Star Blitz Blues
Marco Pov
I noticed Star has been pretty down lately, and I'm with always and I can't tell if it's because of me or something else that happened when I wasn't around "Star you feeling alright?" I say taking out my math book "Yeah..I'm fine" she said softly and sat at her desk and I did as well, she had her head down and I didn't really pay attention to the lesson,
I just kept looking at Star she wasn't her cheery self and it felt weird, she was rarely in a sad or bad mood, and she would cheer me up "Marco you coming?" I didn't realize class was over that Star pulled me back to reality "Yeah..I'm coming" she nods and I followed behind "What were you thinking about?" She said quietly again "Um..something are you sure your fine?" She nods and holds her arms as we keep walking straight into next class and
I try to think what is making her in a sad mood, it can't be Oskar because she got better when he called her when fought monsters, I remembered we fought one of ludos gangs and one of them oozed some blue smoke, I covered my mouth Star didn't, maybe it's the smoke she inhale
"Star tell me how your feeling" she raised an eyebrow "I feel fine Marco, just stop pestering me with am I fine questions, because my answer is fine, gosh" she snapped at me, I think it is the smoke I gotta know what kind of smoke that was that made her like this "Fine, I was just trying to help, I'll leave you alone" she turns her head away from me and I do the same and work on my stuff..
After school we walk home in silence, Star held her arms and I put my hands in my hoodie and I put my headphones in so I wouldn't die in this silence, I don't mind it but this is where star talks about her day and her highlights and downfalls and I would listen but I got her mad so she's giving me the silent treatment Andi respect that..when we get home she goes on the couch and lays face first on the couch and sigh. What am I going to do to make her happy again?
I do my homework and after I finished I heard loud sobbing and cries and I rush and it's coming from Stars room and I open and see her crying into her pillow and I sit next to her and touch her and she jumps at my touch "Marco..what do you want?" She says like she wasn't crying "Why are you crying, I'm your best friend why can't you tell me?" She sat up and wiped her face
"Because I can't, I don't know what's wrong with me" she began to cry and she pulled me into a death hug while she cried loudly near my ear "Calm down Star, I could try to help that's all I've been trying to do but you wouldn't let me" she let's go and sighs "Sorry, what do you think I'm like this?" I could say my theory but it could be bogus and dumb
"I think its the smoke that monster released when we fought it, I covered my nose but you didn't, maybe it's that but I have no idea what gas smoke thing that is" she nods and goes to her spell book and calls for Gloss Rick for help
"Hello princess, what could I do for you today" "Make me happy" she says and cries again "Shesh what did you do to her kid?" I found that offensive "Nothing, can you tell us the types of gas or smoke types of monsters release because I don't want Sad star all the time" he nods and flips through the book and Star lays her head on my chest and hoods my hoodie "Okay, what did the monster look like?"
I explained the best I could and got a image of the monster "That's it alright, what is it?" He rolls his eyes "It's a blitz blues monster, when angered it releases it's gas and puts the person that inhales it in a sad or depressing mood" but I was in it, how come I didn't get affected "So Star inhaled it so she's sad?"
I looked down and Star was asleep on me and I smiled and put her hair behind her ear "Yeah, to end this you gotta say the spell three times backwards and your cured, but she'll have to say it, you can't because we'll you don't have magic" I glared at the troll "That was so funny I forgot to laugh, thanks for something at least" he nods and closes the book and I carry Star to the bed and I don't want to wake her up, she's probably tired from all that crying "I'll help you tomorrow, now you need rest" I walked out her room and I went to bed, need sleep too..
The next morning I woke up and got ready and went to stars room and she's sitting on her bed with the clothes she fell asleep in "Hey morning, you just have to say blitz blues backwards and your back to normal, see I helped" she nods "Thanks Marco" she said in her quiet voice again "seulb ztilb, seulb ztilb, seulb ztilb" as she said it her body began to glow and I backed up a bit and a huge flash
covered her room and I covered my face from its bright light and look to see Star face down on her bed and I quickly roll her so she's facing up "Star?" I wait for her but she hasn't moved or anything until she rose from the bed gasping for air "Where the heck did I go?" I smiled and held her tight "I'm glad your back" "Aw Marco thanks, where did I go?" She said more loudly "Um..long story but let's head to school" she nods and we walk and now she's talking about her dream and what she did and I laughed because I have my bubbly best friend back..
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