What happens now?
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We're always going to be best friends forever and I know it because your gonna be my hardest goodbye, just the thought of you makes my mind go fuzzy and my stomach filled with lots of butterflies..but I know deep down it'll never work out, you finally admitted to her you like her but I'm not sure I wanted you to say it, but it's too late, and now I'm gonna lose you to someone else that isn't me..
I think of all the times we had together all the sweet subtle moments we had together it made my heart pound like a drum, you trusted me finally after all these months and I mess up so much that it doesn't phase you anymore, you'll accept it and I would feel guilty but when I cry your there for me..what am I to do now that she's there for you?
Every thought of me losing you gets me to a state of mind that potential I might actually never see you again, just when we're together in the house or even a little out of school.. you wanted her, and you need her..I could not even compare to her she's beautiful, has a nice personality, the way she acts when you try to act cool when you don't need too.. those are the things why I'm falling for you, I'm always there to help or your there to help me..
I can it already see it covering me making me feel small and not important anymore, I break down afraid that you'll forget me for her and I'm no longer your light..it's fading and it's starting me so much I cry whenever the thought comes up, it's not fair that you get to like her when I obviously like you..
I may had said things that were so pretty, I apologize for that because I don't mean to be rude it's just the way you are and act about makes her feel like she's more important to you than me? Am I not worthy of your company anymore? No longer your best friend? Or even the slightest crush?
Everything seems to be going around me and sucking me deeper to the darkness whenever your gone, but it's not your fault..it's mine if I never fell for you I wouldn't have been so distant from you..but your making me go there on my own..
I look back at you and see a guy that I can count on and shoulder to cry on but all these negative things seem to swarm me and it's eating me alive..I can barely breath and even focus.. that green glow is getting stronger and I'm losing control..I look at you with my eyes and see nothing....your not there not even to save me...
I take moments to breath and clear my head but it's so hard not to build more knowing your gone and it makes me feel like nothing..not even a bright Star could make you notice me or thing you really want, I know I say it all the time but I do really care about you, your my best friend, my partner in crime, my everything...but you don't see that..
Maybe one day when we are older you'll notice me..I wouldn't mind the wait because I hope by then you'll be watching over me..when that day comes I'll be waiting for you to become my other half..
A/n hello guys so I made a short one-shot, it's just stars mind thinking of what happens in the future with her and and Marco since now he told his feelings to Jackie..
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