My Rules, My Way
Hello everyone, I hoped your enjoying my books, seeing as my books are getting more votes and comments then before 😊 and also sorry for the lack of updates my grandmother had a stroke and I just couldn't grab a hold of anything, I missed 4 days of school and it drove me insane but she's all good now, she just recovering now
That's all I have to say and I'm already close to 800 followers, like I'm almost at the 1k mark ugh unbelievable thanks for the new followers and old ones for supporting me as well 😆 you guys are amazing and I thanks you for it anyways I hope this one shot pretty long one if I say so myself..
Song: Don't wanna know/Maroon 5
We don't talk anymore/ Charlie Puth
Star Pov
A couple years later...
I heard the birds chirping as the sun lit up my giant bedroom, I stretch and let out a small sigh and rubbed my eyes, as I look beside me I sigh softly, all alone without a husband, a partner, a friend, a soulmate..I wipe my watery eyes and get ready for my day, today was the day I would judge who will become my husband and King who will rule by my side for always
"Star, it's time" I looked at my mother and nodded and cleared my voice "Of course mother" we walked to the throne room where there were ton and tons of potential kings, I sigh and crossed my arms and looked at the poor gentleman, not one looked too be happy to be with me, of course I was a little reckless when I was younger but I'm 19 now and matured since then
"Star, this is lord Samuel from Quinta he is 22 and soldier" he held my hand and kissed it, I liked his eyes they were a mint green which looked amazing but then it brought memories of them I moved my hand quickly from his and he looked confused and so was mother "Did I do something wrong?" I shook my head "No of course not, I'm sorry Samuel" he nods and moves away and the next came up, his eyes were brown and had light blonde hair almost a white but he didn't look old
"I'm prince Elijah, I'm from evergreen and my family and I own a good and healthy farm" I nodded and smiled, after talking to at least 20 guys not one fit my type and each one reminded me of them, and I hate it because I still feel it in my heart that I want him still but I know it'll never work and for certain I'll never see or hear him ever..
As dawn turned to dusk I decided to take a stroll in my little garden, I've always came through here ever since I left Earth, I learned how to grow flowers and other plants, it's really fun when you learn on your own instead of using magic "Roses are always wonderful"
I nodded and answered "Yeah, they are..I know your just a figment of my imagination, so leave" as I look I had his eyes locked on me, I blush which I've never down in a while, his hand slowly placed on my lower back and his touch on my chin as he looked deeply inside me "I'm real, I'm touching you and not leaving.." I shook my head and turned away
"No! Your not, your on Earth with her and you love her and not me!" As I opened my eyes he was gone, I fell to the ground and held my stomach, I knew he wasn't real "Queen Star, are you alright?" One of my maids came to my aid and helped me up, as she helped me change into my night gown she rubbed my cheek, as I look at her she knew the pain I was feeling "It's the earth boy, isn't it?" I nod slowly and she lays beside me "I know it hurts but it will get better, just wait and see stay strong my Queen"
she smiles and leaves and I lay there looking up, why was I still thinking of Marco if he made his choice of being with Jackie? Maybe it's because the way she is, she's calm and collected and pretty, well gorgeous who wouldn't fall for her? But why did I like him? Was it because he was a good fighter? A good companion, a little clumsy? A great cook? Or just his personality in general? I turn on my side and see the kingdom and the Moon in the night Sky..
I had enough and I grabbed my scissors and changed my outfit and went to him, I needed closure if I ever want to move on, as I see his home I climb up through his window which he should lock always, no wonder Janna liked to take his I rolled of his bed and hit the ground with a thud, I looked around if he was here, but everything looked empty, did he move is this not the Diaz household? I opened the door and see family photos, and it was his parents so this is his home but he moved away?
I walked quietly down the stairs and see suitcases and him, in his red hoodie and his black pants and brown converse, his laugh always so contagious, as I moved more his mother had a shocked face along with his dad which turned into a smile "What are you guys.." his eyes met mines and my heart was racing and it felt like my heart was going to pop out at any given time "Star? You look..beautiful how are you, what are you doing here?"
I just ran into his arms and held tight, he was slightly confused but slowly held back "I miss you Marco" I say quickly and I hear his heart pick up the speed "You do?" I nodded and moved back "I'm probably gonna get in trouble but I'm Queen so my rules, my way.." he smirked probably that time he told me about ruling mewni my way "That's wonderful, your Queen so is there a Mr Butterfly?" I shook my head
"Nope, because all I could think of was you..because I love you Marco" his jaw dropped along with his parents that had huge smiles on their faces "You love me? Why do you?" I shrugged my shoulder "Because maybe it's because we were best friends, and I fell for your personality and all your unique skills" he chuckles and blushes "Wow, I don't know what to say, you come from mewni almost risking your duty to tell me you love me?" I nodded and looked at my wand for the time
"Yes Marco, I needed closure with you because I know your still with Jackie and I wanted to let you know, it's okay you don't have to answer..just remember I will always love you no matter who your with" he chuckles and nods "Okay Star, so will I" I blushed and cut a portal to mewni, I waved at him and he did back along with his parents, as portal closed I felt like I was free and no more feeling pain like before I giggled and jumped onto my bed and laughed as I roll around my sheets, I told Marco I loved him and he loves me..
~ a year later
I looked at myself one last time before I was getting married, I looked down at the ring, it was beautiful and I'm happy that I could be able to move on, even though I still prefer Marco but I can't because of reasons "Star, Adrian is waiting for you" I nodded and pulled over my veil and grabbed my flowers, as the music played and everyone rides as I the door opened to reveal me and my father who was by my side, I smiled at all my friends that I made here and other people as I saw Adrian in his tux, he looked handsome and adorable, as he held my hand I knew this was it, no going back to him, no more thinking about him, or seeing him...
(Flashback a couple days back)
He was roaming around my body as I held the bed sheets full of pleasure, his eyes looking at me with such love that it would consume me whole "I love you..Marco~" he smirked and interlocked our hands together as he moved them above my head and his head between my neck, feeling the sheets wrestle around us, making everything feel so perfect... I looked at him as he did to me, he loves and I love him but I was already promised he looked at my hand as he looked at him "He's one lucky guy to be your husband..wish it was me" I roll on my side and lay on his bare chest, I nuzzle under his chin and leave tiny kisses "I wish it was.."
"Star butterfly of Mewni, will you take Lord Adrian to be your husband?" I looked at his chocolate brown eyes and his perfect smile but it's not the same when I look into Marcos mocha brown eyes, his little chuckle he does when we act funny and his cute little mole "Queen Star?" I looked at everyone "Starlight?" Adrian asked but I shook my head side to side
"You don't want to marry me? I thought you..loved me?" A tear rolled down my pink cheeks "No, I'm sorry I'm not right for you, and you deserve someone who's more into you and nice then I am" I pulled off the engagement ring and gave it to Adrian
"Hey everyone, was expecting a wedding but it's not happening, I lied to this man, I cheated on him, I can't be his wife he deserves better, I'm sorry Adrian, I'm sorry my people of Mewni" I walked off and walked away wiping my face and I heard mother screaming and yelling and gasping at how crazy this was as I'm out I'm pulled aside by mother "How dare you, cheat on Adrian? That young man gave you everything, he fought for you and made you feel like you mattered" I nodded
"Yeah, I know and I cheated, I was better off being alone then being with someone that might lose interest in me after I have a kid or something, and for your info, I'm in love with Marco Diaz, from Earth, that's where I sneak off and be with him instead of with Adrian, mother I'm Queen, so I run it the way I want it to me, so if don't accept me and Marco then okay, that just means I have to prove to you I'm stronger then you" she stayed silent and I ripped the bottom of my wedding dress to expose my legs and my one piece
"Star Butterfly... out!" I rushed home to my castle and I see the man I truly love waiting for me "What took you so long?" I kissed him and giggled "Had to take care of business, ready for what's in store for us?" He nods and interlocks my hand "Ready when you are" I nod and push open the gate, here's my life in my own way
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