Writing Prompt #22 part 1
Title: What is going on?
Word count: 2080 long! Just first part
Song: oh wonder- lose it remix
Marco pov (graduation)
I smiled as watched my best friend came running down the hall right into my arms "Marco can't you believe it! We are graduating in just a week! Can't wait for what the future holds for us!" Her smile and her laugh was amazing and her eyes were perfect "I know, can't wait.." I say as I held her close she giggles and moved away
"Marco stop doing that..you know how Tom gets" I rolled my eyes I hated her boyfriend Tom, he was just a jealous mess and it's a miracle that he let me be her friend still "Who cares?" She blushed and fix my hair "I do..hey later at your place so we can decorate our graduation caps" she gave me a smile and I nodded
"Yeah..don't be late" she rolled her eyes "I won't be late..I gotta go bye! Hugs!" She gave me her warm hugs and disappeared into the crowd of students, I just want her to be mine but that will never happen.. As the day went on i kept thinking about her..I just wanted to tell how I felt but knowing I shouldn't ruin what we have I just have to keep to myself.
M-Hey? Where are you?
Sent at 6:24 on
M-Star? Is this about Tom? 😑
Sent at 7:00 pm
M-Star are you okay? You haven't even reply to my texts 😟
Send at 8:10 pm
M-I am seriously getting worried, your not answering your phone, I'm coming over 😓
Sent at 8:30 pm
I was in tears when I saw the cops at your house, I saw your mother on the floor crying in pain and your father being tough to keep your mother calm but I knew it hurt, I even saw Tom in tears and he looked like he was going to kill someone
"Officer? What happened?" He sighs and holds my shoulder "Star went missing, we have no idea where she could be..all we found was her phone and this bracelet" I saw the bracelet I have her on her 14th birthday
"May I take that? Please" the officer nods and hands me the bracelet, which I put on my wrist and cry a bit "Where did you go?"
(Graduation day)
I say in my row looking at the row you were going to be sitting at, I just wanted to cry and yell your name out so you can come home "Marco Diaz" I look at everyone and sigh and walked slowly up the stairs and take the diploma and they hugged me knowing it's hard that I was best friends with Star "Would you like to say a few words?"
I nodded and looked at everyone including her parents who looked devasted "I know it hard to lose someone we all have been close to, Star was my best friend since childhood and not being with her hurts me..and I just want to say, We love you star..you'll be in our heart's always..we'll never forget you" everyone clapped and some cried and I wiped my eyes as I walked down the stage to be held by my parents
"Its okay Marco" my mother soothed my back but I was still broken..
5 years later...
Star pov
I woke up coughing and looking around like a crazy person I looked to be in a dark cave, I was naked and covered in dirt and mud, I walked out and saw the city, I need to find someone as I get to a house I found clean clothes as I took them I put then on as I looked at myself in a bear by shop, I looked young well still younger "What is going on?"
I look around and people were looking at me as I began walking I noticed a familiar red hoodie, I quickly run towards the person but I slowed down when he got on a bike and left, I soon quickly followed and noticed the street I was on, it was mine and Marcos childhood homes as I saw my house I noticed my parents car wasn't there and by the looks of it no one lived there,
a sign of for sale was on it and I I stood in front of the lifeless house and cried a bit, how long have I been gone "Mom I'm home!" I heard Marcos voice as I look I see him with a bag filled with grocery and I walked up to his house, still there and filled with life "Hasn't changed a bit but Marco has"
I walk up the path and knock on his door as I wait I hear him 'I'll get it mom!' As the door swung open marco thought he saw a ghost "Star?" I nodded and hugged him, he was still stunned that he passed out with me under him "Marco! Get off me! Your really heavy!"
As I wiggled away I pulled him to the tree house behind my old house and waited for him to wake "Oh..Star..w-where am I?" He rubbed his face and I looked into his brown eyes "Marco! It's really you but older!" I giggled and he looked scared or confused "Am I dreaming? This isn't real and I'm still passed out!"
I shake my head "No! I'm real, Marco it's me Star Butterfly your best friend..the one you always had a crush on?" He blushed "How did you know that?" "Because I knew everything because we are best friends!"
I sat on my knees and he held his still looking at me up and down probably wondering why I still look like I'm 17 even though I'm supposed to look 22 "Where did you go?" He asked with small tears welled up in his eyes "I don't remember"
I said truthfully, all I know was that I was walking towards Marco house to decorate our caps and poof i was gone or in a deep slumber "Everyone thinks your dead, your parents left town because they couldn't take it, even Tom..he moved away and he's with someone else"
I sigh and look at how handsome Marco looks now older "What about you? Your still here" he chuckles and sighs while he lowers his legs "I'll never leave the town I met you, we made that promise when we were 5, I never wanted to break it, so I stayed"
I blushed, why did we never date again? Oh right I liked bad boys at the time instead a sweet and kind person "Wow, hey is that my bracelet?" I said pointing at his wrist, he nods and plays with it "Yeah, I kept it since your disappearance I never took it off"
I giggled and moved closee to Marco and sat on his lap which I was small in "Its weird seeing you so young, are you still 17?" "Im actually 22, but my appearance hasn't really changed" he chuckles and holds my face
"I missed you so much, you have no idea how much it hurt when you were gone" I blushed and held his hoodie as I lean closer to his face but he stopped "I can't kiss you while you look like this..this is wrong"
he moved me off and I stood there looking at him kinda sad, I wanted to kiss him but he's right..me looking like this and the way he looks it's really bad it's like a 5 year gap and I'm not even legal well in others eyes "Marco, help me change to my normal age, please"
he nods and it was getting late "We'll start tomorrow in the morning, in the meantime let's get you cleaned up, you have dry diet on her arms and face" I nodded and we walked towards his house, he pointed towards his window and I nodded and started to climb up to his bedroom as I landed on his bed he opened the door
"That was fast?" "Dude I used to sneak in your room when I needed you?" He blushed and nods "I think I still have some of your clothes laying around whenever you stayed the night" I nodded and waited for him, he came back with black shorts and a pink tank top
"This is what I could find, bathroom is through there" I riased an eyebrow, Marco got an upgrade, he had a bathroom in his bedroom "That's new?" "Yeah, got it for my graduation gift"
we laugh and I walked towards the bathroom and took a long shower as I got dressed I walked out while I dried my hair, as I look Marco was doing pull ups and was shirtless,
I blushed and stood standing there watching him until he stopped and jumped when he saw me "Star?! You scared me" I nod softly as I looked up and down his fit body "Since when do you workout?" "Since you've been gone, it kept me busy instead of crying my eyes out until it burns"
I kept quiet and he grabbed his clothes and left into his bathroom and I stood there looking around his room, hasn't really changed as I get to his dresser I see a photo of us when we were 5 and when we were 15 I giggled and held the photo,
I kinda cried a bit because I don't even remember what happened to me? As I wipe my face I see Mark come out putting his shirt on, wish he didn't though. "What's wrong?" I shake my head "I'm hungry..can you bring me food?" He checked his phone for time and it was midnight,
his parents were asleep and he held my hand as we went downstairs, it got upgraded as well "What do you want to eat?" I smiled "Nachos, made by my best friend in the whole wide world" I say giving him my winner smile "Alright..I'll make it for you, just hang tight"
I sat on the bar stool and watched him cook, I could watch him all day of I wanted too, as I blink I felt something in me change as I look down my shirt felt a little bit tight and my shorts as well and when Marco looked at me his face was red
"Star?" "What's wrong?" "You look a little older?" I got up and move towards a mirror and I see my hair is longer and my body looks a bit mature, more in upper area though, probably why Marco blushed
"Okay so I'm aging to my correct age? So does that mean I'll be 22 in a week or a couple days?" Marco shrugs "I have no clue but does this mean your 18?" I blushed and smirked at him
"Yes..it does" I move slowly closed to him as he looked at me, our eyes glued in each other as I pulled him down for a long passionate kiss, it felt like fireworks as we kissed, I smiled between the kiss and he pulled away smiling "I wanted to kiss you since freshman year.."
I laughed "I'm glad you kissed me" I wrapped my arms around his wait and he held tight, I was really short compared to him which was normal "Let me finish this and we'll continue" I giggled and nodded "Okay~"
The next couple days me and Marco have been going to libraries and offices wondering what really happened, I remembered a purple light and someone calling me but nothing really showed up "Marco, I'm almost at 22 I'm 20 right now..and I'm aging pretty well don't you think?"
He smirks as he kissed me and held my face "Yeah, you have always looked pretty since you were little" I blushed "Aw Marco, but I gotta see my parents that I'm alive" he looked uneasy "Yeah but I feel like when you turn your correct age, we'll go see them, I know where they moved"
I gave him an odd look "Why would you know that?" "Because they moved after graduation and I helped them packed your stuff and helped with the move.." I sigh "Oh..right" I just want to be able to be out in public without anyone looking at me weird..
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