to get shut down but...promise me you won't follow him anywhere"
Nodding my head "I promise" who was that guy? And why was he so cold? Why was his eyes purple? Looked like he was wearing contacts, I know my share of contacts cause it's a long story but I know them. So why was he having contacts on? Why is he so cold? Wait! Didn't I already ask that? Ugh! I don't feel well.
Stopping for a moment, I turn to vomit on the pavement. Robert holds my hair back as I heave up this night's cocktails on the pavement. Picking me up, Robert brings me to where Amber and Fabian are sleeping on the fold out bed. As I sleep my mind goes to red eyes. Why?
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