A/n hello everyone so I was approached with a person to write a real book so I can publish it and I'm just shocked that I can have this opportunity! So I'm excited for it and I thank all of you for staying with me and all, anyways this a little old writing prompt I worked on in school a couple months back and I wanted to share it with you..
Title: Mistakes
Word Count: 963
Info: Star has to go home in a couple days or weeks and has been acting sad so Marco takes her to a party to lift her spirits up likes he has done before, a couple drinks later, they walk home a little drunk and things happen...
Note: both are in their 20s so not in their teen years..
Marco Pov
I decided to head to a party since Star was gonna leave in just a weeks time, I just wanted to have fun with her, she's been acting sad and depressed since her call with her parents, I wouldn't blame her, as we get there I keep her close and we walk around, the music blaring out and the amount of smells in the room made everything look toxic, as I get the drink I noticed how spiked it was but it something me and Star already did "Here you go"
I pass her the drink and she seemed off and wasn't herself "Come on Star, let's have fun and make the most of it right?" I say making a silly face making her laugh "There she is" she wrapped her arms around my waist and held tight "I love you Marco" I lifted her chin and placed a small kiss on her lips "I love you Star" as we shared that tender little moment we had fun, we were dancing and drinking and just going all out, as we decided to walk home we were so giggly and way too drunk to process anything.
I fell on ground just trying to open the front door "I did it!" I yell and she is just laughing and shushing me to keep my voice low "Marco...shhh your parents" I laughed and we walked upstairs moving from side to side as we get to our doors I face Star who looked very attractive at the moment, made my way towards her and pushed her against the door and kissed her rough and hard, she didn't hesitate in what was happening and she didn't want it to stop..
I pulled her towards my room and and closed the door behind me as we both start losing pieces of clothing each time we would kiss, as it came to to last part I looked down at her, her red flushed face was looking at me with lust and she looked anxious for if "Marco, why'd you stop?" She asked and I smiled and she flipped us over under the covers of my bed, as the sheets moved along with our movements I knew this was real and I couldn't deny that I fell for her hard..
As I woke up the next morning I stretch my body and yawn and wince at the headache that was pounding from my head..as I sit up I see someone next to me, long golden locks spread across the bed, I peek over and see it was star! I hold my head and I looked back and forth and saw our clothes on the floor and I looked under the sheets and we were both naked, I cringe a bit but a light blush came over me and I get on my boxers and some sweat pants as I do I hear soft yawns and I see the back of Star as she yawns and her small wings move a bit,
as she looked around in her surroundings she cupped her chest and turned towards me with a red embarrassed face "Please tell me we didn't?" I make a face "We did..I'm sorry Star I didn't want to be your first, it was meant for your future husband..and" I winced at how much my head hurt, as I look at Star she was laughing and stood up from the bed while holding on the blanket covering her nude body "I'm glad you were my first" she got on her tip toes and gave me a kiss, even though we aren't together it seemed like it
"You are? What if something happens? Will I get in trouble with your parents or something?" She shakes her head "No..and besides I'm a little reckless still, and you aren't the safe kid.." she said blinking at me and going back on my bed and I picked up the clothes, as I did my door swung open and my mother came in and blushed at the sight and closed the door "Oh great" star smirked and started to get dressed as she was in underwear I gave her basketball shorts and a T-shirt, her hair was already a mess and she didn't care as it seemed,
I still couldn't believe that I or I mean we did that, she told me she was gonna wait now, it's too late cause of my unsafe behavior "Marco relax, nothing is gonna happen and I'm pretty sure we were careful..knowing you" I sigh in relief and head downstairs and see my parents in the kitchen and we stood there awkwardly staring at each other "Where were you two last night?" "At a party? We came home late I know I'm sorry" I say and then my mother looked at me and Star
"Anything else you want to tell us? Seems like the fun didn't just end there" I rub my face and chuckled a bit "You probably already know, you saw us this morning..we did it big whoop! Do I feel guilty about it now? Yeah..I didn't mean it to happen..it just did I'm sorry and I'm sorry Star" I left the kitchen and headed to my room...
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