WP #14 Part 5
Title: I'm Here..
Info: Marco wakes up..what happens now?
Word Count: 1071
Song: Here comes a thought-Steven Universe
Star Pov (Mind)
'Actions are stronger then words'
I wake in a dark room and only a single light was on me..I stood up and called out for Marco "Marco! Are you here?!" I slowly took a step and a path was formed, I followed it as I reach for a door,
as I twist the knob a bright light blinds me and I fall and I scream, for sure I wasn't going to be safe but as I closed my eyes something or someone caught me, as I opened my eyes it was Marco "Marco? Is that really you?"
He had tears as he slowly put me down and I began to tear up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried, I never knew how much I missed him and being able to feel his hug was incredible "Star..I can't believe it's you, I thought I was awake the whole time..but I wasn't it was all a dream.."
I nod and wipe my tears "I know it's been 2 and half years you've been out, I've been coming and staying by your side since then..I came to tell you to wake up, I know I don't have time because I'll be fine but I believe in you"
I say looking at him "But how do I wake up, this whole place I dreamed about isn't real it's what I want...I even dreamt about things.." he blushed and I held his cheek, it's been awhile since I seen his brown eyes
"You can tell me when you finally wake up" as I was going to hug him my body started to float back up to the door "STAR!" he yelled "MARCO!" He became smaller and smaller and I was gone...
*in the hospital*
I woke up to someone shaking me and it was Lynn "Hey Star, you gotta go home honey, visiting time is over" I sigh "Lynn please let me stay, I have a feeling he's going to wake up, please Lynn" I begged and sigh
"Okay, just for tonight, if he doesn't then you need to go home afterwards" I nod and hug her "Thank you" she smiles and leaves and closes the door "Alright Marco, you got this"
Marco Pov
'She was there..but now she's gone'
I watched how star left up into the sky and disappear, I knew I had to wake up, I needed to figure out how, now that I know Star is waiting for me, but I'm in a dream but how do I wake up from a dream?
I looked around the made up town and got a plan "I could scare myself awake" but what in the world could scare me enough to wake up?
I walked back to my home well made up home and sit down and think, I see dream Star come and sit by me, she was almost faded away and that gave me an idea but a very heart wrenching one
"Star..I know this is the last time I see you here, and I wanted you to know I loved being with you here, with no care and having fun with you"
she smiles and hugs me "T-thanks M-marco" she glitches out "But it's time for me to let you go" I pulled her into a hug and shut my eyes as I opened them she was gone "I'm sorry.."
but I was still asleep and I ran up the stair and got on the railing "I normally wouldn't do such dangerous things but I have no other choice" as I looked down I started to freak out
"Come on Marco do it for Star, she's counting on you" I took a deep breath and let gravity take me down, as I shut my eyes I saw a bright white light...
I gasped and coughed and looked around and breathed heavily, I looked at star who had pure happiness on her face and she hugged me tight and I did to her, as she slowly released me she kissed me and I held her as I returned it back
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that" we chuckle and a couple nurses came in and checked on me and throughout it all star never let go of my hand
"Well Marco, after a couple days you'll be able to go home" I nod and sit up and Star hands me stuff to open, I never realized how much stuff I received "Well since you were out on your birthday, you gotta lot to open"
she said smiling and I opened the gifts, some where cool and some not so much, as I reach for some water I see I have grown some facial hair and my hair is long "What? I look like a hippy"
star laughs and plays with it "You actually look cute, here let me tie it up" she tied up my hair and I looked at myself and I didn't look too bad "I can work with this..maybe"
as Star rolls her eyes she hands me a book "What's this?" She blushed "It's all the events you've missed, and things I told you but I doubt you heard any of them" I nod
"I heard some" as I look down I see the locket and I chuckle "What?" "Dream you gave this to me on my birthday, I guess it was from the real you, thanks for it star" she smiles and puts her hair in a high pony
"No problem, your birthday was kinda depressing" I raised an eyebrow "How come?" She sighs and pulls out a card, it was a birthday card
"It's from Jackie, I never knew you guys did these things on each others birthdays" we used too but we stopped
"I haven't sent her one since 8th grade" I read the card and sigh "Yeah she was going through a tough time with her mother's death and all, but I knew I couldn't fix it"
star held my hand and I smile "So, what was dream me and what did you guys do?" I laughed and Star sat next to me "Well, it started when we fought the monster.."
A/n and that completes the mini series or whatever lol hoped you enjoyed it and if you liked any other writing prompts to make a second part let me know 😉 bye guys!
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