|Nurse Butterfly|
Star Pov
I was humming a little tune when I heard screaming from Marco's room and I rushed right over there and I see Marco all the floor holding his foot and it wasn't facing the right way or the way the foot should be "Marco! What happened?" He winced at the pain and tried getting up but I helped him "I was trying a new karate move and then I slipped and I broke my foot or ankle, please call my parents" I put him on his bed and ran out like a maniac "Mr and Mrs Diaz!" I said yelling downstairs almost falling hard
"What's the matter Star?" "Marco broke his foot! And I need you guys to go check if hes okay?" The nodded and rushed up the stairs and I followed close behind "You alright?" His mother said examing his foot "No, mom it hurts so bad" they nodded and his dad picked him up "Well, let's get to the hospital, again.." His dad and mom left "We'll be back star, just stay here and watch tv " I nodded "Okay, I guess" she smiled and ran to her car and saw them leave..hope he's okay
After an hour later Marco came in with crutches and a angry face "Its just a couple weeks Marco, you'll be fine.." "No! Mom its not I'm gonna miss competition and will not be able to participate in it! And sorry for yelling" his mom hugged him "Its okay, you'll get through this" and he came and I stood up so he can lay "Here let me help you"
he smiled "Thanks star" I took his crutches and put them aside "Need anything? A drink? Medicine?" He covered his eyes with his arm "Maybe a pill for my headache.." I nodded and asked Mrs Diaz for it and she gave me one and I ran back to him "Here you go Marco, anything else?" He chuckled "No thanks, you did good" I blushed a little and sat on the floor
"Star you can go you know?" "I could but I want to stay near my best friend in case he needs me, and I want to help you feel better" "That's nice of you but I can handle myself" I stood up and crossed my arms "Okay, reach for that" I pointed towards his crutches and he rolled his eyes "Please, I got this" he stood on one leg and was trying to balance and as he hopped he fell and I walked in front and kneel to him "See, you need your best friend to make you feel better and to help you, please Marco?"
He sigh "Fine, you can do things for me but when it comes to personal stuff you can't intrude" I nodded and helped him up "Thanks, again" "No problem" he lay down and I watch him be sad and upset "Marco, you upset cause you can't compete?" He groans and looks away "What do you think?" He said quietly and kinda sad "I'm sorry you got hurt, maybe I could heal you with a spell?" "No...thanks, remember when you turned my arm into a monster arm and it almost ate Jeremy?" "Oh yeah..sorry about that"
I fiddled with my wand and got an idea "Can I decorate your cast?!" I said smiling and holding my hands "Sure, I guess but you know its gonna come off a couple weeks or so right?" "Yeah, but maybe if I design it, it'll make you feel better!" He laughed "Your optimisms are always helpful" "of course they are..what kind of princess doesn't have any?" He looked at me confused "Don't answer that" he nodded and I ran and came back with markers "I'm writing my name on your cast first!" He sighs and covers his face and I go all out, with hearts and stars around my name "Done!" He looked down and chuckled "Cute..thanks star" I blushed a little "Yeah, just to make you feel better"
The next day we were dropped off at school because Marco can't walk or take the bus "Have a great day kids" his parents said and drove off "You okay wild man?" "Yup, never better" he walked with his crutches to his locker to get his stuff and people started to surround him "Hey Marco can I sign your cast?" We looked and he nodded "I guess, go on ahead" I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder "Hey, there's my smiling best friend" he chuckles "Yeah, thanks" I nodded and by the end of school, Marcos cast was covered with peoples names but the one that stand out the most was mines, because I'm his best friend "Well today was..fun" he said as I helped him up the stairs "Yeah, need any help?" "Nah I'm gonna shower, then do homework so you can go" "Okay. Call me if you need anything" he nodded and entered the bathroom
Marco Pov
Star has been making me feel so much better with her bubbly personality and just being herself around me..I noticed she blushes when I thank her or comment something.. Something we is going on? I take my clothes and get in the shower, its so weird with a cast and showering, my foot is gonna smell so bad when they take it off
I tried not thinking of that and get showering and I hum a song I heard on the radio and then soap got in my eyes and lost balance and fell and I couldn't really get up, I need star but I'm naked! "Star! I need you!" I heard a knock "Marco! What's wrong?! I can't enter, you said that's intruding your privacy!" I groan "Just cover your eyes and come help me please!" I didn't hear anything and the door opened "Okay Marco, where are you?!" She said walking in with her sleep mask "To your right!" She walked and touched the glass door of the shower "Am I at the shower?!" "Yes! Open the door and pick me up!" She slide the door and bent down grabbed my arm "I got you, where's your towel?" "Just walk to the left" she walked left and I grabbed my towel and and wrapped myself and she walked me to my room still blinded
"Are we in your room?" "Yeah, you can take off your mask" she moved the mask and sigh "Thanks for helping me star" "no problem, you got me all wet but I was saving your life" I chuckled "Yeah, sorry.." We stayed silent and she sat next to me "Marco, if I wasn't there to help you would you be fine?" "No, I'm glad you saved me, I could've burned myself" we laugh a bit "Okay ,glad your safe" she moved my wet hair from my face and I feel my cheeks warm up "Star?" She blushed and leaned in and kissed me and I actually kissed back "Uh..sorry Marco" I shake my head "No, its okay"
We blushed "Marco I think I like you" she said looking at her hands "Star..you mean it?" She nodded "Yeah, I mean it..what about you?" I smiled "I like you too, you always bring a smile to my face when I'm in a bad mood or something and I'm glad I met you" "Aw Marco!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and I hugged back "Your awesome!" "You too" when she slowly moved she kissed me again and I held her face "Love ya star" "Love ya too"
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