Reality Tv Stars
Writing Prompt : decided to make an Au where starco was a reality TV series and use their voice actors names as their own, but their cartoon character as them, they'll have interviews and stuff and I'll be the interviewer ψ(`∇´)ψ it's gonna be pretty long so hope it comes out alright lol and I hope you want me to make a second part to this..let me know
Word count: 2265
Song: Svtfoe theme remix (Repeat as many times if you want)
'Welcome everyone to Live with Ash, everyone is blowing up twitter and tumblr about the new ship that's happening on the reality TV series Star Vs the forces of Evil, I'm on the red carpet waiting for the cast members and to ask them questions on how fun and cool it is and to know if the rumors are true...hey there's Adam he's the one that plays Marco Diaz in the series, hey Adam can I get an interview with for a quick sec?' He nods and fixes his hair
'What's it like working everyone on set? And how's working with Eden be holding up?' He smiles before answering me
"Working with the cast mates are awesome, we act silly and crazy and we just go out and have fun, working with Eden is amazing she's an awesome actor and I'm honored to be her best friend in the show"
I smile a bit 'That's great, are you aware of ship of the two characters?'
"Oh yeah, definitely..I've seen it on twitter and tumblr like where do these amazing people come from and do these things, it's pretty be honest I kinda ship them myself but Eden just say their friends nothing more but it's the show can't really do anything"
we giggled a bit and looked at the final question 'Alright, last that episode where Eden started crying when she lost her mentor, what do think is happening between the characters?' He nods
"That scene was really heart breaking, for both our characters, we see that Star is really out of sorts when the most important thing in her life is gone, even her best friend maybe, my character is just trying to be her hero most of the time but he can't always do it because he's not like her at all, but I believe that he will finally realize that the most important thing right now is Star, he might've kissed Jackie but that's just a kiss it doesn't necessarily mean they're together, they might have a few dates before hand"
I nodded 'How was that kissing scene? It kinda broke starco shippers hearts'
"Oh yeah, the kissing scene was based on Marcos first kiss and it's not perfect or awkward, it's innocent and I'm proud he finally got the chance to kiss his crush after such a long time, but it kinda difficult because I laughed a coupe times during the scene cause Grey was saying just kiss her quick so we can move on, I laughed more when I heard Abby saying 'Jarco!' We died laughed and Eden was watching behind the camera to see and how to feel for the next was an awkward scene for all of us I may say but we got it done with so that's important"
'Thanks Adam, for the interview you were awesome and can't wait for new season soon'
"Totally, hey starco will live be strong! bye"
'Let's see if I can get anyone else before Eden shows up for hers, there Jackie Lynn Thomas played by Grey Delise, maybe you spare time for an interview with me?'
"Of course, I love your dress I like it it"
'Thanks okay, in the season finally we see that your character Jackie ask Marco out to the dance which was a total bust but ended up having a mini date instead, what can you say about the characters?'
"Jackie is basically a chill and relaxed girl she's never wild she's mostly free, and Marco is usually having things pile on him likes lists and rules and regulations, he's had a crush on Jackie for the longest time, where it's seen in the season where Star takes him and he sees all the time he's nodded with my character, That's a lot, and as the season goes on, we have that sleepover scene where we are trapped in a cube, favorite scene to shoot hehe, that's when Marco puts his feelings out there and Jackie finally gets why he's so jumpy and clumsy and shy whenever their near each other. And in the season finale we see the characters kiss the first time and it's beautiful but Marco senses something is up so they leave, I believe Marco will find out who he truly likes in later seasons"
'That's amazing, how was the scene was Adam a good kisser?' She smirks a hit
"Yeah, he is but he kept looking at the camera when he wasn't supposed to, but hey that's why we have retakes"
'Anything you can say between the ship war that's going on? Jarco and Starco?'
"It's ridiculous, I've seen it on Adam's profile he just laughs along with Eden and I just shake my head, I'm not into favorites but I think Starco is adorable but that's just me, even though I should ship my character with his I can't, but who knows?" We giggled and I finished my questions with her
'Well thanks Grey for the interview, hope to see you more in the new season'
"Yeah I'm totally gonna be there, well let's see, bye"
As I look for Eden I don't she's here yet, but I do see Abby Elliot, everyone favorite kleptomaniac Janna
'Hey Abby, mind for an interview?' She nods and walks towards us
"Yeah I got time, sweet tattoo I like it" I look at my shoulder and smile
'Thanks, so tell us about your character in the show, she's pretty magical to me'
"Janna is just a mystery, you have no clue what she can do, she's taken Marcos stuff throughout the seasons and has became closer with Star, I guess you can say she's a rebel child along with Star"
'Do you think Janna likes Marco and that's why she steals his stuff?'
"I think it's cause she is dancing around the thought that she might actually like him but for completely different reasons, but I believe she might have a tiny crush on him, like look at Adam he's adorable and very goofy when it's behind the sets"
'Can you explain why your character tried to delete the photo Star has of Marco and Jackie in the season finale?'
"Janna believes that Star shouldn't really care what Marco does because she knows if she thinks of it, it'll mess up her mind, and that's how she controls her wand, also I believe that Janna is just looking out for her gal pal, Janna doesn't really have close friends and seeing her close with Star could change that"
'When Star is getting sucked in the hole of darkness, what is Janna thoughts and how hard was shooting that scene?'
"Her thoughts are like, wow this is super crazy I could possibly lose a potential close friend and maybe being in a graveyard wasn't a good idea, that scene was crazy I remember Grey was saying how hot she was in that dress and then having big fans blow on us, I laughed with her and Adam tried not to but Eden laughed at his face, it took us like 10 or 20 minutes to just have us stop laughing, our director was getting annoyed by then but it's life, I think they have it under bloopers or our mini Vlogs we do"
'Have any memories with the cast?'
"Yeah, tons but my favorite one has to be when me and Adam went and prank Daron, our and him decided to scare her when she entered the set, there was a truck in the set and the horn was still functional, I felt bad after I did it and so did Adam, she walked through the door with Eden and they both jumped and screamed and everyone laughed including them, I was in tears and so was Adam, I love pranks with the cast, their easy going..I love them all they are my second family, I see grey well later"
she walks off and finally the one I was waiting for Eden
'Eden you look beautiful, very Star like I may say'
"Thank you, Adam says the same thing.."
'Do you mind giving a time for us?'
"Yes, of course I can"
'What can you tell us about your character Star in the beginning of episode of the last episode her feelings?'
"Star is a girl filled with all types of emotions, but lately she's been acting clingy and weird now around Marco, her feelings are all over the place, and we can tell its Marco when her wand is green instead of her pink, and it's her jealously taking over her wand, anything dealing with the person that means a lot to her, which is him..I believe Star will confess to him but she won't do it because she knows she can't be like Jackie, that's what's killing her on the inside"
'Can you explain why people ship the two characters?'
"To be honest I think it's because how close they are and how connected they are to each other, just like the day they danced at the blood moon, I give Adam an A plus, in having that connection it brought them closer, and also the amount of times they go on adventures and being together constantly no wonder people ship them, I honestly just see them as friends Adam completely ships them, he reads fanfiction about them, he shows me and I just shake my head, overall that's what I think why they ship them"
'In the last few minutes before the episode ends, your character is being sucked into a hole to nowhere, that scene where your character tells Marco to let go, why do you think she said that?'
"I think she said that because, she thinks it's better to leave Earth so Marco can be a normal guy again and also her feelings won't hurt him either, she always puts Marco in danger so her only solution is to just leave, but Marco doesn't want her to go, he cares a lot for her and he would do anything to keep her from harm."
'What was the hardest scene you had to shoot?'
"Oh god, the season finale one, did any of the co-stars tell you we were laughing for like a half an hour?"
'Yeah Abby said a couple things'
"They had me hooked on wires and a harness, they also put some on the others, they had fans blowing that you can barely hear our voices, the scene when I'm being sucked I scream because like this is scary and after awhile grey was saying how hot the dress makes her and Abby said something else and they start laughing Adam tried not to but I laughed hanging from the ceiling, he eventually laughed but it took us awhile to calm ourselves, I never laughed so much but on that day, another part that was hard for me to shoot was from last season of storm the castle, I had to jump from various places and landing on the table in front of Michael, toffee if anyone didn't know, I got irritated at how much time we shot that scene and breaking the glass that Adam was in, he was sweating and so was I, wearing a dress with leggings and boots it's kinda hard to run around, and poor Adam wearing his red hoodie everytime, it's his favorite well his characters, but overall those two were really hard to shoot and pretty fun."
'Who are you closer to onset?'
"It will have to be, Abby or Adam those two make me smile and laugh on-the-go days that are like blah, they like pranking people including myself and daron, I feel like its never boring off set and when we all go out and have food or just chill a bit, it's awesome being out in the world having a blast, but those two are my favorite things, and I think it makes it easier for me to act with them, it just comes naturally"
'Last one, Are you and Adam are dating?'
"No, we're not, I don't understand how people start that, but no we're good friends that's all, any other questions you want me to answer?"
'What will we expect in newer seasons, will star have her mentor back and her book or something horrible going to happen?'
"Expect a lot of new drama, new relationships, and a lot of action that will make you say what? New characters possibly not really sure on that so don't quote me.."
'Thanks Eden, have a wonderful night'
"Thank-you, and bye nice talking to you"
'Well that's all I have for tonight's interviews, can't wait for what's to come and to believe in Starco, have faith it's not dead yet, that's all for tonight tune in when we have a few cast join me on my show and play games, I'm Ash with Live with Ash and see you all next time'
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