Writing Prompt Au
Title: Marco is Away part 5
Info: Star is getting ready to be wed when a handsome stranger ruins everything causing things to happen..
Word count: 1108
Song: let me love you- Justin beiber ft dj snake (Music box cover)
Star pov
I woke up with my pillow soaked and my hair looking like I got ran over by a stampede of unicorns "I miss him.." I whisper to myself as I get ready for my big day, I haven't talked to Marco since we fought a month ago,
I've been crying since and all I could think about was Marco being in love with Heckapoo as processed that Ryan asked me to marry him, my parents were delighted and I smiled and said yes, I know I should've said no but I have to face facts, Marco isn't going to come back and I don't think I could wait much longer knowing I'm aging and also my parents as well
"Wow, you look gorgeous" I turn my head and it's the last person I wanted to see "What do you want heckapoo? Where's Marco?" She giggles as she fixes my necklace
"I came to your wedding, after all you'll get the dimensional scissors from me as a wedding gift, just like your mother has" I rolled my eyes "Where's Marco?" She smirks and shrugs "Beats me, last time I saw him he was fighting off a 2 headed monster who didn't pay for the scissors I made him"
of course he is why else wouldn't he be here "Does he know?" She raised a brow and shrugs "I don't know, he doesn't really talk to me, only when I have side jobs for him" I sigh and look into the mirror
"Hey, if it makes you feel better he doesn't like me like that..I'm too rough and don't really share my feelings...not that kind of person" as I look back she was gone and I smiled a bit, Marco doesn't like her like I thought but that also means he's been rogue as well
"Star are you ready dear?" My mother entered my room and I nodded, as we walked down the hall I saw the secret room and I had a urge to check but I couldn't "What's wrong? Cold feet?" I looked at mother and shrugged
"Maybe...Ryan is a amazing guy but I just don't love the way I love.." "Marco?" I bkushed and looked at her "How do-" "Heckapoo, Star why did you say yes to Ryan knowing he cares so much about you and adores you?"
The blush on my face stayed there and I let out a deep sigh "Because I thought I could move on..but I can't I need him but he probably doesn't need me" I wipe away a tear as we stopped and mother looked at me
"Maybe you can just cancel the wedding and do it another time?" I shook my head "No, mother I need to grow up and move on from this crush, I'm a grown woman who needs to take charge I can't back away.."
I took a deep breath as I saw my father waiting at the door for me to walk "Hello sweetheart, don't you look lovely?" I smiled and nodded "Of course dad" mother went to sit and I looked at the guest that were there and I see Ryan, in a nice uniform and his hair slicked back..
As he takes my hand all the worries just skip away "You look beautiful" I smiled and blushed "You don't look bad yourself" we chuckled a bit as they want on, I just kept looking at him and then to the crowd wondering if I'm making the right choice
"Star?" I looked at the priest and at Ryan "What?" The crowd chuckled and Ryan looked at me worried "Star, you alright?" I nodded "You zoned out on the vows part" I shake my head "I'll say my vows.."
after saying my vows Ryan said his again and to be honest it was beautiful and very sweet "Ryan to you take Star Butterfly of Mewni to be your wife til death does it part, for sickness and health, for better or worse, as the both of you shall live?"
Ryan smiled and I returned it "I do" as he looked at me "Star do you take Ryan to be your husband til death does it's part, for sickness and health, for better or worse, as the bith of you shall live?"
I smiled and felr my heart race a bit as I look at the crowd "I d-" "Stop!" Everyone looks and it's someone in a dark cloak and his stomps are heavy as he walked down the isle "Hey! You can't be barging in like that!" Said one of the guest "Hello?!"
He ignores as he's near me and Ryan which is holding me close to him, I'm a little freaked out "What do you want stranger?" Ryan asked and he pointed at me and everyone gasped, but I didn't know why "What do you want me for?" I said a little unsure what's to come
"To be my wife.." that voice was deep and clear and as I see his eyes i broke down and moved closer to him and pulled down his good "Why would you want that?" I asked with tears in my eyes
"Because I love you Star..I always have and I can't see you marry another guy" I blushed and cry a bit "Why did you come now? When I'm getting married? Why did you take so long..to tell me this?" He lowers his head as he looks down at me
"I was afraid that I wouldn't be the man you deserve..I'm sorry" I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my ring and back Ryan and the crown "Star?" Ryan's voice broke the silence as I pulled the ring and walked towards him and placed the ring in his hand
"I'm sorry.." I hugged him tight and he chuckles a bit "Its okay...take care" I smiled and I took off my crown and handed it to the priest and walked towards Marco who held the portal open "Star?! Where are you going?!"
"To have my adventure" Marco held out his hand and I grabbed his and we left as we arrived he pulled me into a long deep kiss and I just felt complete and it felt great as I used my wand one last time and changed I want back and handed the wand over to my mother "I'm sorry, I'll be back soon I promise..."
StarButterfly_ is away...
A/n that completes the little mini series I hoped you enjoyed it! Bye guys!
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