~A Few Weeks Later~
"So when do you think Trudy will be returning?" I ask Amber and Patricia as we head to our lockers. Thanks to Amber talking to Mick's dad about what's been happening, she got the security cameras down and got Trudy back. Plus extra soft toilet paper, I wasn't sure how she pulled that one off. Because of paperwork that was even longer than the first, it took a while before Trish returned.
"Sometime today" Amber says "hopefully"
"I found this" Fabian comes over to us to show the book "so this is a book about time travel and it's leather, 'beleathered' and 'where yesterday always follows tomorrow?'"
"But there is no clasp" Amber says "Ooh! Where's the photos?" Fabian pulls out the photos to show her Victor and how he hasn't changed "freaky"
"This means that what Zephyr says" Patricia and I share a knowing look, one that thankfully Amber and Fabian don't see. I haven't seen him lately, well not for some days except today. Today he woke me up and told me that he's back. But for some reason he was different, like he looked satisfied about something. I don't know what though "about Victor taking some sort of elixir of life"
"The cup is useless without the elixir" I tell them "the cup will be useless without the elixir"
"So that means" Patricia says "we go back down to the cellar"
"And let's analyze to see what this stuff is made of" Fabian says "because I'm curious, aren't you ?"
Nodding our heads "We all go down there" I suggest "the quicker it'll be to fine it" after talking more about the details we go to the theatre room and sit down waiting for Jason to arrive.
"good morning everyone" Jason comes in greeting everyone "now before we begin class I wish to draw everyone's attention to the sheet of paper on the wall, anyone who is interesting in the school play sign up here" looking at us "Amber? Lera? How are you doing with the script?'
"Lera's all over it" Amber assures him
Pulling out the script I hand it to him "It's the early draft"
"Thank you" he takes it "and don't worry about this, this is all a working progress--but we are auditioning next week so we will need more of the scenes if that's okay?" nodding our heads he leaves us to teach.
After some hours, we head back to Anubis House to greet Trudy who is back. I baked a cake for her with the help of Mara, Amber and Patricia. "Trudy!" we hug her
\"Oh!" she exclaims hugging us "I've missed you"
"We've missed you too" Amber tells her
"The foyer" Victor comes downstairs "is not a place for standing around" we head to our rooms to change. I'm meeting up with Kat, Tali and Rikki to go over the dance routine that Jason approved of. I've decided to have a hip hop kind of dance routine than they are use to.
After some time Kat asks "Are you feeling well?'
Nodding my head "Yeah, why?"
"You seem" She shakes her head "sickly"
Shaking my head "Just a bit tired, I'm going to take a nap" heading back to Anubis House, I change into my pajamas and get ready for bed along with the others.
"Hey Lera?" Amber asks "are you sure your alright for this?"
Nodding my head "We all go down there Amber, not just one of us"
"Okay" she looks at me worried "you just seem a bit...ill"
"I'm not" shaking my head as I grab my water bottle, but as I drink it--I don't know it, it tastes better. I don't know, it definitely isn't water but I like it. After a couple of hours, we head down to the cellar with the others.
"How" Amber asks "did Victor manage to hide all of this?"
"he must have some other place" Fabian tells her "where he stores this?"
"But where?" she asks
"It could be anywhere" I tell her "I looked at some maps and there are several placed that he could be hiding these things" when the light's go out, Amber jumps wrapping her arms around me "we still have our flashlights"
"Let's spit up, Fabian and I will take this side and you two take the other" Patricia tells us we use our flashlights, Amber and I go to once side of the cellar as Patricia and Fabian look at another side. Amber and I see a shelf with seven mini weighing scales, why would there be seven of them?
"Got it!" Fabian exclaims, we go over and see him home the glass bottle with the amber liquid in it.
When we hear a clang, Amber demands "What was that?" looking over, we have our lights on the cupboard before two masked zombies come out and while Amber, Fabian and Patricia run out screaming I have my arms crossed looking at the two unimpressed.
"Really?" I ask
"Lera! Come on!" Amber grabs my arm and yanks me to follow her, we get back up and I close the passageway before looking at the others. We hear footsteps and quickly hide as Victor roams around looking for us, he goes downstairs when we hear a clatter. Quickly going to our rooms, Amber and I jump seeing Zephyr here.
"Zephyr?" I ask "what are you doing here?"
"Checking up on you" he says "you didn't come visit--what are you doing?" he looks down at Amber as she holds out a necklace she made out of garlic to him.
"Garlic kills vampires" she says
Zephyr lets out a small laugh before shaking his head taking the garlic away "No, it doesn't. More like has a weird smell to it and now what are you doing?" I cover my mouth watching as Amber holds up a wooden cross that she made herself, it's bedazzled with rhinestones all over it.
"As god as my witness" she begins
Zephyr curses in some language that I ask "What language is that?" he looks at me "it sounds familiar but"
"It's a more ancient form of Greek" he tells me
Nodding my head "What are you doing here?"
"Came to see if you needed an itch to be scratched" he tells me, Amber makes a disgusted noise before going to bed.
Shaking my head no "Maybe tomorrow, I've got some more questions"
"I'll be more than happy to answer them" he leans down to briefly kiss me "until next time" running out the window, I head to bed shaking my head. When I wake up, I get dressed before going down to breakfast feeling a bit under the weather.
"Good morning" Alfie and Jerome come into the room "everyone sleep well last night?"
"What's it to you?" Patricia demands
"They" I tell them "were the ones in the zombie outfits last night"
"That wasn't funny!" Amber exclaims as the two laugh "it was the scariest thing ever" she then thinks back "except that time my dad froze my allowance"
"Lighten up" Jerome says "it was a joke" looking around "what were you doing down there anyway?"
"You alright dear, you've barely eaten anything?" Trudy asks me coming in. Nodding my head until I smell eggs that were added to Mick's plate, I get up and rush to the first floor bathroom heaving up the contents of my stomach. This is very weird, I've never been sick a day in my life. Pulling away, I smell the large scent of cologne from the bathroom and vomit again "Oh my" Trudy pulls my hair back "you're staying home" using a bit of tissue to wipe my mouth, Trudy flushes the toilet. Getting up, I stumble feeling light headed "I'm getting Mick, Mick!" Trudy leaves before Mick comes in and picks me up carrying me to my room.
"What's going on?" Victor demands as Mick carries me up the stairs, I notice the others on the first floor.
I smell this awful rotting scent lingering from him "Oh god" covering my mouth, Amber hands me a bag and I throw up in it.
"Seems she has the flu" Trudy tells him "which reminds me"
"Are you kidding?" Alfie jokes "she looks like death"
"She does doesn't she" Trudy says "maybe we should take you to the doctor?"
Shaking my head no "Some rest"
"Not the flu" Amber says and we look at her "remember how you said that you ate something that didn't taste right?"
"Yeah" nodding my head
"She's got food poisoning" Amber tells them "I also ate the same thing"
Trudy feels her head "You do feel a bit warm"
"What did you eat?" Patricia asks
"Same thing you did" she says
"Oh yeah" Patricia agrees after some time
"Mick?" I ask "can you carry me to bed?"
"Sure" he takes me to my room setting me down on my bed
"Thanks" I thank him, he soon leaves. Trudy brings in some tea and leaves me as I rest in my pajamas that she helped me into.
"Your bring ridiculous" Patricia says "there is no way"
"you don't know" Amber says, opening my eyes I see Fabian, Patricia and Amber here with a plastic bag.
"What" yawning as I sit up "is going on?"
"Just some ridiculous notion Amber has" Patricia tells me
I look at them confused "Amber thinks you might be" Fabian whispers "pregnant"
"What?" I ask as Amber hands me five pregnancy tests "I'm not pregnant"
"You could be" Amber says "I mean really? Vampires, immortals, the Cup of Ankh. Is it so impossible that you might considering who your descended from" she whispers "pregnant"
"I'll take the test" I say "but I'm not pregnant, vampires are dead so having a vampire's baby should be impossible. Also why did you buy five?"
"To be absolutely certain" Amber nods her head, shaking my head I drink the water--no, whatever is in my water bottle since it's so good. After ten minutes, we are waiting in the room for the results when Trudy comes in and we quickly hide the tests in a shoe box that I have with all the pictures that I've been meaning to put in the photo album mo sent over that she wants me to have. She told me that she wants a lot of proof, not just in my scrapbook or diary but also in a photo album.
"What are you three doing here?' Trudy demands as she hands me some soup "here you go dear, some nice chicken soup"
"Thanks Trudy" I tell her
"We came" Patricia tells her "to see how Lera is doing"
"That's very kind all of you" Trudy says "but unless if Lera has the flu, I don't want any of you catching it"
"We can't catch what she has" Amber mutters
"Hmm?" Trudy asks
"We'll go in a moment Trudy" Fabian tells her "don't you worry" she nods her head leaving.
Amber pulls out the test before looking at me shocked "Your pregnant" we jump when Zephyr is in the window way.
"Oh my god" Patricia breathes out "an actual vampire"
Zephyr takes the test before handing me a blood bag "To appease the child"
"Is this what I've been drinking for the last day?" he nods his head, oh my god. I'm pregnant with a vampire's baby.
"This is so exciting!" Amber squeals, of course she'd think that.
~Three Months Later~
"You look amazing" Amber smiles as she helps me down the stairs of Anubis House. It's prom night and I'm wearing a long gown with a golden top and a black king skirt. I have black and gold pump heels with some dark eyeshadow and red lipstick, my hair is also up in a bun and my nails are pained black with some gold detail.
"You do know Amber she can still walk right?" Alfie the newest member of Sibuna asks "just because she's" mouthing "pregnant with a vampire baby" after Alfie almost died in the cellars and helped Fabian find the last clue did he join Sibuna.
"Smooth" Patricia remarks "you look amazing Lera, that dress really does hide it well" because of the speed, I look to be about nine months pregnant. Bump and all. Unfortunately the whole twins thing didn't skip me, see in my family one of the twins can either have a twin themself or the gene skips an entire generation like it did with my mom and her being a twin. How do I know I'm having twins? Let's see...I'm much larger than I should be also the kicks I feel are more than just one. With Zephyr's help, I've managed to elude everyone of my pregnancy until tonight since I'm wearing a dress that hides them well.
"Thanks Patricia" I smile to her "you all look amazing too, now as one final night without worrying about immortality or the weird secret society or Rufus Zeno—let's party!"
"Yeah!" They clap their hands
Going to the school, we head into a classroom since we're meeting Joy there. "Hey guys" Jason smiles looking at us "what are you doing here? What's in the bag? Not smuggling contraband I hope"
"No" shaking our heads as Patricia says "it's girly stuff since I can be girly at times"
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"Waiting for my date" he smiles brightly "with Miss Robinson" going over "and to make sure your telling the truth" he grabs the bag and looks through it as the door slams closed and Rufus Zeno is here holding an hourglass with something.
"Red sutekh sand flies" Rufus tells us "very rare, quite vicious and certainly deadly. Now everyone do as I say or I break this and everyone dies. You get the blinds" he orders Jerome who knows some stuff but not everything, I feel a b bad about it but know it's for his own good "the rest of you get over there" Zephyr told me that he's like a ghost, so it's hard to find him "now you get me the elixir and the chosen one. I want them within the hour or I break this glass"
"Your insane" he says "and you won't do it, you'll die"
"But unless" I say, they look at me "he had a backup plan. Gave himself the antidote"
Rufus lets out a chuckle "Very smart" looking at Jason "now go" he soon leaves and Rufus locks the door "sorry Patricia, the note wasn't from Joy but at least I get why I came for! The ankh pieces, all scene of them" he pulls out a bottle of water "what's this?"
"Vodka" I tell him "we planned on having a good time"
Rolling his eyes he slams the bottle down in anger "Where are my ankh pieces?"
"Someplace safe" Amber says
"Their with Joy" he realizes "you do realize that she is part of all of this, don't you?"
"Yeah, she's a chosen one" Patricia snaps "we aren't stupid"
"A?" He asks "not the? There is always the until an it is born..." he has a look of realization "the true descendant of Isis has been born—that cup won't be assembled then"
"No, no, no, no" Jerome tells us "don't believe him, he's a liar. He's playing you"
"I know my liars Jerome" I tell him "and he's not lying"
"Like how you told me" Rufus says "about their meet up with Joy?"
"I never said a word!" Jerome yells "I never double crossed you"
"We believe you" I assure him "he knew, what he didn't know was that someone else existed making it impossible for Joy to do anything"
Patricia's phone goes off and she yells "Run Joy!" Rufus grabs the phone and tried to call back before throwing it "your paying for that!"
"Sit down and shut up" he orders "all of you!"
We all sit down, looking around I ask "We die don't we?" He looks at me "the group thinks that it's symbolic but really you can't gain immortality without paying a price" some tears are threatening to spill but I don't let them.
"Yes" nodding his head before tilting his head "Sarah have you the locket didn't she?" I don't say anything "your coming with me, only you can put the cup together" grabbing me by my arm he yanks his hand back as we watch his skin startled to wilt like a corpse after decaying before turning back.
"How did you do that?" Jerome asks
Rufus chuckles "only the true descendant shall achieve true power—come with me now or all your friends die"
"Catch!" I yell as I swat the hourglass from his hand as someone else catches it while Fabian tackles him, we all leave until Jerome throws the house glass having the skies be released "Anubis House, their there—Joy might die if we don't get there"
"Are you pregnant?" Jerome asks
"Yes" nodding my head "it's a very long story but we need to get to Joy, now!" Running to the house after I take off my heels, we make it to the house.
"Joy!" Patricia hugs Joy as we get to the foyer "what happened?"
"I'm not the chosen one" she smiles "there is no cup"
"Where are the pieces?" I ask "we only have fifteen minutes left" we need to break the curse.
"Wait" Jerome demands "are you the chosen one? It would be the American wouldn't it?"
"Still down there" Joy says "why?"
"Because if I don't assemble it" I tell her "your bloodline will remain cursed"
"Cursed?" She asks as I go downstairs and find the cup pieces.
"With the circle of light" I hear a woman's voice, one I've never heard before "I seal the circle of life"
"With this circle of light" I say as I join the cup "I seal the circle of life" putting the pieces together as the ground shakes when I feel something happen. The Eye of Horus glows brightly as it seals the cup together, I hear my name but don't pay any mind.
Once the cup of together, Amber says "that's the most beautiful accessory I've ever seen" she screams when Rufus grabs her.
"Give me the cup" he orders "or I kill your friend" I hand him the cup since we hid the true elixir in my purse "the elixir" Fabian pours it as Amber comes over to us.
We watch as Rufus drinks from the cup as Victor comes down as he yells "Finally! Eternity is mine!"
"No!" Victor yells
"Ah Victor" Rufus smiles "so lovely to see you, I'm so sorry" he empties nothing "there's none left" he goes to melt the cup but it can't be melted, I know it can't.
"Oh" grabbing my belly when this cool liquid goes down my leg, this intense pain goes through me that I scream.
"The babies!" Amber exclaims "their coming!"
Rufus laughs "Not unless one of them is dead" Alfie soon falls clutching his chest "oh, what a pity?"
"Oh god" my female friends are by my side as I grab the table.
Zephyr soon runs in as Rufus runs out "Everyone out, this child is coming right now"
"No way" Amber shakes her head "Lera needs her friends and"
"Have any of you actually helped assist a woman in labor?" They are silent
"Everyone out" Victor says "we meet again Zephyr"
"Victor" he barely acknowledges before helping me out of my panties as I push, I need to push. I have to push. Sweat covers my whole body as I push again, my friends holding my skirts up as I push.
When I hear the wails of a child, I look over laughing seeing Zephyr hold up a baby "a girl" okay...
"Ah!" I scream as Joy is handed my daughter
"Are plants blooming?" Patricia asks and we look around to see that there are indeed flowers and vines everywhere.
"Push again" Zephyr orders, I push again and again until we hear a baby cries. Looking over I see another baby "a girl"
"Please tell me" I beg "that it's only twins?"
He nods his head "just the after birth"
"What are their names?" Joy asks, my friends help me sit down since I was standing up to help. Gravity and all. My children both have dark hair but one of them has silver eyes and black hails while the other one had my chocolate brown eyes and hair of a dark chocolate brown.
"Ripley" I tell them "Ruby, Ripley and Ruby"
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