Prom Night!
*Star and Marco are older and seniors and going to their prom,
picture up top inspired me to do this one shot..thanks tumblr*
Marco Pov
Tonight's the night, where we go to prom, and have a blast, I wished it was Jackie but she said no to me because she's going with a guy from a different school, what is that? I asked star to go with me, it's not that bad because I know Star looks very beautiful when she dresses up fancy, hey it doesn't me I like her like that we're just going as friends nothing more and she was excited because she's going to a dance here on earth then another dimension
"Marco can't you believe it, the prom! I can't wait to get all dressed up and look really nice, I want to know how you like in a tux, I bet you look super handsome!" I chuckle and blush a little "Star, I look the same just dressed nicer" she giggled as we entered the house "Hello kids, we need to get you two ready for tomorrow, now let's go..Marco you go with dad and Star you come with me" mom pulled star out the door "Bye Marco!"
She waved and my dad put his shoulder on my shoulders "Come on Marco and let's impress Star in your tux" I roll my eyes "Dad me and Star are just friends..nothing more why do you and mom want us to be something?" My dad chuckle "A Diaz man always gets the ladies, didn't matter where they came from, just know that start as friends and turn into more, now let's go find a nice tux"
We went to a formal store and I saw a couple of my friends "Ferguson, Alfonso nice seeing you gentleman here" they chuckle "Yeah, getting a suit, hey your lucky you have a date I'm flying solo and Alfonso is bringing his cousin to the dance" "Yeah, but she can't compete with Star" Ferguson sigh "Star is so beautiful, she blossomed into a beautiful young lady, and you keep her to yourself Diaz" I blush and nervously laugh "Guys, me and Star are just friends, why doesn't anyone understands that?"
They rolled their eyes and continued on with finding their suits and I walked back to my dad "Alright, are you a blue or a red?" I look at the inside of the suit, and I rather wear the red "Red, Um dad can I wear a tie and coat and call it a day?" My dad rolled his eyes "Marco, please be happy, make your mother happy she's been looking forward to your prom for awhile..she had you on he'd prom day" I sigh
"Okay I'll do this for mom" after looking at a dozen of the outfits I chose two and called it a day, as we got home I see my mom putting curlers in stars long blonde hair "Hey guys.." star looked up and smiles
"Hey Marco! I got my dress and stuff, your mom is so much fun doing things like this, she's doing my hair" she giggled and I looked at my mom and walked to my room and hung my suit and tie and decided what kind of hair style I should do, it's always the same and it never changes
"I could slick it back but what's the point?" I lay in bed and I hear a knock "Come in!" I yell back and it's Star and jumps on me and laughs "Can't wait for tomorrow! Are you excited?" I laughed because star looked ridiculous with the curlers in her hair "Why are you laughing?" "you, you look funny with that in your hair, I thought you'll do your hair?"
She sighs "I will, I just wanted your mom to have fun, anyways I'm off to bed night Marco sleep tight" star kissed my cheek and walked out and I blushed and put the pillow over my face, I might like Star more than friends...
she has been looking beautiful as we grew up but what can I do, she just sees me as a best friend nothing more, and I think she still likes Oskar, I don't know if I tell her or not, I'm not ready for a let down and a awkward phase of mixed emotions in a house we share..
The next day my house was nuts with this prom thing, me and Star were in our pjs while my mom set our things together, I never seen my mom so excited before, she told us how to act at a prom and what to do and be a perfect gentleman..all that but I knew what I was doing when it was coming to the time me and Star locked ourselves in our rooms to get ready, I got help from my dad and looked at myself, I didn't loom that bad
"So handsome, just like me" we both laugh and I grab stars corsage and head down to the kitchen and my moms face lights up "Marco you look so handsome, I can't wait for Star to see you" I roll my eyes playfully "Me and Star are just friends, we are going as friends" as I wait I hear clicks of heels come closer and there stood Star
"Hey Marco, now tell me how I look and don't say 'Amazing' like last time" I blushed and walked closer to her "Star your so pretty" my mother said and I grabbed her hand "Star you look absolutely gorgeous, here I got you this" I put the corsage and she smelled it
"Smells beautiful, I got this but I'm afraid I'll poke my finger" we giggle a little and I helped her put it on " look very handsome Marco" she said fixing my jacket and I noticed her cheeks blush "Alright, I want a picture just like that"
I turn and see my parents with their cameras out, I groan but took the pictures anyways "You two are so adorable together" "Mom..enough we're going to school now bye" I grabbed stars hand and got in the car, yeah I drive and it's a jeep, it's to start out, as we arrive I see our senior class and their dates, I get out and help star out and she giggles
"Thanks such a gentleman" "Of course I am, shall we?" She nods and we walk in and we had stares from people and heard them gossip but I didn't care I just want to have fun "Wow star you look.." "Awesome" star chuckled at my two friends "Thanks, now let's have fun right?'
Star pulled me into the dance floor and soon everyone else joined in, it was fun she looked beautiful being herself and that is what I find funny, over the years star stayed the same outgoing and cheery self, and I guess I never realized that she always there for me even if I had eyes for someone else
As the songs start slowing down, it started to become more weird and awkward, I haven't slow danced since the blood moon and I was hidden and no one knew who I was.."So are you gonna ask me to dance or..?" I pop back into reality "Oh yeah, care to dance Star?" She giggles and nods "Yes, don't be nervous I know you can dance" she whispers and I smirk, as we're dancing star is laying on my chest and I could feel myself getting flustered with emotions and I need to tell her but...
I'm scared as I sigh she moves away and looks up at me "Marco are you okay?" I look around "I need to get some air.." I walk away leaving her there alone and confused and I'm in the hallway and lay against the locker and slide down to the ground "Such a coward" I bang my head on the locker and look down at my shoes "Why do you say your a coward?"
I jump a little because star scared me "I feel like one" she walks closer and sits next to me "Come on you can tell me, I'm your best friend" she gave me her friendly smile "Star..I feel like a coward have feelings for you" I said blushing like mad and her face is red as a cheery "I shouldn't have said anything, I just ruined our friendship, I'm dumb" she moves my face so I'm looking at her
"Marco..I..knew, I noticed how you were with me a couple months ago to now, I actually kinda like you too but I was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same way because you still like Jackie, so I stayed to myself" we both laugh at how scared we were to admitting our feelings "So you like me back?"
She nods "Yup, and you like me what do you want to do about it?" I grab her face and kiss her long and passionately and when we part she's red "Whoa didn't expect that" "Sorry a little too forward?" She shakes her head and stands up "Come on, let's have fun before it ends" she helped me up and we ran back to the prom, that's a night I'll remember forever..
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