Writing prompt #8
Title: Strangers are friends we haven't met
Word count: 1166
Info: Star is on a adventure to travel places she hasn't been to, along the way there a attractive stranger sitting across from her in another seat, when she takes glances at him she couldn't resist and try taking a picture of the guy, what happened next?
A/n I will be updating the blind girl soon, I'm just editing it at the moment and also thanks for the positive feedback you guys have been giving me \(^o^)/ much love appreciated let me stop talking and let's get back to this part..
Star Pov
I had packed my bags and said goodbye to my parents, I just want to explore the world a little before I eventually settle down and have a family and all that stuff, my mother said it was insane but my dad? He just simply said 'Go for it' and I didn't hesitate. I've been planning where I'll go and stop and my end point is seeing my best friend, haven't seen her in years so it's my goal to be there with her, as I get my train ticket I noticed how many people were waiting, it's kinda nerve racking when there's a huge crowd but as long I have my headphones I'm safe..
As the train arrives I get on and take my seat, I pull out my laptop and open my personal journal and start typing my entry, as I finished and the train starts moving I noticed a guy sitting across from me..and he was pretty cute, well on his side I couldn't really tell since he had his head down and forward as I take sneaky glances my phone goes off and it's a message from my bestie, as I open the chat I see the mystery guy finally turn his head and he looks really hot, I got lost in his chocolate eyes and his hair that he kept perfectly groomed to the side, the way the sun made him glow, I blushed and put my phone in my face,
I couldn't help it the man intrigued me of you can say that? As I looked at my text I didn't realize my friend wrote back 'Show me' I nervous turned off anything that would ruin this opportunity on sneaking a photo, I look at him he was reading a book and drinking coffee the attendant brought him, I looked around my surroundings and he looked at me with an odd look
"Is it me or is it cold?" He nods slowly and goes back to his reading I quickly snap a photo and send it to her but she got mad when I took it with my thumb in the camera, ugh I have to do it again..kill me, as I look at the attractive stranger he was on his phone scrolling through his social medias and whatnot "Hey, you dropped your headphones" I told the man he looked at me and the ground and smirked as he picked up, I took my chance and took the photo "Thanks" he said and I shivered a bit when he spoke, it was so clear and smooth..
I looked down and realized the photo came out blurry as heck and I mental slapped myself, as I sigh loudly causing other to look at me including the man I turn away from them all, as an hour gone by I woke up and saw the man asleep and his face was towards me, I quickly got my phone and took it but it was too dark and I cursed under my breath, I didn't want to risk a silly picture of a stranger that I haven't properly introduced to? Yes I did, as I put on my flash I quickly took it and the man stirred and I quickly pretend to sleep, he rubs his eyes and noticed the raindrops on the window, and he looked over at me
"Was that lightning?" He said groggily "Yeah..woke me up.." he nods and faces away from me, as I pull my phone I gotten the picture but did I really want to send it? Maybe? But it's wrong even though he's pretty good looking, I hit send and then delete the photo, I threw my phone on the table and faced away from it and looked out the window..
The next morning, I stretched and saw the stranger sit right next to me scaring me a bit, I moved a bit and look at him up and down, I blushed at how close he was to me and how close his perfect face was to me, I probably look crazy, as I fix my hair slowly I cross my arms at him and he held my phone, this was going to get really awkward or weird "W-what are you doing with my phone?" I asked nervously as I do he's just chuckling and looks at me "You could've just asked, you know?" my heart stopped when those words came out his mouth "What?"
"You know what, I'm not stupid. I knew you were taking pictures of me all day yesterday" my face was even more red then before, I was extremely embarrassed and I knew I shouldn't have done it but my young foolish brain wasn't cooperating with me "I'm so sorry, my friend wanted proof that I wasn't kidding.." he laughs and held out his hand for me to shake
"Well, next time just ask, by the way my name is Marco, what about you photo thief?" I giggled softly at the little name he gave me, I took the chance and shook it "Star..nice to meet you now" he nods "If you like we can take a selfie together if you want?" I shook my head, why would he want a photo with me, wasn't it already bad enough? "You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all.." I smiled and took a couple photos together, we talked for hours and even swap cell numbers, I was actually having a great time until we had to go our separate ways, he's on his way to see his parents and I told him I was still traveling, as I looked out the window he waved at me and I blushed, as I sat down I saw a small note, as I opened the note I giggled at it..
' to be honest I thought you were the hot one? But your not the only one who took photos of you..thanks for keeping me company on my long ride home and hope we cross paths again..take care and have an awesome adventure- Marco Diaz '
I took the photo off the note and smiled, how did he even get me so perfectly still looking out the window? That guy has some serious talents, as I flipped the photo over he wrote a little message 'I took two! So I'll remember you' I blushed and looked at the empty seat and at my phone, maybe one day our paths will cross, but for now I'm working on me..
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